A game of battle between fleets of spaceships owned by two (or more) opponents. The game is written in Java-8 using Spring Boot and other Spring components. All the game endpoints are accessible via REST Api's.
Java-8, Maven, Spring Boot-1.3.8, Spring Cloud, Eureka, Service, Web, Actuator
Download spaceship repo which includes 3 projects: spaceship-core, spaceship-registry and spaceship-user.
To build go to the individual project folder & run mvn install
E.g.: cd spaceship-registry
mvn install
Build spaceship-core first then the other two projects, since the other two project depend on it
1. In a terminal start the spaceship-registry spring-boot application from the spaceship-registry
mvn spring-boot:run
2.1. In a second terminal start the 1st player's instance (Defender)
mvn spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=6000 -Dspring.application.instance_id=defender -Dmanagement.port=6001
2.2 In a third terminal start the 2nd player's instance (Challenger)
mvn spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=9000 -Dspring.application.instance_id=challenger -Dmanagement.port=9001
& so on for the 3rd, 4th...Nth player's instances.
Just remember to assign unique server.port, management.port and instance_id values to each player
Download spaceship repo
### Build spaceship-registry docker
docker build -t spaceship-registry -f DockerfileSpaceshipRegistry .
### Start spaceship-registry instance
docker run --name spaceregistry -dp 8761:8761 --rm -it spaceship-registry:latest
### Build spaceship-user docker
docker build -t spaceship-user -f DockerfileSpaceshipUser .
### Start 1st spaceship-user instance on server_port 8000
docker run --name spaceuser1 -dp 8000:8000 -e server_port=8000 -e instance_id=user1 -e management_port=8001 --rm -it spaceship-user:latest
### Start 2nd spaceship-user instance on server_port 9000
docker run --name spaceuser2 -dp 9000:9000 -e server_port=9000 -e instance_id=user2 -e management_port=9001 --rm -it spaceship-user-1:latest
* [/spaceship/user/game/{gameId}/fire],methods=[PUT],consumes=[application/json],produces=[application/json]
* [/spaceship/user/game/{gameId}],methods=[GET],produces=[application/json]
* [/spaceship/user/game/{gameId}/auto],methods=[POST]
* [/spaceship/user/game/new],methods=[POST],consumes=[application/json],produces=[text/html]
* [/ping],methods=[GET]
* [/ping-2],methods=[PUT]
* [/spaceship/protocol/game/new],methods=[POST],consumes=[application/json],produces=[application/json]
* [/spaceship/protocol/game/{gameId}],methods=[PUT],consumes=[application/json],produces=[application/json]
* [/spaceship/protocol/game/{gameId}/fire-back],methods=[PUT],consumes=[application/json],produces=[application/json]
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-1","full_name": "Gamer Opponent","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9001}}' http://localhost:9000/spaceship/protocol/game/new
# Special char in name
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-1","full_name": "GäMer @pponent","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9001}}' http://localhost:9000/spaceship/protocol/game/new
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"salvo": ["0x0", "8x4", "DxA", "AxA", "7xF"]}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/protocol/game/23
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"salvo": ["0x0", "8x4", "DxA", "AxA", "7xF"]}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/33/fire
curl -i http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/abf-c
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/lmn/auto
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/lmn/auto
#Scenario-7: (~Case 1)
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-2","full_name": "gamer Opponent","rules": "6-shot","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9000}}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/new
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-2","full_name": "gamer Opponent","rules": "super-charge","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9000}}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/new
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-2","full_name": "gamer Opponent","rules": "desperation","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9000}}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/new
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_id": "gamer-2","full_name": "gamer Opponent","spaceship_protocol": {"hostname": "","port": 9000}}' http://localhost:6000/spaceship/user/game/new
# Ping GET
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9000/ping
# Ping PUT
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"user_id": "x1"}' http://localhost:9000/ping-2
curl -i -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -X PUT -d '<dd><salvo>hi</salvo></dd>' http://localhost:9000/spaceship/protocol/game/23
# HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type