Lunacloud hosting API command line interface.
lunacloud-cli is a very simple tool to automate some processes of starting and stopping instances running on Lunacloud.
$ lunacloud-cli list # lists all available virtual enviroments
$ lunacloud-cli status server_name # shows status and specs of a server
$ lunacloud-cli start server_name # starts server_name
$ lunacloud-cli stop server_name # Stops server_name
The Lunacloud API requires HTTP authentication in the form of an API Token.
The Token is available on your Lunacloud account, in the control panel under:
<your email>
>> My Settings
>> API (tab)
There you'll find a string like:
"Basic c3VwcG9ydEBtZXRyaWZseS5jb206cmlja3JvbGxlZDgy"
Just copy the (second) token part and use it as an option or an enviroment variable:
$ export LUNACLOUD_TOKEN="c3VwcG9ydEBtZXRyaWZseS5jb206cmlja3JvbGxlZDgy"
$ lunacloud-cli [...]
Alternatively, pass it in as an argument (list example bellow):
$ luacloud-cli -t "c3VwcG9ydEBtZXRyaWZseS5jb206cmlja3JvbGxlZDgy" list
Up until recently username and password were allowed. You can try using this as a fallback auhtentication mechanism. The command line tool accepts environment variables or runtime arguments:
Environment variables: set LUNACLOUD_USERNAME
with your credentials, and the script will pick it up.
Command line: pass in -u username
and -p password
. If no password is given, the tool will prompt for one (breaking any automated scripts).
The tool has a few gem requirements: nokogiri, for xml parsing, and highline for user input handling. To install the required dependencies just run the command bellow:
$ gem install nokogiri highline
Some issues encountered:
- https doesn't seem to be working at the moment
- API calls only work with master accounts and not delegates
- Still no support for creating and deleting instances from lunacloud-cli
This script is in no way affiliated with Lunacloud. It is not an official tool, nor is it developed by anyone with affiliation or relationship with Lunacloud.