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Arthur B edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 2 revisions


These commands are accessible in the bot's DM, and can only be used by administrators. Most commands can be used in the terminal.

status: Show uptime and RAM usage

stop: Shutdown the bot

ping: (discord only) Pong! Displays the rest ping

reload <module>: Reload config, tokens, lang, jukebox... I do not recommend to use this command, but it's pretty useful to test changes in the language file, for example.


about: Customizable about message


copy <message url>: Copy a Discord message, but keep the syntax. Example: ":shipit: I'm a potato." will result :shipit: ***I'm a potato.***

info server: [DISABLED 2.0.0-infdev] About the server

info emote <emote>: [DISABLED 2.0.0-infdev] About an emote

info member <member> [DISABLED 2.0.0-infdev] About a member


The "query" is what will be used to determine what will be played. It can be an link to a supported source (see lavaplayer supported formats), a link to a Spotify playlist ( if the configuration allow it, or the name of a shortcut.

By default, Alkabot will search the query on YouTube if it's none of the above.

play <query> [position]: Start the jukebox and/or add a track to the queue.

playnext <query>: Start the jukebox and/or add a track to the very first position in the queue.

forceplay <query>: Same as /playnext, but will skip the playing track.

skip [jump]: Make a jump of x track(s) in the queue. This will skip the playing track by default.

remove [track number]: Will remove the track N°x from the queue. You can know the track number with /queue. This will remove the last track of the queue by default.

queue [page]: Show the now playing track and the queue.

nowplaying: Show all information about the now playing track.

volume [volume]: Display or change the jukebox volume.

shuffle: Shuffle the queue.

clear: Clear the queue.

stop: Stop the jukebox, but do not clear the queue.

destroy: Stop the jukebox and clear the queue.

shortcut bind <name> <query>: This will bind a name to a query. For example, by creating a shortcut named "lofi" with the following query "", instead of doing /play with entering the url each time, you just have to do "/play lofi".

shortcut unbind <name>: Delete a shortcut.

shortcut info <name>: Display the creation date, author, and query of a shortcut.

shortcut list [page]: List shortcuts. Display page 1 by default.

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