The missing checkstyle for twig !
Twigcs aims to be what phpcs is to php. It checks your codebase for violations on coding standards.
Please note that the project is still in early development stage and is subject to heavy changes.
composer global require allocine/twigcs
Basically, just run :
twigcs /path/to/views
On Symfony projects, you can run, for instance :
twigcs /project/dir/app/Resources/views
You will get a summary of the violations in the console. The exit code of the command is based on the severity of any violation found. By default, twigcs won't even tolerate a notice, this can be changed at run time :
twigcs /path/to/views --severity warning # Allow notices
With the example above, notices are still displayed but not altering the exit code.
Twigcs can be used with your favorite CI server. The command itself will return a consistent exit code telling the CI job if it failed or succeeded. You can also have a nice xml report (checkstyle format) :
twigcs /path/to/views --reporter checkstyle > /path/to/report.xml
At the moment the only available standard is the official one from twig.
You can create a class implementing RulesetInterface
and supply it as a --ruleset
option to the CLI script:
twigcs /path/to/views --ruleset \MyApp\TwigCsRuleset
Note: twigcs
needs to be used via composer and the ruleset class must be reachable via composer's autoloader for this feature to work.
- Indentation checking
- Configurable coding standards
The master is the development branch, if you find any bug or false positive during style checking, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
When creating or changing a class, don't forget to add you as an @author
at the top of the file.