This project is currently under construction and subject to changes.
A simple and efficient S3 client library for Zig, supporting AWS S3 and S3-compatible services.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Quick Start
- API Reference
- Error Handling
- Testing
- Development
- Contributing
- Community
- License
- ✅ Basic S3 operations (create/delete buckets, upload/download objects)
- 🔐 AWS Signature V4 authentication
- 🔌 Support for custom endpoints (MinIO, LocalStack, etc.)
- 📝 Pagination support for listing objects
- 📦 Convenient upload helpers for different content types:
- String content upload
- JSON serialization and upload
- File system file upload
- 🛡️ Memory-safe implementation using Zig's standard library
- 🧪 Comprehensive test suite:
- Unit tests for all components
- Integration tests with MinIO
- Test assets for real-world scenarios
- Zig 0.13.0 or newer
- For integration testing: Docker (optional, for running MinIO)
Add the package to your build.zig.zon
.name = "your-project",
.version = "0.1.0",
.dependencies = .{
.s3 = .{
.url = "",
// Don't forget to update hash after publishing
.hash = "...",
Then in your build.zig
const s3_dep = b.dependency("s3", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.addModule("s3", s3_dep.module("s3"));
const std = @import("std");
const s3 = @import("s3");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
// Initialize client
var client = try s3.S3Client.init(allocator, .{
.access_key_id = "your-key",
.secret_access_key = "your-secret",
.region = "us-east-1",
// Optional: Use with MinIO or other S3-compatible services
// .endpoint = "http://localhost:9000",
defer client.deinit();
// Create bucket
try client.createBucket("my-bucket");
// Upload string content
var uploader = client.uploader();
try uploader.uploadString("my-bucket", "hello.txt", "Hello, S3!");
The main client interface for S3 operations.
const client = try s3.S3Client.init(allocator, .{
.access_key_id = "your-key",
.secret_access_key = "your-secret",
.region = "us-east-1",
.endpoint = "http://localhost:9000", // Optional, for S3-compatible services
createBucket(bucket_name: []const u8) !void
deleteBucket(bucket_name: []const u8) !void
listBuckets() ![]BucketInfo
putObject(bucket_name: []const u8, key: []const u8, data: []const u8) !void
getObject(bucket_name: []const u8, key: []const u8) ![]const u8
deleteObject(bucket_name: []const u8, key: []const u8) !void
listObjects(bucket_name: []const u8, options: ListObjectsOptions) ![]ObjectInfo
A helper for uploading different types of content:
var uploader = client.uploader();
// Upload string content
try uploader.uploadString("my-bucket", "hello.txt", "Hello, World!");
// Upload JSON data
const data = .{ .name = "example", .value = 42 };
try uploader.uploadJson("my-bucket", "data.json", data);
// Upload file from filesystem
try uploader.uploadFile("my-bucket", "image.jpg", "path/to/local/image.jpg");
The library uses Zig's error union type for robust error handling:
Error Type | Description |
S3Error.InvalidCredentials |
Invalid AWS credentials |
S3Error.BucketNotFound |
Requested bucket doesn't exist |
S3Error.ObjectNotFound |
Requested object doesn't exist |
S3Error.ConnectionFailed |
Network or connection issues |
S3Error.InvalidResponse |
Unexpected response from S3 service |
Run the unit test suite:
zig build test
Integration tests require a running MinIO instance:
- Start MinIO:
docker run -p 9000:9000 minio/minio server /data
- Run integration tests:
zig build integration-test
See tests/integration/
for detailed information about the integration
- Written in Zig 0.13.0
- Uses only standard library (no external dependencies)
- Memory safe with proper allocation and cleanup
- Follows Zig style guide and best practices
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Make your changes
- Add tests for your changes
- Run the test suite
- Create a pull request
- 📫 Report issues on GitHub Issues
- 💬 Join discussions in GitHub Discussions
- 🌟 Star the repository if you find it helpful!
MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.
- AWS S3 Documentation
- MinIO Documentation
- Zig Standard Library