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REST annotation

This annotation provides GraphQL integration with existing REST backends through granate.


Given a GraphQL schema like:

# file: todos.graphqls

type Todo {
    id: ID
    title: String
    completed: Boolean

type Query {
    todos: [Todos]

when annotated as described in the examples below, it can be made executable like so:

> granate serve todos.graphqls -a

Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.

Basic usage

type Query {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

Automatic query parameter to request parameter mapping

type Query {
    todos(completed: Boolean, max: Int): [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos(q: true, max: 10) {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

POST support with automatic query parameter to request parameter mapping

type Query {
    todos(completed: Boolean, max: Int): [Todos] @rest(url: "", method: "post")
"query { todos(q: true, max: 10) {id title} }" translates into: "POST / body: {q: true, max: 10}"

Result field selection (select one field of the REST response instead of the root)

type Query {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "", resultField: "items")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET" and selects the "items" field from the JSON response

Base URL as default value (schema, type or field level)

When used at the type level, all the fields of the type inherit this argument

type Query {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "todos")

schema @rest(baseUrl: "") {
    query: Query
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

Basic authorization support as default value (schema, type or field level)

When used at the type level, all the fields of the type inherit this argument

type Query @rest(basicAuthorization: "123abc456def") {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Basic 123abc456def" }"

Basic authorization support with environment variable resolution (schema, type or field level)

In order to avoid authentication information in the code, it is recommended to use environment variable resolution instead

type Query @rest(basicAuthorization: "{{BASIC_AUTH}}") {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
> BASIC_AUTH=123abc456def granate serve todos.graphqls -a

Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Basic 123abc456def" }"

Token authorization support (similar to basic authorization)

type Query @rest(tokenAuthorization: "{{TOKEN_AUTH}}") {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "")
> TOKEN_AUTH=1234567890 granate serve todos.graphqls -a

Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Authentication: "Token 1234567890" }"

Query parameter to URL parameter mapping

type Query {
    todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "{{param1}}/todos/{{param2}}")
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

Query parameter to URL parameter mapping with automatic mapping of remaining parameters as request parameters

type Query {
    todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "{{param1}}")
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

Query parameter selection (select which parameters should be used as request parameters)

type Query {
    todos(param1: String, param2: String): [Todos] @rest(url: "", params: ["param2"])
"query { todos(param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2') {id title} }" translates into: "GET"

Custom headers support (schema, type or field level)

type Query {
    todos: [Todos] @rest(url: "", customHeaders: ["Foo: Bar", "Baz: {{BAZ}}"])
> BAZ=Biz granate serve todos.graphqls -a

Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
"query { todos {id title} }" translates into: "GET / headers: { Foo: "Bar", Baz: "Biz" }"


As this annotation uses request to make HTTP calls, set the environment vaiable NODE_DEBUG with the value request to log HTTP request information in the console.

> NODE_DEBUG=request granate serve todos.graphqls -a

Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.