To deal with crash on iOS 15 beta3 please try version 5.0.4-beta
HandyJSON is a framework written in Swift which to make converting model objects( pure classes/structs ) to and from JSON easy on iOS.
Compared with others, the most significant feature of HandyJSON is that it does not require the objects inherit from NSObject(not using KVC but reflection), neither implements a 'mapping' function(writing value to memory directly to achieve property assignment).
HandyJSON is totally depend on the memory layout rules infered from Swift runtime code. We are watching it and will follow every bit if it changes.
群号: 581331250
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int = 2
var doubleOptional: Double?
var stringImplicitlyUnwrapped: String!
required init() {}
let jsonString = "{\"doubleOptional\":1.1,\"stringImplicitlyUnwrapped\":\"hello\",\"int\":1}"
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
let object = BasicTypes() = 1
object.doubleOptional = 1.1
object.stringImplicitlyUnwrapped = “hello"
print(object.toJSON()!) // serialize to dictionary
print(object.toJSONString()!) // serialize to JSON string
print(object.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true)!) // serialize to pretty JSON string
Serialize/Deserialize Object/JSON to/From JSON/Object
Naturally use object property name for mapping, no need to specify a mapping relationship
Support almost all types in Swift, including enum
Support struct
Custom transformations
Type-Adaption, such as string json field maps to int property, int json field maps to string property
An overview of types supported can be found at file: BasicTypes.swift
iOS 8.0+/OSX 10.9+/watchOS 2.0+/tvOS 9.0+
Swift 3.0+ / Swift 4.0+ / Swift 5.0+
To use with Swift 5.0/5.1 ( Xcode 10.2+/11.0+ ), version == 5.0.2
To use with Swift 4.2 ( Xcode 10 ), version == 4.2.0
To use with Swift 4.0, version >= 4.1.1
To use with Swift 3.x, version >= 1.8.0
For Legacy Swift2.x support, take a look at the swift2 branch.
Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'HandyJSON', '~> 5.0.2'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
You can add a dependency on HandyJSON
by adding the following line to your Cartfile
github "alibaba/HandyJSON" ~> 5.0.2
You can integrate HandyJSON
into your project manually by doing the following steps:
- Open up
into your top-level project directory, and addHandyJSON
as a submodule:
git init && git submodule add
Open the new
folder, drag theHandyJSON.xcodeproj
into theProject Navigator
of your project. -
Select your application project in the
Project Navigator
, open theGeneral
panel in the right window. -
Click on the
button under theEmbedded Binaries
section. -
You will see two different
folders each with four different versions of the HandyJSON.framework nested inside a Products folder.
It does not matter which Products folder you choose from, but it does matter which HandyJSON.framework you choose.
Select one of the four
which matches the platform your Application should run on. -
To support deserialization from JSON, a class/struct need to conform to 'HandyJSON' protocol. It's truly protocol, not some class inherited from NSObject.
To conform to 'HandyJSON', a class need to implement an empty initializer.
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int = 2
var doubleOptional: Double?
var stringImplicitlyUnwrapped: String!
required init() {}
let jsonString = "{\"doubleOptional\":1.1,\"stringImplicitlyUnwrapped\":\"hello\",\"int\":1}"
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
// …
For struct, since the compiler provide a default empty initializer, we use it for free.
struct BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int = 2
var doubleOptional: Double?
var stringImplicitlyUnwrapped: String!
let jsonString = "{\"doubleOptional\":1.1,\"stringImplicitlyUnwrapped\":\"hello\",\"int\":1}"
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
// …
But also notice that, if you have a designated initializer to override the default one in the struct, you should explicitly declare an empty one(no required
modifier need).
To be convertable, An enum
must conform to HandyJSONEnum
protocol. Nothing special need to do now.
enum AnimalType: String, HandyJSONEnum {
case Cat = "cat"
case Dog = "dog"
case Bird = "bird"
struct Animal: HandyJSON {
var name: String?
var type: AnimalType?
let jsonString = "{\"type\":\"cat\",\"name\":\"Tom\"}"
if let animal = Animal.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
'HandyJSON' support classes/structs composed of optional
, implicitlyUnwrappedOptional
, array
, dictionary
, objective-c base type
, nested type
etc. properties.
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var bool: Bool = true
var intOptional: Int?
var doubleImplicitlyUnwrapped: Double!
var anyObjectOptional: Any?
var arrayInt: Array<Int> = []
var arrayStringOptional: Array<String>?
var setInt: Set<Int>?
var dictAnyObject: Dictionary<String, Any> = [:]
var nsNumber = 2
var nsString: NSString?
required init() {}
let object = BasicTypes()
object.intOptional = 1
object.doubleImplicitlyUnwrapped = 1.1
object.anyObjectOptional = "StringValue"
object.arrayInt = [1, 2]
object.arrayStringOptional = ["a", "b"]
object.setInt = [1, 2]
object.dictAnyObject = ["key1": 1, "key2": "stringValue"]
object.nsNumber = 2
object.nsString = "nsStringValue"
let jsonString = object.toJSONString()!
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
// ...
supports deserialization from designated path of JSON.
class Cat: HandyJSON {
var id: Int64!
var name: String!
required init() {}
let jsonString = "{\"code\":200,\"msg\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"cat\":{\"id\":12345,\"name\":\"Kitty\"}}}"
if let cat = Cat.deserialize(from: jsonString, designatedPath: "") {
Notice that all the properties of a class/struct need to deserialized should be type conformed to HandyJSON
class Component: HandyJSON {
var aInt: Int?
var aString: String?
required init() {}
class Composition: HandyJSON {
var aInt: Int?
var comp1: Component?
var comp2: Component?
required init() {}
let jsonString = "{\"num\":12345,\"comp1\":{\"aInt\":1,\"aString\":\"aaaaa\"},\"comp2\":{\"aInt\":2,\"aString\":\"bbbbb\"}}"
if let composition = Composition.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
A subclass need deserialization, it's superclass need to conform to HandyJSON
class Animal: HandyJSON {
var id: Int?
var color: String?
required init() {}
class Cat: Animal {
var name: String?
required init() {}
let jsonString = "{\"id\":12345,\"color\":\"black\",\"name\":\"cat\"}"
if let cat = Cat.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
If the first level of a JSON text is an array, we turn it to objects array.
class Cat: HandyJSON {
var name: String?
var id: String?
required init() {}
let jsonArrayString: String? = "[{\"name\":\"Bob\",\"id\":\"1\"}, {\"name\":\"Lily\",\"id\":\"2\"}, {\"name\":\"Lucy\",\"id\":\"3\"}]"
if let cats = [Cat].deserialize(from: jsonArrayString) {
cats.forEach({ (cat) in
// ...
support mapping swift dictionary to model.
var dict = [String: Any]()
dict["doubleOptional"] = 1.1
dict["stringImplicitlyUnwrapped"] = "hello"
dict["int"] = 1
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: dict) {
// ...
let you customize the key mapping to JSON fields, or parsing method of any property. All you need to do is implementing an optional mapping
function, do things in it.
We bring the transformer from ObjectMapper
. If you are familiar with it, it’s almost the same here.
class Cat: HandyJSON {
var id: Int64!
var name: String!
var parent: (String, String)?
var friendName: String?
required init() {}
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
// specify 'cat_id' field in json map to 'id' property in object
mapper <<< <-- "cat_id"
// specify 'parent' field in json parse as following to 'parent' property in object
mapper <<<
self.parent <-- TransformOf<(String, String), String>(fromJSON: { (rawString) -> (String, String)? in
if let parentNames = rawString?.characters.split(separator: "/").map(String.init) {
return (parentNames[0], parentNames[1])
return nil
}, toJSON: { (tuple) -> String? in
if let _tuple = tuple {
return "\(_tuple.0)/\(_tuple.1)"
return nil
// specify '' path field in json map to 'friendName' property
mapper <<<
self.friendName <-- ""
let jsonString = "{\"cat_id\":12345,\"name\":\"Kitty\",\"parent\":\"Tom/Lily\",\"friend\":{\"id\":54321,\"name\":\"Lily\"}}"
if let cat = Cat.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
prepare some useful transformer for some none-basic type.
class ExtendType: HandyJSON {
var date: Date?
var decimal: NSDecimalNumber?
var url: URL?
var data: Data?
var color: UIColor?
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
mapper <<<
date <-- CustomDateFormatTransform(formatString: "yyyy-MM-dd")
mapper <<<
decimal <-- NSDecimalNumberTransform()
mapper <<<
url <-- URLTransform(shouldEncodeURLString: false)
mapper <<<
data <-- DataTransform()
mapper <<<
color <-- HexColorTransform()
public required init() {}
let object = ExtendType() = Date()
object.decimal = NSDecimalNumber(string: "1.23423414371298437124391243")
object.url = URL(string: "") = Data(base64Encoded: "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==")
object.color =
// it prints:
// {"date":"2017-09-11","decimal":"1.23423414371298437124391243","url":"https:\/\/","data":"aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==","color":"0000FF"}
let mappedObject = ExtendType.deserialize(from: object.toJSONString()!)!
If any non-basic property of a class/struct could not conform to HandyJSON
or you just do not want to do the deserialization with it, you should exclude it in the mapping function.
class NotHandyJSONType {
var dummy: String?
class Cat: HandyJSON {
var id: Int64!
var name: String!
var notHandyJSONTypeProperty: NotHandyJSONType?
var basicTypeButNotWantedProperty: String?
required init() {}
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
mapper >>> self.notHandyJSONTypeProperty
mapper >>> self.basicTypeButNotWantedProperty
let jsonString = "{\"name\":\"cat\",\"id\":\"12345\"}"
if let cat = Cat.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
support updating an existing model with given json string or dictionary.
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int = 2
var doubleOptional: Double?
var stringImplicitlyUnwrapped: String!
required init() {}
var object = BasicTypes() = 1
object.doubleOptional = 1.1
let jsonString = "{\"doubleOptional\":2.2}"
JSONDeserializer.update(object: &object, from: jsonString)
enum -
// T is one of the above types -
// T is one of the above types -
Dictionary<String, T>
// T is one of the above types -
Nested of aboves
Now, a class/model which need to serialize to JSON should also conform to HandyJSON
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int = 2
var doubleOptional: Double?
var stringImplicitlyUnwrapped: String!
required init() {}
let object = BasicTypes() = 1
object.doubleOptional = 1.1
object.stringImplicitlyUnwrapped = “hello"
print(object.toJSON()!) // serialize to dictionary
print(object.toJSONString()!) // serialize to JSON string
print(object.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true)!) // serialize to pretty JSON string
It’s all like what we do on deserialization. A property which is excluded, it will not take part in neither deserialization nor serialization. And the mapper items define both the deserializing rules and serializing rules. Refer to the usage above.
A: For some reason, you should define an empty mapping function in the super class(the root class if more than one layer), and override it in the subclass.
It's the same with didFinishMapping
A: Since HandyJSON
assign properties by writing value to memory directly, it doesn't trigger any observing function. You need to call the didSet/willSet
logic explicitly after/before the deserialization.
But since version 1.8.0
, HandyJSON
handle dynamic properties by the KVC
mechanism which will trigger the KVO
. That means, if you do really need the didSet/willSet
, you can define your model like follow:
class BasicTypes: NSObject, HandyJSON {
dynamic var int: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print("oldValue: ", oldValue)
willSet {
print("newValue: ", newValue)
public override required init() {}
In this situation, NSObject
and dynamic
are both needed.
And in versions since 1.8.0
, HandyJSON
offer a didFinishMapping
function to allow you to fill some observing logic.
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var int: Int?
required init() {}
func didFinishMapping() {
print("you can fill some observing logic here")
It may help.
It your enum conform to RawRepresentable
protocol, please look into Support Enum Property. Or use the EnumTransform
enum EnumType: String {
case type1, type2
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var type: EnumType?
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
mapper <<<
type <-- EnumTransform()
required init() {}
let object = BasicTypes()
object.type = EnumType.type2
let mappedObject = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: object.toJSONString()!)!
Otherwise, you should implement your custom mapping function.
enum EnumType {
case type1, type2
class BasicTypes: HandyJSON {
var type: EnumType?
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
mapper <<<
type <-- TransformOf<EnumType, String>(fromJSON: { (rawString) -> EnumType? in
if let _str = rawString {
switch (_str) {
case "type1":
return EnumType.type1
case "type2":
return EnumType.type2
return nil
return nil
}, toJSON: { (enumType) -> String? in
if let _type = enumType {
switch (_type) {
case EnumType.type1:
return "type1"
case EnumType.type2:
return "type2"
return nil
required init() {}
- reflection: After the first version which used the swift mirror mechanism, HandyJSON had imported the reflection library and rewrote some code for class properties inspecting.
- ObjectMapper: To make HandyJSON more compatible with the general style, the Mapper function support Transform which designed by ObjectMapper. And we import some testcases from ObjectMapper.
HandyJSON is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.