WeatherMan - API A backend service API in NodeJS that retrieves today forecast every 3 hours, for a particular city or location
Setup & Run Application prerequisite - Make sure NodeJs is installed in your computer
- Clone the application code in your local folder from the git repo link,
- Open command prompt and select cloned folder location.
- Execute "npm install" in command prompt, which will intall all the dependincies
- Execute "npm start" to run the application.
API Request The API request is a GET Request and you need to pass the locaction as a parameter in the API link.
Request link: http://localhost:5000/getWeatherForecast/London
(you can pass the location you request instead of London.)
Request Type : GET
Application Path : /getWeatherForecast/
Parameter : location
Request Type | Element | Description | Type | Required | Notes |
GET | location | location for which you need the weather forecast details | String | Yes |
###API Response The Information responded by the API for a valid location are listed below:
Element | Description | Type | Notes |
temperature | Top level | data Object | |
tempC | temperature in Celsius | String | |
tempF | temperature in Fahrenheit | String | |
wind | Top level | data Object | |
windspeedKmph | wind speed in Kmph | String | |
windspeedMiles | wind speed in Miles | String | |
precipitation | forcast of the precipitation | String | |
weatherIcons | icon /icons that matches the weather forcast | Array of weather icons Object | |
sunrise | sunrise time of the day | String | |
sunset | sunset time of the day | String |
The Information responded by the API for a invalid location are listed below:
Element | Description | Type | Notes |
error | error message for invalid lovaction | Array of error message object |
Application Hoisted & Working API The application is also hoisted in Heroku(cloud platform as a service) through github.
The live working application can be accessed in the below link,
Host :
Method: /getWeatherForecast/
Parameter: Location
Parameter example: Chennai
Author Details Name : Gnana Allan Whinney GnanaPragasam