Nextcloud App to edit files directly in LibreOffice (via WebDav).
Requires at least:
- LibreOffice 5.3 (on Windows)
- LibreOffice 7.2 (on Linux)
Doesn't seem to work on macOS currently (See issue #6)
Install from the Nextcloud app store.
Place this app in nextcloud/apps/
Help translate this app at Nextcloud Transifex.
For developing, build the app (with automatic rebuilding when changes are done) using:
npm run watch
For local testing, use the following command:
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 -v ~/path/to/fileslibreofficeedit:/var/www/html/apps-extra/fileslibreofficeedit
Then open Nextcloud in your browser: http://localhost:8080
Go to http://localhost:8080/index.php/settings/apps/installed and enable the fileslibreofficeedit
Now you can work on the code. Any changes will be visible in your local Nextcloud after reload (maybe need to clear cache).
To build a release, use make && make appstore
The following things to be present:
- make
- which
- tar: for building the archive
- curl: used if phpunit and composer are not installed to fetch them from the web
- npm: for building and testing everything JS, only required if a package.json is placed inside the js/ folder
The make command will install or update Composer dependencies and also npm run build.
- IMPORTANT: Make sure that this directory is named
and notnextcloud_files_libreoffice_edit
or other names, otherwise the build scripts will produce unusable artifacts. - Update
- Update version number in
- Verify that the build succeeds without errors:
make && make appstore
- Commit changes & create a tag
- git tag -a
- git tag -a
git push && git push --tags
- Build the appstore package:
make && make appstore
- The archive is located in
- Create a new github release and upload the release artifact there
- Release title: e.g.
- Description: Add changes from the changelog
- Create a new extension release in Nextcloud store
- Insert the link to the github release binary (e.g.
) - Create signature as described
- Done!