audio map
demo (desktop)
edit mode:
- click on top left button to activate edit mode
- click on the canvas to set the center of the circle +
- move the mouse and click again to draw the circle ( --- + --- )
- drag an item from the list and drop it over a circle to assign the selected audio
- drag and drop the
item to remove the assigned audio from a circle - edit the color audio by clicking on the black square near the item on the list
- exit from color picker by clicking on the background
- click on the center of an existing circle to change its position ( +
- click on the circumference of an existing circle to edit the radius (( + --- ))
- drag with left button on a circle to delete it ( +
- click on bottom left button to download the current map state (intervallo.json)
- drag and drop a GeoJSON feature collection on the canvas to display geolocated geometries
- click on top left button to exit from edit mode
read only mode:
- add a intervallo.json file in the root folder to visualize the audio map in read only mode
folders structure:
|__ /audio
| |__ _config.json
| |__ ... (audio files)
|__ /dist
| |__ intervallo.js
|__ index.html
/* read only mode */
|__ intervallo.json
represents the starting data of the audio map
_config.json params:
- center, longitude and latitude positions in EPSG 4326
- zoom, value between 0 and 21
- audio, list of audio files to use in the editor, original files have to be located in the same folder of _config.json (./audio)
"center": [
9, // longitude
45 // latitude
"zoom": 5,
"audio": [
npm install
npm start
url -> http://localhost:3000/
npm run compile
output -> dist/intervallo.js
node v9.2.1
npm v5.6.0