This Matlab program is written by Ali Khaledi-Nasab @Ohio_University Here we generate random tree networks using 4 different types of branchings. The main program is "Tree_Generator_main.m" Once you open this program, you can choose among 4 types of branchings.
Full_Binary_Branching: The branching is m2=2 until generation 2, and it is either 0 or 2. The probability of zero branching is p0.
General_Binary_Branching: The zero branching for the root is either 1 or 2, and for the rest, it is 0, 1, or 2. p(m1)=p0, p(m1)=p(m2)=(1-p0)/2
Uniform_Branching: Zero branching is allowed after the second generation thus the branching at the root is (1-nd). For the rest, it is (0-nd). The branching is generated using uniform random numbers.
Binomial_Branching: Zero branching is allowed after the second generation thus the branching at the root is (1-nd). For the rest, it is (0-nd). The branching is generated using Binomial random numbers with p=p0, and n=nd, B(nd,p0).
There are two more functions in the folder:
adjacency_matrix_generator: Generate the adjacency matrix for a given branching array,B, and the maximum allowed generation,ng.
Save_adjacency2file: will save a thee tree along with its total number of nodes and the total number of heminodes. as following :
node nh A(1,1) A(1,2) . . . A(1,n) A(2,1) . . . A(node,node)
The file name will be file_number.tree If you are interested to save the random trees, uncomment line 22 in the main program (Tree_Generator_main).