PROBLEM STATEMENT :In a scenario where pollution of all kinds (especially air and water pollution) are increasing rapidly. :There is no viable solution or product to measure the quality indexes of air and water in our homes portably ,convineientlyand cheaply
SOLUTION :Our product is a portable hardware and a mobile application that can be used to accurately monitor and report real-time air and water quality of the location where hardware is kept.
HARDWARE COMPONENTS USED :TDS SENSOR :TURBIDITY SENSOR :MQ135-Air Quality Index :ESP 8266 :ARDUINO UNO (its used as a power source temporarily)
STACKS USED :FLutter :FIrebase :C++ for arduino coding
WORKING :Hardware Unit sents AQI,AWI and CO2,LPG,NO,CO,turbidity..... data's to tinkspeak :tinkspeak act as an service that allows you to see real time datas with read and write API keys :using this API we connected it to APP ui. :the app which uses firebase authentication to allow users get all information easily