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Optimum cycle ratio algorithms: Efficient implementations as used in my research papers.

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This package contains the software that implements many optimum cycle ratio algorithms as detailed in [Da04]. I will refer to the software as CYCLE_RATIO for ease of reference.


Consider a cyclic graph where every edge has two numbers associated with it, called its weight and its transit time (which is so named due to the applications of this problem in transportation network optimization). The weight of a cycle is equal to the total weight of the edges along the cycle. The transit time of a cycle is equal to the total transit time of the edges along the cycle. The ratio of a cycle is the total weight divided by the total transit time. The ratio is almost like the average weight of the cycle.

If the transit time of each edge is 1, then the cycle ratio turns into cycle mean, or the optimum cycle ratio problem is called the optimum cycle mean problem. In other words, cycle ratios generalize cycle means.

Finding the shortest (in weight) cycle is tractable but finding the longest (in weight) cycle is NP-hard. It is interesting that finding the cycle whose ratio is optimum, i.e., maximum or mimimum, is tractable. The algorithms in this package solve this problem.

This problem is fundamental to analysing the performance of discrete event systems. This is another way of saying if you need to find the optimum performance of a system, say, the optimum speed an electronic circuit can run at or the optimum capacity a railway network can carry, you will need the algorithms implemented in this package.


I originally developed CYCLE_RATIO during my PhD study (which was PhinisheD in 1999) but re-implemented a couple of times to get the current efficient versions. The principles guiding my development effort were simplicity and efficiency. I originally wrote CYCLE_RATIO in C++ on Solaris operating system. I later ported it to Linux. I expect that it can also run on other operating systems with minor modifications, if any.

CYCLE_RATIO is available on an "as is" basis. I do not say or imply that it will be useful for whatever you want to do with it. It may also contain bugs, and I assume no responsibility for any potential problems associated with its use. You can use CYCLE_RATIO free of charge in academic research and teaching. For any commercial use, contact Ali Dasdan at See the COPYRIGHT section below.


Under the 'src' directory, type 'make' (or 'gmake') to build all executables. An executable named ALGO can be generated for any file named ''. The corresponding make target is ALGO. The executables are all have .x extension. You can also build the same target by using any prefix of the name. For example, you can build the executible 'yto.x' (of the Young-Tarjan-Orlin's algorithm) by typing 'make yto' or 'make yt' or 'make y'.

With no targets following the make command, the following executables will be generated:

  • 'burns.x' (Excluded due to its slowness)
  • 'howard.x'
  • 'ko.x'
  • 'lawler.x'
  • 'szymanski.x'
  • 'tarjan.x'
  • 'valiter.x'
  • 'yto.x'


Under the 'src' directory, type the name of one of the executables in your command line to get the usage information. For example, typing 'yto.x' prints out the following information:

> yto.x
Usage: yto.x
   [input_file]     file to read input graph (MUST BE 1ST ARG)
   [-m/ode 0/1/2]   read or generate -- see for details
   [-v/ersion 0/1]  min or max version
   [-n nruns]       number of runs to perform
   [-o offset]      subtract offset from every edge weight
   [-p/aram n m]    num nodes and edges for graph generation
   [-d/ist 0/1/2]   distribution to use -- see ad_util.c for details
   [-w/eight w1 w2] min and max weight bounds
   [-t/time t1 t2]  min and max transit time bounds
   [-s seed]        random number generator seed
   [-f dump_file]   file to dump output
Below are what is known at this point.
	mode= 0
	input file= 
	version= min
	offset= 0
	num runs= 1
	n= 0
	m= 0
	dist= uniform
	[w1:w2]= [ 1 : 300 ]
	[t1:t2]= [ 1 : 10 ]
	seed= -1
	dump file= 

The simplest non-trivial usage is the executable name followed by the input file name that contains the input graph. For example, 'yto.x sample.d' prints out the following output:

> yto.x sample.d
time to read input graph=       0.00
time to find components=       0.00
run_no= 0
final min_lambda=       2.90 time=       0.00

This output shows that the minimum cycle ratio of the graph described in 'sample.d' is 2.90. To get the maximum cycle ratio of the graph, run the same command followed by '-v 0', which should produce 3.85. Note that the mimimum version is the default. Also note that the output also shows how many seconds each main step of the program took.

These flags should be self explanatory but as the usage information shows, you can do a couple of powerful manipulations with these flags. For example, you can regenerate arc weights using a number of supported distributions or you can do multiple runs for runtime measurement purposes.

For more information on the input flags, see the code and Makefile.


Under the 'src' directory, type 'make test' to test each executable on the sample.d file. The result will be a 'pass' or a 'fail'.

To see the results of all executables on all .d files, see the files 'all-min-runs.txt' and 'all-max-runs.txt' under 'github/alidasdan/graph-benchmarks'.


Under the 'src' directory, type 'make clean'.


The input file format is the DIMACS format. See the file sample.d for a sample input file, which is also explained below.

> cat sample.d
p sample-253926760 4 7
a 1 2 40 9
a 2 1 60 17
a 2 3 50 8
a 3 1 30 24
a 4 3 60 22
a 2 4 70 14
a 4 1 30 20

Here the 'p' line (the 'problem' line) states that our graph, named 'sample', has 4 nodes or vertics and 7 arcs or directed edges. The arc weights are generated from a (usually uniform) random number generator initialized by a seed of '253926760'.

The 'a' lines (the 'arc' lines) following the 'p' line list each arc as from a source node to a target node with two integer weights: an arc weight followed by a transit time. For example, the first 'a' line indicates an arc from node '1' to node '2' with a weight '40' and a transit time '9'. Note that the node ids start from 1 instead of 0.

For cycle mean algorithms, the transit time is ignored or can be thought of as equal to '1'. Any lines marked with a 'c' is a comment.

The file sample.pdf (generated from using the dot tool in the graphviz package) shows a picture of the graph in sample.d.

You can use the graphs under 'github/alidasdan/graph-benchmarks' as input graphs to CYCLE_RATIO algorithms. You can also use the scripts under 'github/alidasdan/graph-benchmarks/scripts' to change the arc weights, e.g., regenerate using different random number generator seeds or using different distributions.


Please cite this reference if you use my programs in your research work. A preprint is accessible from the 'doc' directory.

 author = {Ali Dasdan},
 title = {Experimental analysis of the fastest optimum cycle ratio and mean algorithms},
 journal = {ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems},
 volume = {9},
 number = {4},
 year = {2004},
 issn = {1084-4309},
 pages = {385--418},
 doi = {},
 publisher = {ACM Press},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},


COPYRIGHT C 1999 - Ali Dasdan

Permission to use for non-commercial purposes is granted provided that proper acknowledgments are given. For a commercial licence, contact Ali Dasdan at

This software is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



Optimum cycle ratio algorithms: Efficient implementations as used in my research papers.






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