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Library to use the popular ADS1115 4x16-bit ADC with Arduino.


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Read the popular 4 x 16-bit ADC via I²C!

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The ADS1115 is a high-precision, low-power, 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with four channels, compatible with I²C communication. It features a low-drift voltage reference, an internal oscillator, a programmable gain amplifier, and a digital comparator. These characteristics, combined with its wide operating supply range, make the ADS1115 ideal for sensor measurement applications where power and space are limited.


  • Designed for Arduino environment.
  • I²C functions return a status code to check if the operation was successful.
  • Simple to use APIs. If you use a auto-complete IDE, you will see all the available functions and their documentation.
  • All the features of the ADS1115 are implemented.


Adding library to Arduino IDE

Search for the library in the Library Manager and install it.

Adding library to platformio.ini (PlatformIO)

; Most recent changes
lib_deps =

; Release vx.y.z (using an exact version is recommended)
; Example: v1.2.3
lib_deps =

Using the library

Including the library

#include "ADS1115.h"

What is inside the library

All the functionalities of the library are inside the ADS1115 namespace. So you can access the classes and functions like this:

ADS1115::ADS1115_ADC adc(ADS1115::I2CAddress::Gnd);

If you prefer, you can rename the namespace to something shorter:

namespace ads = ADS1115;
ads::ADS1115_ADC adc(ads::I2CAddress::Gnd);

Or maybe you want to use the using directive:

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

The library uses the ADS1115::Status enum to return the status of the functions. The possible values. Almost every function returns a status code, so you can check if the operation was successful.

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  Status status = adc.init();

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

Creating an instance of the ADC and initializing it

The constructor needs the I²C address (enum based on the ADDR pin) and the Wire object (default is Wire).

using namespace ADS1115;

// Using default Wire object
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

// Using a custom Wire object
TwoWire myWire(1);
ADS1115_ADC adc1(I2CAddress::Gnd, myWire);

void setup() {

  // Initialize I2C communication

  // Check if the ADC is connected
  if (!adc.isConnected()) {
    // Handle the error

  Status status = adc.init();

  // Initialize the ADC
  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Print the error
    Serial.printf("ADC init error: %u", status);

    // Handle the error

Changing the configuration

You can change the ADS1115 configuration register using the corresponding set methods. The configuration register is a 16-bit value that contains the following fields:

  • OS: Operational status or single-shot conversion start
  • MUX: Input multiplexer configuration
  • PGA: Programmable gain amplifier configuration
  • MODE: Device operating mode
  • DR: Data rate
  • COMP_MODE: Comparator mode
  • COMP_POL: Comparator polarity
  • COMP_LAT: Latching comparator
  • COMP_QUE: Comparator queue and disable

After changing the configuration, you need to upload to the device using the uploadConfig method:

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Change the configuration as needed

  // Upload the configuration to the device
  Status status = adc.uploadConfig();

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

All the set methods require to call the uploadConfig method to apply the changes to the configuration register, except when changing the comparator thresholds, because they are stored in their own registers:

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Change lower threshold
  Status status = adc.setLowThreshold(0);

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

  // Change upper threshold
  status = adc.setHighThreshold(1000);

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

Using the ALERT/RDY pin to detect conversions

The ADS1115 has an ALERT/RDY pin that can be used to detect when a conversion is ready. You can enable this pin to trigger an interrupt on the microcontroller. The comparator queue must be set to any value other than Disable to use the ALERT/RDY pin:

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

const uint8_t ALERT_PIN = 0;
volatile bool conversion_ready = false;

void IRAM_ATTR conversionReady() {
  // Conversion ready
  conversion_ready = true;

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Change the comparator queue
  Status status = adc.uploadConfig();

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

  // Enable the ALERT/RDY pin
  status = adc.enableConversionReadyPin();

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

  // Attach the interrupt
  attachInterrupt(ALERT_PIN, conversionReady, FALLING);

void loop() {
  if (conversion_ready) {
    // Read the conversion result
    // ...

    // Clear the flag
    conversion_ready = false;

Starting a conversion

The ADS1115 has two conversion modes: single-shot and continuous. In single-shot mode, the ADC performs a single conversion and then enters a low-power state. In continuous mode, the ADC performs conversions continuously at the programmed data rate. You can start a conversion using the following methods:

  • startSingleShotConversion: Starts a single-shot conversion
using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Start a single-shot conversion using the current Mux configuration
  Status status = adc.startSingleShotConversion();

  // Alternatively, start a single-shot conversion,
  // using one of the four channels with respect to GND
  // status = adc.startSingleShotConversion(0); // 0, 1, 2, 3

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

  // Wait for the conversion to finish and read the result
  // ...
  • startContinuousConversion: Starts continuous conversions
using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Start continuous conversions using the current Mux configuration
  Status status = adc.startContinuousConversion();

  // Alternatively, start continuous conversions,
  // using one of the four channels with respect to GND
  // status = adc.startContinuousConversion(0); // 0, 1, 2, 3

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error

  // Read the conversion result
  // ...

Reading the conversion result

You can read the conversion result using the readConversion method. The result is a 16-bit signed integer. Or you can use the readConversionVoltage method to read the conversion result and convert it to voltage using the current PGA configuration:

using namespace ADS1115;
ADS1115_ADC adc(I2CAddress::Gnd);

void setup() {
  // Initialization code
  // ...

  // Start a single-shot conversion or continuous conversions
  // ...

  // Read the conversion result
  int16_t result;
  Status status = adc.readConversion(result);

  // Alternatively, read the conversion result and convert it to voltage
  // float voltage;
  // status = adc.readConversionVoltage(voltage);

  if (status != Status::Ok) {
    // Handle the error


  • Add more examples


Library to use the popular ADS1115 4x16-bit ADC with Arduino.







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