Alert Pipeline to catch malicious Cloudbuild executions This is a demo application to capture potentially malicious CloudBuild Requests.
Advanced Stack Driver query that can be used to alert on requests originating from the Google managed CloudBuild service account. This query looks for all logs where the principal contains the partial service account email
that does not originate from GCP IP. This query can only capture malicious requests made from an extneral network.
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerIp: "." AND NOT (35)
In this repostory we configure the following resources to capture StackDriver events.
- Log Sinks
- Pub/Sub events
- Cloud Functions
Requried varaibles:
variable "project_id" {
description = "ProjectID target project, required"
default = ""
variable "entrypoint" {
description = "Cloud Function entrypoint/handler name"
default = "cloudbuild_service_account_alerts"
variable "region" {
description = "Region"
default = "us-central1"