Docker golden image (gold/ghost) for Ghost.
Most interesting version tags
- 0.11.7
- 0.11.5
- 0.10.1
- 0.9.0
- 0.8.0
- alpine - not recomendet for production now.
Ghost environments suggest that it's better to use production
The official container for Ghost is fine for running in development mode, but it has the wrong permissions for running in production. That, and the config file doesn't have any easy way to tweak it (Credits to Peter Timofev)
Also backup script is backed in.
Switc from dev to production environment is easy. Beware in default config both modes operate on same database
docker run --name some-ghost -p 8080:2368 -d gold/ghost
This will start Ghost in development mode and whire to the port 80 of the container.
Then, access it via http://localhost:8080
or http://host-ip:8080
in a browser.
The official Ghost image places the blog content in /var/lib/ghost
and exports it as a VOLUME
This allows two main modes of operation:
In this mode, the Ghost blog content lives on the filesystem of the host with the UID
. If this is acceptable, create a directory somewhere, and use the -v
Docker command
line option to mount it:
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/ghost
sudo chown 1000:1000 /var/lib/ghost
docker run --name some-ghost --env-file /etc/default/ghost -p 80:2368 -v /var/lib/ghost:/var/lib/ghost -d gold/ghost npm start --production
This is very convinient, because you can tweak your configuration directly in host's /var/lib/ghost/confg.js
This is the preferred mechanism to store the blog data. Please see the Docker documentation for backup, restore, and migration strategies.
docker create -v /var/lib/ghost --name some-ghost-content busybox
docker run --name some-ghost --env-file /etc/default/ghost -p 80:2368 --volumes-from some-ghost-content -d gold/ghost npm start --production
You should now be able to access this instance as
in a browser.
Epecially in case you run the content in a volume it's good to have a posibillity to injet some config form outide.
There are environment variables that can be used:
: the URL of your blog (e.g.,
: the email of the blog installation (e.g.,'"Webmaster" <>'
: which host to send email to (e.g.,
: Relevant for prodction mode only. Tel's Ghost to force use SSL for admin pages (default: true)MAIL_PORT
: sets a port for secure mail connectionMAIL_SSL
: set "true" or "false"MAIL_USERNAME
: The username for the mail serverMAIL_PASSWORD
: The password for the username above
These can either be set on the Docker command line directly, or stored in a file and passed on the Docker command line:
docker run --name some-ghost --env-file /etc/default/ghost -p 8080:2368 -d gold/ghost
Here an example of ENV variables file:
# Ghost environment example
# Place in /etc/default/ghost
MAIL_FROM='"Webmaster" <>'
Of course, you should really be running Ghost behind a reverse proxy, and set things up to auto restart. For that, a reasonable container would be:
docker create --name some-ghost -h --env-file /etc/default/ghost -p --volumes-from some-ghost-content --restart=on-failure:10 gold/ghost npm start --production
docker run some-ghost
Backup is working for host based or volume based data (see below)
docker run --rm --volumes-from some-ghost -v $(pwd)/backups:/backups gold/ghost /
Backups ghost to current directory.
Attention: Restore script for volume based data keeping is not provied yet. Make sure you know what to do.
For the host based solution just extract backup file content to volume location on host. Please contact me if you have good ideas how to improve things here.
image: gold/ghost:0.7.9
command: npm start --production
restart: always
- "2368:2368"
- /var/containerdata/ghost/blog/:/var/lib/ghost
- MAIL_FROM='"Webmaster" <>'
- MAIL_SSL=true
- MAIL_PASSWORD=hopefullyasecurepassword
Even if env varibales are provided, config.js can b still found and tweaked in /var/containerdata/ghost/blog/ on the host.