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Cholera risk modeling using essential climate variables and machine learning

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Cholera risk modeling using essential climate variables and machine learning [WORK IN PROGRESS]

In this project I replicate parts of Campbell et al. (2020), relating cholera risk and essential climate variables (ECVs) and using a random forest classifier.

I focus on the years 2010 to 2018 and only on the most predictive ECVs (i. e. sea surface salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration and land surface temperature), as indicated by Campbell et al. (2020), to keep the amount of raw data manageable.


Download the data

First, outbreaks and ECVs need to be downloaded:

  • Outbreaks:
  • Sea surface salinity:
  • Chlorophyll-a concentration:
  • Land surface temperature:

The land surface temperature data need some extra preprocessing due to their daily temporal resolution and the resulting extremely large amount of data.

Preprocess the data

Second, downloaded outbreaks and ECVs need to be preprocessed:

  • Outbreaks: and preprocess_cholera_outbreaks.ipynb (I'm currently still working on this because it's so tricky to correctly extract data from pdf files; the target variable is thus still faulty and so modelling is also not working properly.)
  • ECVs: preprocess_essential_climate_variables.ipynb

Exploratory data analysis and validation

Third, preprocessed cholera outbreaks and ECVs need to be explored and validated:

  • exploratory_data_analysis_and_validation.ipynb

Cholera outbreaks in India by district (2010 to 2018)

Cholera outbreaks in India by district (2010 to 2018)

Mean sea surface salinity January, April, July and October 2018

Mean sea surface salinity 2018

Mean chlorophyll-a concentration January, April, July and October 2018

Mean chlorophyll-a concentration 2018

Mean land surface temperature January, April, July and October 2018

Mean land surface temperature 2018

Create train and test set

Fourth, validated cholera outbreaks and ECVs need to be merged to create a train and a test set on district and month level:

  • create_train_and_test_set.ipynb


Finally, a random forest classifier is trained to predict cholera outbreaks based on a range of ECV features:

  • modeling.ipynb

Open questions

  • Which local CRS is best to use (e.g.
  • How exactly is the buffering done?
  • How exactly are the areal means of terrestrial and oceanic variables computed?
  • How is the number of non-outbreak data points of 8504 calculated? Intuitively I would calculate 9 years x 12 months x 40 coastal districts = 4320. I'm clearly missing something here.
  • Which of the lag variables are used in the final model, i. e. actual lag values, rate of change and/or binary features indicating the rate of change's direction?


Assuming conda is installed, run the following commands in your terminal to run the scripts and notebooks in this repository:

  • create environment: conda env create --file=cholera_risk_modeling.yaml
  • activate environment: conda activate cholera_risk_modeling
  • you might need to do the following in addition: pip install ghostscript

Run the scripts and notebooks directly in their respective directory.


Original paper

Campbell AM, Racault M-F, Goult S, Laurenson A. Cholera Risk: A Machine Learning Approach Applied to Essential Climate Variables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(24):9378.


National Centre for Disease Control, Directorate General of Health Services. Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme. Available online: (accessed on 28 February 2021).

Level 2 administrative zones for India

University of California, Berkely. Global Administrative Areas. Digital Geospatial Data. 2020. Available online: (accessed on 28 February 2021).

Sea surface salinity

Boutin, J.; Vergely, J.-L.; Reul, N.; Catany, R.; Koehler, J.; Martin, A.; Rouffi, F.; Arias, M.; Chakroun, M.; Corato, G.; Estella-Perez, V.; Guimbard, S.; Hasson, A.; Josey, S.; Khvorostyanov, D.; Kolodziejczyk, N.; Mignot, J.; Olivier, L.; Reverdin, G.; Stammer, D.; Supply, A.; Thouvenin-Masson, C.; Turiel, A.; Vialard, J.; Cipollini, P.; Donlon, C. (2021): ESA Sea Surface Salinity Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Surface_Salinity_cci): Weekly sea surface salinity product, v03.21, for 2010 to 2020. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 8 October 2021.

Chlorophyll-a concentration

Sathyendranath, S.; Jackson, T.; Brockmann, C.; Brotas, V.; Calton, B.; Chuprin, A.; Clements, O.; Cipollini, P.; Danne, O.; Dingle, J.; Donlon, C.; Grant, M.; Groom, S.; Krasemann, H.; Lavender, S.; Mazeran, C.; Mélin, F.; Müller, D.; Steinmetz, F.; Valente, A.; Zühlke, M.; Feldman, G.; Franz, B.; Frouin, R.; Werdell, J.; Platt, T. (2021): ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Global chlorophyll-a data products gridded on a geographic projection, Version 5.0. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 12 May 2021.

Land surface temperature

Ghent, D.; Veal, K.; Perry, M. (2022): ESA Land Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (LST_cci): Multisensor Infra-Red (IR) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) land surface temperature (LST) time series level 3 supercollated (L3S) global product (1995-2020), version 2.00. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 25 February 2022. doi:10.5285/ef8ce37b6af24469a2a4bdc31d3db27d.

Data on essential climate variables is available in the ESA Climate Change Initiative's Open Data Portal


Cholera risk modeling using essential climate variables and machine learning







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