A fully configurable yet simple bank notes plugin for Spigot 1.8
name: "&d&lBank Note &e&l(%amount%)"
- "&aThis bank note is worth:"
- "&7 - &e%amount%"
- "&aIt was withdrawn by:"
- "&7 - &e%player%"
- "&aRight click to redeem!"
no-permission: "&c&l(!) &cYou don't have permission to do that!"
player-only: "&c&l(!) &cYou need to be a player to do that!"
not-enough-money: "&c&l(!) &cYou don't have enough money to do that!"
dropped-note: "&c&l(!) &cYour inventory was full so the bank note (worth &a$%amount%&c) was dropped on the ground."
added-note: "&c&l(!) &cAdded a bank note worth &a$%amount%&c was added to your inventory!"
redeemed-note: "&c&l(!) &cYou have redeemed a note for &a$%value%&c."
gave-note: "&c&l(!) &cYou have gave a note worth &a$%value%&c to %player%."
received-note: "&c&l(!) &cYou have received a note worth &a$%value%&c from %player%."