This annotation provides GraphQL integration with existing REST backends through granate.
Given a GraphQL schema like:
# file: todos.graphqls
type Todo {
id: ID
title: String
completed: Boolean
type Query {
todos: [Todos]
when annotated as described in the examples below, it can be made executable like so:
> granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
type Query {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
type Query {
todos(completed: Boolean, max: Int): [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos(q: true, max: 10) {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
type Query {
todos(completed: Boolean, max: Int): [Todos] @rest(url: "", method: "post")
"query { todos(q: true, max: 10) {id title} }" translates into: "POST / body: {q: true, max: 10}"
type Query {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "", resultField: "items")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET" and selects the "items" field from the JSON response
When used at the type level, all the fields of the type inherit this argument
type Query {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "todos")
schema @rest(baseUrl: "") {
query: Query
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
When used at the type level, all the fields of the type inherit this argument
type Query @rest(basicAuthorization: "123abc456def") {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Basic 123abc456def" }"
In order to avoid authentication information in the code, it is recommended to use environment variable resolution instead
type Query @rest(basicAuthorization: "{{BASIC_AUTH}}") {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
> BASIC_AUTH=123abc456def granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Basic 123abc456def" }"
type Query @rest(tokenAuthorization: "{{TOKEN_AUTH}}") {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
> TOKEN_AUTH=1234567890 granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Token 1234567890" }"
type Query {
todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "{{param1}}/todos/{{param2}}")
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
Query parameter to URL parameter mapping with automatic mapping of remaining parameters as request parameters
type Query {
todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "{{param1}}")
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
type Query {
todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "", params: ["param2"])
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"
type Query {
todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "", customHeaders: ["Foo: Bar", "Baz: {{BAZ}}"])
> BAZ=Biz granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Foo: "Bar", Baz: "Biz" }"
As this annotation uses request to make HTTP calls, set the environment vaiable NODE_DEBUG with the value request to log HTTP request information in the console.
> NODE_DEBUG=request granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.