Build better APIs with annotated GraphQL
GraphQL is an amazing technology that allows to build application APIs in a much better way than by implementing REST services. A GraphQL schema can be defined using a textual representation (schema language) which, when extended by mean of annotations (decorators with GraphQL directive syntax), leverages a lot of really useful possibilities. Granate helps you to build executable schemas with no code and evolve them rapidly.
In order to use granate from the CLI, install granate-cli with the following command:
> npm i -g granate-cli
# file: todos.graphqls
type Todo {
id: ID
title: String
completed: Boolean
type Query {
todos: [Todo]
> granate serve todos.graphqls -a
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
To get granate restarted on every schema change install nodemon and use it as follows:
> npm i -g nodemon
> nodemon --exec granate serve todos.graphqls -a -- -e js,json,graphqls
[nodemon] 1.10.2
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `granate serve todos.graphqls -a -e js,json,graphqls`
Annotations: 'mock,rest' enabled.
Granate server listening on: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'.
If you prefer to use granate as an API, install granate and graphql (peer dependency of granate) in your application with the following command and have a look at the tests to learn the API.
> npm i granate graphql --save