This project is to help you use Forex.com docs gain capital.
- Python 3.6+
- Use the following command to install using pip:
pip install forexcom
- You can use the following command to set it up locally so that you can fix bugs or whatever and send pull requests:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
pre-commit install
For better understanding, please read the:
- Gain Capital documentation.
- pre-commit documentation.
- pip documentation.
- python package documentation.
- github pull requests documentation.
Before working with Forex.com’s API, you need to get your own AppKey. you must contact Forex.com service team to connect their REST API with your standard account or email to support.en@forex.com. It's usually take 3 working days.
Initialize connection:
import logging
import sys
from forexcom import ForexComClient
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s ' +
'%(threadName)-15s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) # You can change it to logging.DEBUG
log = logging.getLogger()
username = '<USERNAME>'
app_key = '<APP_KEY>'
client = ForexComClient(username, password, app_key)
symbol = 'EUR/USD'
symbol_2 = 'XAU/USD'
def print_price(price):
print(price.symbol_name, price.bid, price.offer, price.low, price.high, price.price, sep=' | ')
index_symbol_sub = client.price_symbol_subscribe(symbol, print_price)
index_symbol_2_sub = client.price_symbol_subscribe(symbol_2, print_price)
- output:
XAU/USD | 1819.58 | 1820.22 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.90
XAU/USD | 1819.57 | 1820.23 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.90
XAU/USD | 1819.57 | 1820.22 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.89
XAU/USD | 1819.57 | 1820.23 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.90
XAU/USD | 1819.58 | 1820.19 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.89
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05483 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05480
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
EUR/USD | 1.05479 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
XAU/USD | 1819.62 | 1820.20 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.91
XAU/USD | 1819.52 | 1820.17 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.84
EUR/USD | 1.05479 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
XAU/USD | 1819.48 | 1820.16 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.82
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
XAU/USD | 1819.49 | 1820.17 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.82
XAU/USD | 1819.48 | 1820.16 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.82
XAU/USD | 1819.40 | 1820.13 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.76
XAU/USD | 1819.41 | 1820.13 | 1818.02 | 1836.16 | 1819.77
EUR/USD | 1.05479 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05484 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
EUR/USD | 1.05477 | 1.05485 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05481
EUR/USD | 1.05478 | 1.05485 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05482
EUR/USD | 1.05476 | 1.05483 | 1.04284 | 1.05556 | 1.05480
# OR it's effect all subscribers
def print_order(order):
index_order_sub = client.orders_subscribe(print_order)
- output:
2022-06-13 16:57:43+00:00 | 839396383 | XAU/USD | Position.Buy | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Trade | OrderStatus.Open | 1 | 1828.36 | CityIndex.Atlas.Business.OrderExecutionPrice | 4.0 | 4.0
2022-06-13 16:58:02+00:00 | 839396439 | XAU/USD | Position.Sell | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Limit | OrderStatus.Accepted | 1 | 0.0 | CityIndex.Atlas.Business.OrderExecutionPrice | 4.0 | 4.0
2022-06-13 16:57:43+00:00 | 839396383 | XAU/USD | Position.Buy | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Trade | OrderStatus.Open | 1 | 1828.36 | CityIndex.Atlas.Business.OrderExecutionPrice | 4.0 | 4.0
2022-06-13 16:58:05+00:00 | 839396448 | XAU/USD | Position.Sell | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Trade | OrderStatus.Closed | 1 | 1829.15 | CityIndex.Atlas.Business.OrderExecutionPrice | 4.0 | 0.0
2022-06-13 16:58:05+00:00 | 839396439 | XAU/USD | Position.Sell | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Limit | OrderStatus.Cancelled | 100 | 0.0 | CityIndex.Atlas.Business.OrderExecutionPrice | 4.0 | 0.0
# OR completely unsubscribe. it's effect all subscribers
account_info = client.get_account_info()
- output:
{'LogonUserName': 'Ali **', 'ClientAccountId': *****, 'CultureId': **, 'ClientAccountCurrency': 'EUR', 'AccountOperatorId': ******, 'TradingAccounts': [{'TradingAccountId': ****, 'TradingAccountCode': '****', 'TradingAccountStatus': 'Open', 'TradingAccountType': 'CFD'}], 'PersonalEmailAddress': '*****', 'HasMultipleEmailAddresses': ***, 'AccountHolders': [{'LegalPartyId': ****, 'Name': ' ****'}], 'ClientTypeId': **, 'LinkedClientAccounts': [], 'IsNfaEnabledClient': False, 'IsFifo': None, 'DaysUntilExpiryForDemo': *****, 'LegalPartyUniqueReference': ****, 'Is2FAEnabledAO': ****, 'Regulatory': {'IsMiFIDRegulator': True, 'IsPiisProvided': False, 'ClientAccountCreationDate': '/Date(*******)/'}, 'IsDMAClient': False, 'Contract': {'ContractId': ****, 'IsNIGO': False}, 'Restrictions': {'CloseOnly': False}}
from forexcom import Position
symbol = "EUR/USD"
position = Position.Buy
offer_price = 1.055
quantity = 1000
order = client.order_market_price(symbol, position, quantity, offer_price)
- output:
None | 839931205 | EUR/USD | Position.Buy | PositionMethod.LongOrShortOnly | OrderType.Trade | OrderStatus.Open | 1 | 1.03917 | 1000.0 | 1000.0
from forexcom import RestClient
r = RestClient(username=username, password=password, app_key=app_key)
Maximum number of items: 4000
- Get 100 most recent trades:
res = r.get_prices('EUR/USD', count=100, price_type='mid') # price_type = [ask, bid, mid]
log.debug("Get prices results:")
2022-05-11 16:04:43.566000+00:00 1.05379
2022-05-11 16:04:43.816000+00:00 1.05382
2022-05-11 16:04:44.066000+00:00 1.05383
2022-05-11 16:04:44.317000+00:00 1.05379
2022-05-11 16:04:44.567000+00:00 1.05380
2022-05-11 16:05:25.857000+00:00 1.05422
2022-05-11 16:05:27.368000+00:00 1.05423
2022-05-11 16:05:27.618000+00:00 1.05422
2022-05-13 07:32:16.461000+00:00 1.04057
2022-05-13 07:32:16.779000+00:00 1.04055
[100 rows x 1 columns]
- Get from date to date:
res = r.get_prices('EUR/USD', start='2022-05-01', end='2022-05-10')
log.debug("Get prices results:")
output (it's more than 4000 records, so it's not fetching all of them):
2022-05-04 22:37:47.472000+00:00 1.06115
2022-05-04 22:37:52.084000+00:00 1.06115
2022-05-04 22:37:52.333000+00:00 1.06115
2022-05-04 22:37:56.513000+00:00 1.06116
2022-05-04 22:37:56.763000+00:00 1.06119
2022-05-08 22:59:54.623000+00:00 1.05381
2022-05-08 22:59:54.872000+00:00 1.05381
2022-05-08 22:59:56.542000+00:00 1.05381
2022-05-08 22:59:56.792000+00:00 1.05381
2022-05-08 22:59:57.042000+00:00 1.05380
[4000 rows x 1 columns]
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.