A type checking framework for Javascript.
Check type lets you check variable types and structures with the format check(x).is("y")
and check(x).has("a.b")
- Dependencies
- Installation
- Use
- Testing
- No Conflict
- Init
- Clear
- Type checking
- Object path checking
- Object structure checking
- Complex example
- Contact
is available through the npm package manager.
For Node.js package management, you can install using npm.
npm install check-type
is available through the bower package manager.
For front-end package management, you can install using Bower.
bower install check-type
is available through the component package manager.
For package management, you can install using Component.
component install alistairjcbrown/check-type
For manual management, you can grab the Javascript file directly or clone the git repository.
You will need to grab underscore.js
as well.
# Grab the file
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alistairjcbrown/check-type/master/check-type.min.js
# Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:alistairjcbrown/check-type.git
var check = require("check-type").init();
The module can be required using Node.js built in require
(See example).
<script src="/path/to/underscore"></script>
<script src="/path/to/check-type/check-type.min.js"></script>
The module can be used in the browser through the <script>
tag and will bind to window
(See example).
The module supports the AMD format and uses define
if available. Therefore it can be used as a RequireJS module (See Browser example, See Node.js example).
define([ "check-type" ], function(check) {
Built in tests and linting using Grunt to call JSHint and Mocha.
Get all of the developer dependecies by running:
npm install # install dev dependencies
grunt lint # Lint the code with JSHint
grunt test --nodejs # Run all tests in node.js
grunt test --browser # Run all tests in phantomjs
grunt test # Run all tests in both environments
grunt go # Run everything above
Open lib/test/check-type.test.html
in browser
To prevent conlicts with other libraries using window.check
, if check-type
binds to window
it will also provide a check.noConflict
function to restore the variable to its previous value.
will only bind to window
in the browser environment when RequireJS is not available.
does not come with type checking functionality. Instead, it simply provides the check
interface. Type checking functions should be provided when calling check.init
can be called without parameters which will use the type checking functions from Underscore.js.
can be called multiple times and will add type checking functions which have not already been defined.
To override a previously defined type checking function, pass boolean true
as the second parameter.
var check = require("check-type").init();
var check = require("check-type"),
custom_functions = {
"isEmail": function(value) {
return value.indexOf("@") !== -1
"isEmpty": function(value) {
return value === "empty";
// Initialise check with underscore type checking functions
// and custom checking functions, overriding underscore's isEmpty function
.init(custom_functions, true);
This clears all of the internal stored type checking functions.
Once the check
function has been initialised, it can utilise any defined type checking functions using is
var my_string = "hello world";
check(my_string).is("string"); // true
check(my_string).is("number"); // false
check(my_string).is("foo"); // throws Error for unsupported type
You can also negate the check with is.not
var my_string = "hello world";
check(my_string).is.not("string"); // false
check(my_string).is.not("number"); // true
check(my_string).is.not("foo"); // throws Error for unsupported type
can check for the presence of values within an object under a particular path.
var my_object = {
hello: {
world: false
check(my_object).has("hello.world"); // true
check(my_object).has("foo.bar"); // false
can check an object properties for specific types
var my_object = {
"customer_number": 123456789,
"password": "abc123"
"customer_number": "number",
"password": "string"
// true
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
// false
The functionality of check
can be used in combination, for example when validating response data.
See the example below as a jsfiddle.
var custom_types = {};
custom_types.isUsername = function(value) {
return /^\w+$/.test(value);
custom_types.isAuthObject = function(value) {
return check(value).matches({
"username": "username",
"password": "string"
// Initialise with underscorejs functions
// Add custom functions too
function handleAuthentication(request) {
var username, password;
if (check(request).has("auth") &&
check(request.auth).is("AuthObject")) {
username = request.auth.username;
password = request.auth.password;
return {
username: username,
password: password
return false;
Twitter @alistairjcbrown
Code signed using keybase as alistairjcbrown. Verify with keybase dir verify