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This work was performed at The Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

This project is constantly being improved. Contributions, comments and suggestions are welcome!

Artisets (Artificial Datasets)

Experiment Subset Data
Implicit Knowledge of Taxonomic Relations Training train, dev
Implicit Knowledge of Taxonomic Relations Hypothesis-only dev, test
Implicit Knowledge of Taxonomic Relations ExplicitReasoning dev, test
Implicit Knowledge of Taxonomic Relations ImplicitReasoning dev, test
Counting over Implicit Facts Training train, dev
Counting over Implicit Facts Hypothesis-only dev, test
Counting over Implicit Facts Counting (1, K-1) dev, test
Counting over Implicit Facts Counting K dev, test


Setting up a virtual environment

  1. First, clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change your directory to where you cloned the files:

    cd LeapOfThought
  3. Create a virtual environment with Python 3.6 or above:

    virtualenv venv --python=python3.7 (or python3.7 -m venv venv or conda create -n multiqa python=3.7)
  4. Activate the virtual environment. You will need to activate the venv environment in each terminal in which you want to use LeapOfThought.

    source venv/bin/activate (or source venv/bin/activate.csh or conda activate multiqa)
  5. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


You can test all artisets using pytest, or using pycharm tests directory (pytest-pycharm added):

pytest tests


The allennlp caching infra is used, so be sure to have enough disk space, and control the cache directory using ALLENNLP_CACHE_ROOT env variable.

Create a new Artiset

This will take create a new artiset python file and test based on the copy_from artiset, output is placed in artiset_module dir.

python LeapOfThought/ -c Hypernyms -o create_new_artiset --copy_from ExampleArtiset --artiset_module soft_reasoning

Build Artiset

From please use: python LeapOfThought/ --help

To recreate the hypernyms training data python LeapOfThought/ -c Hypernyms -o build_artificial_dataset -out s3://aigame/data/taxonomic_reasonings/taxonomic_reasonings.jsonl.gz -v trainin_mix

Training using AllenNLP

For training the counting experiment (hypernym experiment has similar hyperparams): python -m allennlp train LeapOfThought/allennlp_models/config/transformer_binary_qa.jsonnet -s YOUR_OUTPUT_DIR -o "{'data_loader': {'batch_sampler': {'batch_size': 4}}, 'dataset_reader': {'pretrained_model': 'roberta-large', 'sample': 35000}, 'model': {'pretrained_model': 'roberta-large'}, 'random_seed': 2, 'train_data_path': '', 'trainer': {'checkpointer': {'num_serialized_models_to_keep': 1}, 'cuda_device': GPUNUM, 'learning_rate_scheduler': {'cut_frac': 0.1, 'num_epochs': 4, 'num_steps_per_epoch': 729}, 'num_epochs': 4, 'num_gradient_accumulation_steps': 12, 'optimizer': {'lr': 1e-05, 'weight_decay': 0.1}}, 'validation_data_path': '', 'validation_dataset_reader': {'pretrained_model': 'roberta-large'}}" --include-package LeapOfThought.allennlp_models

Evaluating using AllenNLP

Example for evaluating the Implicit Knowledge of Taxonomic Relations, ExplicitReasoning test set: python -m allennlp evaluate MY_TRAINED_MODEL_PATH.tar.gz --output-file MY_OUTPUT_FILE_results.json -o "{'trainer': {'cuda_device': GPUNUM}, 'validation_data_loader': {'batch_sampler': {'batch_size': 20, 'type': 'bucket'}}}" --cuda-device -1 --include-package LeapOfThought.allennlp_models


A caching infra is used, so make sure to have enough disk space, and control the cache directory using LEAPOFTHOUGHT_CACHE_ROOT env variable. see teachyourai/common/


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