This is a set of Docker images and configuration files to run a CKAN site.
It is largely based on two existing projects:
- Keitaro's CKAN Docker images
- Docker Compose setup currently included in CKAN core
It includes the following images, all based on Alpine Linux:
- CKAN: modified from keitaro/ckan (see CKAN Images) for more details). File uploads are stored in a named volume.
- DataPusher: modified from keitaro/datapusher
- PostgreSQL: Official PostgreSQL image. Database files are stored in a named volume.
- Solr: official Solr image with CKAN's schema. Index data is stored in a named volume.
- Redis: standard Redis image
The site is configured via env vars (the base CKAN image loads ckanext-envvars), that you can set in the .env
Available CKAN stacks: 2.7, 2.8 (default) and 2.9
Copy the included .env.example
and rename it to .env-2.8
(or substitute 2.8 with 2.7/2.9) to modify it depending on your own needs and update DEV_CKAN_SITE_URL
to port 5001
for 2.8 or 5002
for 2.9.
Using the default values on the .env.example
file will get you a working CKAN instance. There is a sysadmin user created by default with the values defined in CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME
and test1234
by default). I shouldn't be telling you this but obviously don't run any public CKAN instance with the default settings.
To clone ckan and ckan extensions:
To build the images, defaulting to CKAN 2.8, pulling down govuk/ckan-main and building only the postdev container:
To start the containers:
NOTE: In order to run elasticsearch you will need to set your Docker memory to 4 gb and Docker swap memory to 2 gb, otherwise elasticsearch will stop with error code 137.
To clone ckan and ckan extensions with 2.8:
./scripts/ 2.8 full
To build the images, defaulting to CKAN 2.8, pulling down govuk/ckan-main and building only the postdev container:
./scripts/ 2.8 full
To start the containers:
./scripts/ 2.8 full
To setup your dev environment by cloning ckan and the extensions to your local src directory:
./scripts/ <version> <?full> # eg ./scripts/ 2.8 If no version is supplied the default of 2.7 is used, the optional full flag can be used to also build the stack with DGU publish ( and Find (
To build the images:
./scripts/ <version> <?(main, all)> <?full> # eg ./scripts/ 2.8
- If no version is supplied the default of 2.8 is used. If starting from new, the script will take at least 20 minutes to run.
- If `all` is passed as a second argument all the docker project will be rebuilt. If `main` is passed in the ckan-main and ckan-postdev projects will be built. Otherwise the docker image from dockerhub for ckan-main will be pulled and only postdev will be built.
- if `full` is passed in as an argument Publish ( and Find ( will also be built as part of the stack.
To start the containers:
./scripts/ <version> <?full> eg ./scripts/ 2.8 If no version is supplied the default of 2.8 is used. If full is supplied as the second argument DGU Publish ( and Find ( will also be started on the stack.
See CKAN Images for more details of what happens when using development mode.
Find out names of running containers:
docker ps
To ssh onto the ckan container:
docker exec -it ckan-2.8 bash
To ssh onto the postgres container:
docker exec -it db psql -U ckan
To reset docker ckan -
for help
./scripts/ help
to pass in args
./scripts/ <image (postdev, main, dev, base)> <reset volumes (Yn)> <version (default 2.8, 2.7, 2.9)> <?full to remove Publish and Find images and elasticsearch volume>
When you have to make changes to the CKAN config file, production.ini
, update the production.ini
file located in ckan-main/setup
project to get a faster turn around time. Changing it on ckan-base/setup
will increase the turn around time to more than 10 minutes rather than under 5 minutes within the ckan-main
project. production.ini
has been left in ckan-base
because the Dockerfile in ckan-base
has references to it. You will also need to run ./scripts/ main
in order to rebuild the image from your local changes rather than use the image in docker hub.
Sometimes the changes made on your local machine won't be reflected in the docker container, so in order to copy these changes across you can use this command:
export CKANEXT_SRC=<CKAN extension, eg datagovuk> && sudo rsync -avz --update --existing --progress ./src_extensions/ckanext-$CKANEXT_SRC/ ./src/ckanext-$CKANEXT_SRC/
This should pick up any changes that match existing files to /srv/app/src/<CKAN extension>
, any files that you added will have to be manually copied across. If you want to copy over everything regardless then simply remove --existing
from the command.
If you cannot log in with the credentials in your .env
file, it's possible that the CKAN auth session has been corrupted, perhaps due to restarting the stack. As there may be a number of reasons why it is failing, you can try these to resolve it:
- clear all the application cookies from the browser
- recreate the admin user in the container -
paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin add admin email=admin@localhost name=admin -c $CKAN_INI
If the CKAN container is unable to stay healthy, it's possible that there has been a code change in your CKAN or extension code, so move the targeted source folder, e.g src/2.8
to src/2.8.bak
, if you want to still see your changes, or delete the folder. Then run ./scripts/
to download all the repositories again and start fresh.
If the problem persists even after running a ./scripts/
, it may be possible that there is an issue with the docker images / containers. In this case it's best to clear docker images and volumes down entirely. These commands will enable you to do that, note that they will remove images and volumes so only use this as a last resort.
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls --filter dangling=true -q)
docker rmi -f $(docker images --filter dangling=true -qa)
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker network prune -f
docker rmi -f $(docker images --filter dangling=true -qa)
This may be useful in order to get the container running if it is not staying up.
Comment out the existing command
line in relevant docker-compose.yml
file and add another command
command: bash -c "tail -f /dev/null"
Then you will have to exec into the container, which should be something like this:
docker exec -it <container name> bash
You may need to replace bash
with sh
or an equivalent if that doesn't work.
Once on the docker container you need to run the script that starts up the app,for CKAN this is:
In order to run a harvest job manually, you need to run these commands on the container (2.7, 2.8):
paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester run_test <test-harvest-source-name> -c $CKAN_INI
For 2.9:
ckan -c $CKAN_INI harvester run-test <test-harvest-source-name>
The test-harvest-source-name
can be derived from the URL after creating a harvest source.
In order to create a sample organogram dataset you will need to follow these steps:
- Under the Datasets tab click on
Add Dataset
- Select the Organisation structure including senior roles for central government from the schema/vocabulary drop down menu
- On the next page upload an organogram from your clone of ckanext-datagovuk located at
depending on the scenario that you want.
If you have checked out a branch of CKAN or one of the extensions its possible that the config settings have been reset when pulling down the commits if you do this whilst the docker stack is still running.
You can initialise the CKAN config by running this command -
For extensions run the relevant setup
file found in /docker-entrypoint.d
, e.g. if you changed the harvest branch run /docker-entrypoint.d/
It's possible that one of the images failed to build so docker is using a cached version of the image to build the container. To fix the docker image it may be necessary to build the stack without using cached images:
../scripts/ 2.8 dev no-cache
Will rebuild the stack from the ckan-dev
A testing document is available which describes the testing tools available, how we use them, and possible plans for the future.
nosetests --ckan --nologcapture --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-harvest/test-nose.ini ckanext.harvest
For the code to be picked up by supervisorctl, the process needs to be restarted
supervisorctl restart ckan_fetch_consumer
supervisorctl restart ckan_gather_consumer
nosetests --ckan --nologcapture --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-spatial/test.ini ckanext.spatial
nosetests --ckan --nologcapture --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-dcat/test.ini ckanext.dcat
nosetests --ckan -v --nologcapture --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-datagovuk/test.ini ckanext.datagovuk
nosetests --ckan --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckan/test-core.ini ckan
nosetests ... ckanext.<ckanext extension>.tests.<filename without .py>:<test class name>.<test class method>
`replace ... with the nosetests args`
For example:
nosetests --ckan -v --nologcapture --with-pylons=$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-datagovuk/test.ini ckanext.datagovuk.tests.test_package:TestPackageController.test_package_create_show
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-harvest && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/harvest/tests --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-spatial && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/spatial/tests --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-dcat && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/dcat/tests --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-datagovuk && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini tests --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-<extension> && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/<extension>/tests/<test file>::<class>.<test name> --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
for datagovuk:
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-datagovuk && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini tests/<test file>::<class>::<test name> --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
For example:
(cd $SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR/ckanext-spatial && python -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/spatial/tests/ --disable-pytest-warnings -v)
If you are experiencing problems running the tests you can run these commands to reset the test config and test database:
# initialise the CKAN and extension configs
source ./
# drop postgis extension and log_level type from test database to enable tests to run
PGPASSWORD=ckan psql -h db -U ckan -d ckan_test -c "DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS postgis CASCADE; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS log_level CASCADE;"
For spatial tests also run this script if they continue to fail -
source /docker-entrypoint.d/
You can use the paster template in much the same way as a source install, only executing the command inside the CKAN container and setting the mounted src/
folder as output:
docker-compose -f exec ckan-dev /bin/bash -c "paster --plugin=ckan create -t ckanext ckanext-myext -o /srv/app/src_extensions"
The new extension will be created in the src/
folder. You might need to change the owner of its folder to have the appropiate permissions.
All ckan logs are available under ./logs
on your machine.
Datagov UK Publish sidekiq logs are available under sidekiq.log
Datagov UK Find logs are available under find.log
This is useful when debugging tests on 2.7 and 2.8.
For 2.9 the standard pdb
library appears to be working.
Add the following line to the part of the code to set a breakpoint:
import remote_pdb; remote_pdb.set_trace(host='', port=3000)
Port 3000 is exposed for CKAN 2.7 stack, 3001 for 2.8, 3002 for 2.9 The remote debug port can be found in the docker-compose file and should be unique for each stack.
After a remote pdb session is available, RemotePdb session open at
, then on another terminal connect to the debugger using telnet
telnet localhost 3000
NOTE - update the telnet port depending on the CKAN version you are running.
You should now be connected to the debugger to start your investigations.
CKAN publisher:
Port 5000 is available for CKAN 2.7, 5001 for 2.8, 5002 for 2.9. The nginx port exposed can be found in the docker-compose file.
CSW endpoint:
CSW summary:
NOTE - update 5000 with the relevant port for the CKAN version you are running
When running with the 2.8 CKAN stack navigate to:
Port 4000 is available for CKAN 2.7, 4001 for 2.8, 4002 for 2.9.
+-------------------------+ +----------+
| | | |
| openknowledge/ckan-base +----------------> ckan | (production)
| | | |
+-----------+-------------+ +----------+
+-----------v------------+ +----------+
| | | |
| openknowledge/ckan-dev +-----------------> ckan | (development)
| | | |
+------------------------+ +----------+
The Docker images used to build your CKAN project are located in the ckan-main/
folder. There are two Docker files:
: this is based onopenknowledge/ckan-base
(with theDockerfile
on the/ckan-base/<version>
folder), an image with CKAN with all its dependencies, properly configured and running on uWSGI (production setup) -
: this is based onopenknowledge/ckan-dev
(with theDockerfile
on the/ckan-dev/<version>
folder), which extendsopenknowledge/ckan-base
to include:- Any extension cloned on the
folder will be installed in the CKAN container when booting up Docker Compose (docker-compose up
). This includes installing any requirements listed in arequirements.txt
) file and runningpython develop
. - The CKAN image used will development requirements needed to run the tests .
- CKAN will be started running on the paster development server, with the
option to watch changes in the extension files. - Make sure to add the local plugins to the
env var in the.env
- Any extension cloned on the
From these two base images you can build your own customized image tailored to your project, installing any extensions and extra requirements needed.
To perform extra initialization steps you can add scripts to your custom images and copy them to the /docker-entrypoint.d
folder (The folder should be created for you when you build the image). Any *.sh
and *.py
file in that folder will be executed just after the main initialization script (
) is executed and just before the web server and supervisor processes are started.
For instance, consider the following custom image:
├── docker-entrypoint.d
│ └──
├── Dockerfile
We want to install an extension like ckanext-validation that needs to create database tables on startup time. We create a
script in a docker-entrypoint.d
folder with the necessary commands:
# Create DB tables if not there
paster --plugin=ckanext-validation validation init-db -c $CKAN_INI
And then in our Dockerfile
we install the extension and copy the initialization scripts:
FROM openknowledge/ckan-dev:2.7
RUN pip install -e git+ && \
pip install -r
COPY docker-entrypoint.d/* /docker-entrypoint.d/
When building your project specific CKAN images (the ones defined in the ckan-main/
folder), you can apply patches
to CKAN core or any of the built extensions. To do so create a folder inside ckan-main/patches
with the name of the
package to patch (ie ckan
or ckanext-??
). Inside you can place patch files that will be applied when building
the images. The patches will be applied in alphabetical order, so you can prefix them sequentially if necessary.
For instance, check the following example image folder:
├── patches
│ ├── ckan
│ │ ├── 01_datasets_per_page.patch
│ │ ├── 02_groups_per_page.patch
│ │ ├── 03_or_filters.patch
│ └── ckanext-harvest
│ └── 01_resubmit_objects.patch
├── Dockerfile
The docker compose configurations start an instance of the static mock harvest source
which should make it easy to populate the database with some basic standard content. To use this, add a harvest
source with the address http://static-mock-harvest-source-2.8:11088
and of type "CKAN". The content served by this
harvest source is live modifiable from the src/<version>/ckan-mock-harvest-sources/static/responses/
For this harvest source to appear to work completely right, you may need to add the hostname
to your host machine's /etc/hosts
file as an alias to
. This is because
CKAN's web interface will link "directly" to the actual data files (and of course, it will be doing so using the
hostname it knows it by), so you have to do some tweaking of your host machine's configuration to allow your
browser to resolve that address correctly.
The docker compose configurations also start an instance of the dynamic mock harvest source
which can be used to test out harvesting. To use this, add a harvest
source with the address http://dynamic-mock-harvest-source-2.8:8001/1/
and of type "WAF".
Further documentation about the dynamic mock harvest source can be read which which will enable you to define the number of datasets available for harvesting and the delay on the harvest source server.
- The SOLR index does not contain harvest metadata which is required by the CSW load job. A work around has been to run a solr reindex cronjob every 5 minutes to ensure that it picks up the latest when a harvest job is run. On production there is a similar cron job running but it only runs once a day.
- The
dependencies of all discovered extensions are installed into the python environment at startup time by default, but this can lead to conflicts. If this leads to trouble getting test suites to pass, the variableDEV_EXTENSIONS_WHITELIST
can be set to a comma-separated list of extensions (by directory name under$SRC_EXTENSIONS_DIR
) for which dev dependencies should be installed.