A screen recorder that I created to record my screen, because why pay for some random applications when you create one, right?
Right now program cannot handle high frame rates gets 30ish frames with my i7 8750H CPU How can I solve this? PROBLEMS: ---If I store screenshots to speed up recording process, I run out of memory quickly ---Taking screenshots is too slow ---Processing and saving screenshots is just a bit slow IDEAS: ---Reduce resolution, then upscale it in post processing? ---Reduce frame rate, then upscale it in post processing? ---Use Windows API? WHO CARES ABOUT PORTABILITY ---Maybe if I re-run the code enough times framerates will increase ---JUST GO WRITE THIS IN ASSEMBLY ALREADY ---Wait this makes sense ---Oh boy...
- Give user resolution options
- Record computer audio synched with FPS and merge this with video file
- Create a GUI element to help user name the recorded video and specify save location
- Add a timer to show user recorded video length while recording
- Create a GUI to help user start and stop recording (DONE)
- Give user FPS options (DONE)
Codes are written in Python 3, on to not encounter problems, use this version of Python to run the codes. Required libraries are:
- OpenCV:
pip install opencv-python
- numpy:
pip install numpy
- pyautogui:
pip install PyAutoGUI
- tkinter:
pip install tk
- threading
- Clone the repository
- Run the source.py via Visual Studio
- Select the FPS rate you want to record in
- Press the "Start recording" button, GUI will automatically minimize
- Maximize the GUI when you need to stop recording, your captured screen will be saved as "output.avi" with the same location as your code.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Alp Bintuğ Uzun
- @alpbintug on GitHub
- Alp Bintug on LinkedIn
- alp.bintug@gmail.com