A Jquery auto complete drop down text box which reads from a xml file
0-You need Apache server to run this plugin (I built it by PHP 5.2.17)
1- Download the zipcode and copy it in your server root
2- add links to js files
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery_AutoFill.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
======================================================== 3- Make a div or span with a unique id
4- Copy this code somewhere in your page
<script type="text/javascript">
"location":"spn_text", // element that holds the text box such as a div or span
"textBoxId":"textBoxId",//if you have more than one textbox in a page, set this unique
"divHintName":"divHintName",//if you have more than one textbox in a page, set this unique
"textBox_css_class":"auto",//you can change it to your own css class for textbox
"dropdown_css_class":"auto"//you can change it to your own css class for drop down list
"spn_text" is the id of the element you want to place your text box. You can change it to whatever you want just make to change it in $("#spn_text").addTextBox and "location":"spn_text" Also you can customise it to some degree such as size, css class for text box and drop down list
5- Fill out source.xml with items you want to be viewed based on user input(in the example it has name of cities).
6- You are all set! Contact me with any question or feedback or comments (kosarh79@gmail.com)