Welcome to the Movie Fight website! This is a project where users can compare the statistics of two movies side by side. Whether you're debating which movie to watch tonight or just curious about how your favorite films stack up against each other, this website has you covered.
- JavaScript
- Select Movies: Users can choose two movies from the search bar to compare. As they type, the website suggests movie titles based on the input.
- Auto-Complete Movie Suggestion: The website offers auto-complete movie suggestions as users type in the search bar, making it easier and faster to find the desired movies.
- Retrieve Data: Once the user selects two movies, the website fetches data about each movie from the OMDB API. This data includes information such as awards, box office collection, IMDb rating, and more.
- Display Comparison: The website then displays the statistics of the two selected movies side by side for easy comparison.
- Winner Declaration: Based on the comparison of stats, the website declares a winner for each category or leaves it as a tie if the statistics are too close to call.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the
file in your web browser. - Select two movies using the search bar.
- View the comparison of the selected movies' statistics.
- OMDB API: Data for movies is fetched from the OMDB API.
- Icons: Icons used in the website are sourced from Font Awesome.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Special thanks to the creators and maintainers of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, OMDB API, and all other tools and libraries used in this project.