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Releases: alphagov/govuk-frontend

GOV.UK Frontend v5.1.0

05 Feb 15:48
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To install this version with npm, run npm install govuk-frontend@5.1.0. You can also find more information about how to stay up to date in our documentation.

New features

Update to the new GOV.UK logo

The GOV.UK logo has been updated to reflect the changing of the monarch. King Charles III uses the Tudor Crown, rather than the St Edward’s Crown chosen by Queen Elizabeth II.

If your service uses GOV.UK branding, you must update your service between 19 February and 1 March 2024 to use the new logo.

These changes were made in the following pull requests:

Include the new logo assets

Multiple new image assets are included in this release. You’ll need to copy these to your service's image assets folder if they’re not being used directly from the Frontend package. By default this folder is located at /assets/images.

If you’re using Nunjucks, the asset path may have been changed by the assetPath global variable or assetsPath parameter on the header component.

Copy the following files from /dist/assets/images into your assets folder. Any images with the same name as an existing image can be safely overwritten.

  • favicon.ico
  • favicon.svg
  • govuk-icon-180.png
  • govuk-icon-192.png
  • govuk-icon-512.png
  • govuk-icon-mask.svg
  • govuk-opengraph-image.png

Update the logo in the header of your page

If you’re using the govukHeader Nunjucks macro in your service, add the useTudorCrown parameter to the macro instantiation. This will become the default in a future version of GOV.UK Frontend.

{{ govukHeader({
  useTudorCrown: true
}) }}

If you’re not using the Nunjucks macro, locate the SVG code for the existing logo and replace it with this updated SVG.

  viewBox="0 0 148 30"
  <path d="M22.6 10.4c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m-5.9 6.7c-.9.4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m10.8-3.7c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s0 2-1 2.4m3.3 4.8c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4M17 4.7l2.3 1.2V2.5l-2.3.7-.2-.2.9-3h-3.4l.9 3-.2.2c-.1.1-2.3-.7-2.3-.7v3.4L15 4.7c. 4c-.1.2-.1.4-.1.6 0 1.1.8 2 1.9 2.2h.7c1-.2 1.9-1.1 1.9-2.1 0-.2 0-.4-.1-.6l-1.3-4c-.1-.2 0-.2.1-.3m-7.6 5.7c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m-5 3c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s.1 2 1 2.4m-3.2 4.8c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m14.8 11c4.4 0 8.6.3 12.3.8 1.1-4.5 2.4-7 3.7-8.8l-2.5-.9c.2 1.3.3 1.9 0 2.7-.4-.4-.8-1.1-1.1-2.3l-1.2 4c.7-.5 1.3-.8 2-.9-1.1 2.5-2.6 3.1-3.5 3-1.1-.2-1.7-1.2-1.5-2.1.3-1.2 1.5-1.5 2.1-.1 1.1-2.3-.8-3-2-2.3 1.9-1.9 2.1-3.5.6-5.6-2.1 1.6-2.1 3.2-1.2 5.5-1.2-1.4-3.2-.6-2.5 1.6.9-1.4 2.1-.5 1.9.8-.2 1.1-1.7 2.1-3.5 1.9-2.7-.2-2.9-2.1-2.9-3.6.7-.1 1.9.5 2.9 1.9l.4-4.3c-1.1 1.1-2.1 1.4-3.2 1.4.4-1.2 2.1-3 2.1-3h-5.4s1.7 1.9 2.1 3c-1.1 0-2.1-.2-3.2-1.4l.4 4.3c1-1.4 2.2-2 2.9-1.9-.1 1.5-.2 3.4-2.9 3.6-1.9.2-3.4-.8-3.5-1.9-.2-1.3 1-2.2 1.9-.8.7-2.3-1.2-3-2.5-1.6.9-2.2.9-3.9-1.2-5.5-1.5 2-1.3 3.7.6 5.6-1.2-.7-3.1 0-2 2.3.6-1.4 1.8-1.1 1.9-1.5 2.1-.9.2-2.4-.5-3.5-3 .6 0 1.2.3 2 .9l-1.2-4c-.3 1.1-.7 1.9-1.1 2.3-.3-.8-.2-1.4 0-2.7l-2.9.9C1.3 23 2.6 25.5 3.7 30c3.7-.5 7.9-.8 12.3-.8m28.3-11.6c0 .9.1 1.7.3 1.5 1 1 1.1 1.7 1.5.6 0 1.7-.1 2.3-.4s1.1-.7 1.5-1.1c.4-.4.6-.9.8-1.5.1-.5.2-1 .2-1.5v-.2h-5.3v-3.2h9.4V28H55v-2.5c-.3.4-.6.8-1 1.1-.4.3-.8.6-1.3.9-.5.2-1 .4-1.6.6s-1.2.2-1.8.2c-1.5 0-2.9-.3-4-.8-1.2-.6-2.2-1.3-3-2.3-.8-1-1.4-2.1-1.8-3.4-.3-1.4-.5-2.8-.5-4.3s.2-2.9.7-4.2c.5-1.3 1.1-2.4 2-3.4.9-1 1.9-1.7 3.1-2.3 1.2-.6 2.6-.8 4.1-.8 1 0 1.9.1 1.7.6 2.4 1s1.4.9 1.9 1.5c.6.6 1 1.3 1.4 2l-3.7 2.1c-.2-.4-.5-.9-.8-1.2-.3-.4-.6-.7-1-1-.4-.3-.8-.5-1.3-.7-.5-.2-1.1-.2-1.7-.2-1 0-1.8.2-2.5.6-.7.4-1.3.9-1.7 1.5-.5.6-.8 1.4-1 2.2-.3.8-.4 1.9-.4 2.7zM71.5 6.8c1.5 0 2.9.3 4.2.8 1.2.6 2.3 1.3 3.1 2.3.9 1 1.5 2.1 2 3.4s.7 2.7.7 4.2-.2 2.9-.7 4.2c-.4 1.3-1.1 2.4-2 3.4-.9 1-1.9 1.7-3.1 2.3-1.2.6-2.6.8-4.2.8s-2.9-.3-4.2-.8c-1.2-.6-2.3-1.3-3.1-2.3-.9-1-1.5-2.1-2-3.4-.4-1.3-.7-2.7-.7-4.2s.2-2.9.7-4.2c.4-1.3 1.1-2.4 2-3.4.9-1 1.9-1.7 3.1-2.3 1.2-.5 2.6-.8 4.2-.8zm0 17.6c.9 0 1.7-.2 2.4-.5s1.3-.8 1.7-1.4c.5-.6.8-1.3 1.1-2.2.2-.8.4-1.7.4-2.7v-.1c0-1-.1-1.9-.4-2.7-.2-.8-.6-1.6-1.1-2.2-.5-.6-1.1-1.1-1.7-1.4-.7-.3-1.5-.5-2.4-.5s-1.7.2-2.4.5-1.3.8-1.7 1.4c-.5.6-.8 1.3-1.1 2.2-.2.8-.4 1.7-.4 2.7v.1c0 1 .1 1.9.4 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.4.5 2.4.5zM88.9 28 83 7h4.7l4 15.7h.1l4-15.7h4.7l-5.9 21h-5.7zm28.8-3.6c.6 0 1.2-.1 1.7-.3.5-.2 1-.4 1.4-.8.4-.4.7-.8.9-1.4.2-.6.3-1.2.3-2v-13h4.1v13.6c0 1.2-.2 2.2-.6 3.1s-1 1.7-1.8 2.4c-.7.7-1.6 1.2-2.7 1.5-1 .4-2.2.5-3.4.5-1.2 0-2.4-.2-3.4-.5-1-.4-1.9-.9-2.7-1.5-.8-.7-1.3-1.5-1.8-2.4-.4-.9-.6-2-.6-3.1V6.9h4.2v13c0 .8.1 1.4.3 2 .2.6.5 1 .9 1.1.3 1.8.3zm13-17.4h4.2v9.1l7.4-9.1h5.2l-7.2 8.4L148 28h-4.9l-5.5-9.4-2.7 3V28h-4.2V7zm-27.6 16.1c-1.5 0-2.7 1.2-2.7 2.7s1.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7-1.2 2.7-2.7-1.2-2.7-2.7-2.7z"></path>

Add attributes to component form group wrappers

You can now add attributes to the form group wrapper for all components with form fields.

  formGroup: {
    attributes: {
      "data-attribute": "value"

This change was introduced in pull request #4565: Allow attributes option on form groups.

Use tabular numbers with the govuk-font-tabular-numbers mixin

You can now use tabular numbers in your authored Sass by including the new govuk-font-tabular-numbers mixin.

Previously, you’d use the govuk-font mixin with the $tabular parameter. However, the govuk-font mixin includes styles unrelated to tabular numbers, which are not needed in some contexts.

These additional styles are not included if you use govuk-font-tabular-numbers. Switching to the new mixin can reduce the size of your compiled CSS without affecting the appearance of pages.

This change was introduced in pull request #4307: Refactor tabular number activation into their own mixin.

Recommended changes

Replace instances of govuk-typography-responsive with govuk-font-size

We've renamed the Sass mixin govuk-typography-responsive to govuk-font-size and have deprecated govuk-typography-responsive. You can still use govuk-typography-responsive, but we'll remove it in a future breaking release (GOV.UK Frontend v6.0.0).

This is an experimental change to see if the name govuk-font-size better communicates the Sass mixin's intended use than the name govuk-typography-responsive.

We're interested in feedback from the community on this name change, so please let us know what you think through our usual channels.

This change was introduced in pull request #4291: Rename govuk-typography-responsive to govuk-font-size.

Remove the aria-labelledby attribute from accordion sections

If you’re not using our Nunjucks macros, remove the aria-labelledby attribute from all accordion sections (div elements that have the govuk-accordion__section-content class).

This change was introduced in pull request #4628: Remove aria-labelledby from accordion sections.

Deprecated features

Stop using the element parameter on buttons

We’ve deprecated the element Nunjucks parameter and will remove it in the next major release.

In the future, if the href parameter is set the component will automatically use the <a> element. If the href parameter is not set the component will automatically use the <button> element. It will not be possible to override this change.

This change was introduced in pull request #4646: Deprecate element parameter on button component.

Stop using govuk-body-xs, govuk-!-font-size-14 and '14' on the type scale

We’ve deprecated point 14 (14px large screens, 12px small screens) on the GOV.UK Frontend responsive type scale, including font override classes that use point 14:

  • govuk-body-xs
  • govuk-!-font-size-14

We’ll remove these classes and point 14 on the type scale in the next major release, GOV.UK Frontend release v6.0.0. With this change in the v6.0.0 release, you’ll no longer be able to call the Sass mixins govuk-font or govuk-font-size with $size set to '14'.

This change was introduced in #4649: Deprecate 14 on the type scale and #4713: Ensure govuk-font-size() handles string keys.


We've made fixes to GOV.UK Frontend in the following pull requests:

Read more

GOV.UK Frontend v4.8.0

05 Feb 15:15
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This release includes the ability to update the crown logo. You must do this between 19 February and 1 March 2024.

We’ll send reminders to our mailing list and cross-government Slack as soon as you can make this change.

New features

Update to the new GOV.UK logo (between 19 February and 1 March 2024)

We’ve updated the GOV.UK logo to reflect the changing of the monarch. King Charles III uses the Tudor Crown, rather than the St Edward’s Crown chosen by Queen Elizabeth II.

If your service uses GOV.UK branding, you must update your service to use the new crown.

These changes were made in the following pull requests:

Include the new logo assets

Multiple new image assets are included in this release. You’ll need to copy these to your service's image assets folder if they are not being used directly from the Frontend package. By default this folder is located at /assets/images.

If you’re using Nunjucks, the asset path may have been changed by the assetPath global variable or assetsPath parameter on the header component.

Copy the following files from /dist/assets/images into your assets folder. Any images with the same name as an existing image can be safely overwritten.

  • favicon.ico
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-167x167.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon.png
  • govuk-logotype-tudor-crown.png
  • govuk-mask-icon.svg
  • govuk-opengraph-image.png

Update the logo in the header of your page

If you are using the govukHeader Nunjucks macro in your service, add the useTudorCrown parameter to the macro instantiation.

{{ govukHeader({
  useTudorCrown: true
}) }}

If you are not using the Nunjucks macro, locate the HTML for the existing crown and replace it with this updated HTML. Make sure the URL for the new PNG fallback image is correct.

<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
  viewBox="0 0 32 30"
    fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"
    d="M22.6 10.4c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m-5.9 6.7c-.9.4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m10.8-3.7c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s0 2-1 2.4m3.3 4.8c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4M17 4.7l2.3 1.2V2.5l-2.3.7-.2-.2.9-3h-3.4l.9 3-.2.2c-.1.1-2.3-.7-2.3-.7v3.4L15 4.7c. 4c-.1.2-.1.4-.1.6 0 1.1.8 2 1.9 2.2h.7c1-.2 1.9-1.1 1.9-2.1 0-.2 0-.4-.1-.6l-1.3-4c-.1-.2 0-.2.1-.3m-7.6 5.7c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m-5 3c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s.1 2 1 2.4m-3.2 4.8c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m14.8 11c4.4 0 8.6.3 12.3.8 1.1-4.5 2.4-7 3.7-8.8l-2.5-.9c.2 1.3.3 1.9 0 2.7-.4-.4-.8-1.1-1.1-2.3l-1.2 4c.7-.5 1.3-.8 2-.9-1.1 2.5-2.6 3.1-3.5 3-1.1-.2-1.7-1.2-1.5-2.1.3-1.2 1.5-1.5 2.1-.1 1.1-2.3-.8-3-2-2.3 1.9-1.9 2.1-3.5.6-5.6-2.1 1.6-2.1 3.2-1.2 5.5-1.2-1.4-3.2-.6-2.5 1.6.9-1.4 2.1-.5 1.9.8-.2 1.1-1.7 2.1-3.5 1.9-2.7-.2-2.9-2.1-2.9-3.6.7-.1 1.9.5 2.9 1.9l.4-4.3c-1.1 1.1-2.1 1.4-3.2 1.4.4-1.2 2.1-3 2.1-3h-5.4s1.7 1.9 2.1 3c-1.1 0-2.1-.2-3.2-1.4l.4 4.3c1-1.4 2.2-2 2.9-1.9-.1 1.5-.2 3.4-2.9 3.6-1.9.2-3.4-.8-3.5-1.9-.2-1.3 1-2.2 1.9-.8.7-2.3-1.2-3-2.5-1.6.9-2.2.9-3.9-1.2-5.5-1.5 2-1.3 3.7.6 5.6-1.2-.7-3.1 0-2 2.3.6-1.4 1.8-1.1 1.9-1.5 2.1-.9.2-2.4-.5-3.5-3 .6 0 1.2.3 2 .9l-1.2-4c-.3 1.1-.7 1.9-1.1 2.3-.3-.8-.2-1.4 0-2.7l-2.9.9C1.3 23 2.6 25.5 3.7 30c3.7-.5 7.9-.8 12.3-.8"></path>
<!--[if IE 8]>
<img src="/assets/images/govuk-logotype-tudor-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image" width="32" height="30" alt="">

GOV.UK Frontend v3.15.0

05 Feb 11:51
Choose a tag to compare

This release includes the ability to update the crown logo. You must do this between 19 February and 1 March 2024.

We’ll send reminders to our mailing list and cross-government Slack as soon as you can make this change.

New features

Update to the new GOV.UK logo (between 19 February and 1 March 2024)

We’ve updated the GOV.UK logo to reflect the changing of the monarch. King Charles III uses the Tudor Crown, rather than the St Edward’s Crown chosen by Queen Elizabeth II.

If your service uses GOV.UK branding, you must update your service to use the new crown.

These changes were made in the following pull requests:

Include the new logo assets

Multiple new image assets are included in this release. You will need to copy these to your service's image assets folder if they are not being used directly from the Frontend package. By default this folder is located at /assets/images.

If you are using Nunjucks, the asset path may have been changed by the assetPath global variable or assetsPath parameter on the header component.

Copy the following files from /dist/assets/images into your assets folder. Any images with the same name as an existing image can be safely overwritten.

  • favicon.ico
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-167x167.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
  • govuk-apple-touch-icon.png
  • govuk-logotype-tudor-crown.png
  • govuk-mask-icon.svg
  • govuk-opengraph-image.png
Update the logo in the header of your page

If you are using the govukHeader Nunjucks macro in your service, add the useTudorCrown parameter to the macro instantiation.

{{ govukHeader({
  useTudorCrown: true
}) }}

If you are not using the Nunjucks macro, locate the HTML for the existing crown and replace it with this updated HTML. Make sure the URL for the new PNG fallback image is correct.

<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
  viewBox="0 0 32 30"
    fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"
    d="M22.6 10.4c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m-5.9 6.7c-.9.4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m10.8-3.7c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s0 2-1 2.4m3.3 4.8c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4M17 4.7l2.3 1.2V2.5l-2.3.7-.2-.2.9-3h-3.4l.9 3-.2.2c-.1.1-2.3-.7-2.3-.7v3.4L15 4.7c. 4c-.1.2-.1.4-.1.6 0 1.1.8 2 1.9 2.2h.7c1-.2 1.9-1.1 1.9-2.1 0-.2 0-.4-.1-.6l-1.3-4c-.1-.2 0-.2.1-.3m-7.6 5.7c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m-5 3c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s.1 2 1 2.4m-3.2 4.8c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m14.8 11c4.4 0 8.6.3 12.3.8 1.1-4.5 2.4-7 3.7-8.8l-2.5-.9c.2 1.3.3 1.9 0 2.7-.4-.4-.8-1.1-1.1-2.3l-1.2 4c.7-.5 1.3-.8 2-.9-1.1 2.5-2.6 3.1-3.5 3-1.1-.2-1.7-1.2-1.5-2.1.3-1.2 1.5-1.5 2.1-.1 1.1-2.3-.8-3-2-2.3 1.9-1.9 2.1-3.5.6-5.6-2.1 1.6-2.1 3.2-1.2 5.5-1.2-1.4-3.2-.6-2.5 1.6.9-1.4 2.1-.5 1.9.8-.2 1.1-1.7 2.1-3.5 1.9-2.7-.2-2.9-2.1-2.9-3.6.7-.1 1.9.5 2.9 1.9l.4-4.3c-1.1 1.1-2.1 1.4-3.2 1.4.4-1.2 2.1-3 2.1-3h-5.4s1.7 1.9 2.1 3c-1.1 0-2.1-.2-3.2-1.4l.4 4.3c1-1.4 2.2-2 2.9-1.9-.1 1.5-.2 3.4-2.9 3.6-1.9.2-3.4-.8-3.5-1.9-.2-1.3 1-2.2 1.9-.8.7-2.3-1.2-3-2.5-1.6.9-2.2.9-3.9-1.2-5.5-1.5 2-1.3 3.7.6 5.6-1.2-.7-3.1 0-2 2.3.6-1.4 1.8-1.1 1.9-1.5 2.1-.9.2-2.4-.5-3.5-3 .6 0 1.2.3 2 .9l-1.2-4c-.3 1.1-.7 1.9-1.1 2.3-.3-.8-.2-1.4 0-2.7l-2.9.9C1.3 23 2.6 25.5 3.7 30c3.7-.5 7.9-.8 12.3-.8"></path>
<!--[if IE 8]>
<img src="/assets/images/govuk-logotype-tudor-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image" width="32" height="30" alt="">

GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0

08 Dec 16:17
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You can find a summary of the main changes to GOV.UK Frontend v5 on the Frontend site. It's important to note our old frameworks (such as GOV.UK Elements) are no longer compatible with this release. It also stops Internet Explorer 11 from running GOV.UK Frontend JavaScript and removes support completely for Internet Explorer 8 to 10.

Your service will not stop working in Internet Explorer 11, but components will look and behave differently without JavaScript. Read more about how we provide support for different browsers.

Service teams should be using a progressive enhancement approach to make sure users can still access any content and complete their tasks.

If you still need to provide support for older versions of Internet Explorer, you should stay on the latest GOV.UK Frontend v4 release.

If you need it, we have a checklist for the changes you might need to make for v5, which you can view or copy (needs a Google account).

Breaking changes

You must make the following changes when you migrate to this release, or your service might break.

Update package file paths for Sass

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

Replace govuk-frontend/govuk with govuk-frontend/dist/govuk in any Sass @import paths.

For example:

@import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all";

If you've added node_modules/govuk-frontend as a Sass import path, update it with the /dist suffix:

loadPaths: [

If you're building your Sass code through Rails Assets Pipeline or Sprockets, refer to the section 'Update package file paths in Rails Assets Pipeline or Sprockets'.

Refer to the detailed guidance on importing using Sass.

These changes were introduced in #3498: Remove built dist and package from source

Update package file paths for Nunjucks

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

Replace govuk-frontend with govuk-frontend/dist in any nunjucks.configure() search paths:


Refer to the detailed guidance on using Nunjucks.

These changes were made in the following pull requests:

Update package file paths for assets such as images and fonts 

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

If you're serving the assets from the GOV.UK Frontend assets folder (node_modules/govuk-frontend/govuk/assets), update your routing to the new assets path : node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/assets.

Refer to the detailed guidance on importing assets.

These changes were introduced in #3498: Remove built dist and package from source

Update package file paths in Rails Assets Pipeline or Sprockets

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

Update the  node_modules/govuk-frontend part of the path to node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist, if you've added the path to GOV.UK Frontend package inside node_modules to:

These changes were introduced in #3498: Remove built dist and package from source

Update package file paths if including JavaScript directly

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

If you've set up your routing to serve GOV.UK Frontend's all.js file from node_modules, update the path you're serving to node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/govuk-frontend.min.js.

Update any <script> tag with the new path and filename, if necessary. Make sure they have a type="module" attribute. For example:

<script type="module" src="{path-to-javascript}/govuk-frontend.min.js"></script>

Replace <script>window.GOVUKFrontend.initAll()</script> to import and initialise GOV.UK Frontend using ES modules:

<script type="module">
  import { initAll } from '{path-to-javascript}/govuk-frontend.min.js'


Refer to the detailed guidance on importing JavaScript.

These changes were introduced in #3498: Remove built dist and package from source

Update package file paths for Node.js and other bundlers

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

If you're importing GOV.UK Frontend using import ... from 'govuk-frontend' or require('govuk-frontend'), you have nothing to change.

If you're using import to import individual components, replace govuk-frontend/govuk with govuk-frontend/dist/govuk. For example:

import Button from 'govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/components/button/button.mjs'

If you're using require to import individual components, replace govuk-frontend/govuk with govuk-frontend/dist/govuk and update the file name to <COMPONENT_NAME>.bundle.js. For example:

const Button  =  require('govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/components/button/button.bundle.js')

Refer to the detailed guidance on importing JavaScript.

These changes were introduced in #3498: Remove built dist and package from source

Verify your code does not rely on polyfills we have now removed

We have removed polyfills for Internet Explorer 8 to 11:

  • DOMTokenList, Element.prototype.classList, Element.prototype.closest, Element.prototype.matches, and Event - required for Internet Explorer 11 and below
  • Element.prototype.dataset - required for Internet Explorer 10 and below
  •, Document, Element, Element.prototype.nextElementSibling, Element.prototype.previousElementSibling, Function.prototype.bind, Object.defineProperty, String.prototype.trim and Window - required for Internet Explorer 8

However, because these polyfills create or extend global objects ('polluting the global namespace'), you might have other code in your service unintentionally relying on the inclusion of these polyfills. You might need to introduce your own polyfills or rewrite your JavaScript to avoid using the polyfilled features.

These changes were introduced in pull request #3570: Remove Internet Explorer 8 to 10 JavaScript polyfills, helpers, config

Stop Internet Explorer 11 and other older browsers running unsupported JavaScript

Add type="module" to all HTML <script> tags that include or bundle GOV.UK Frontend.

This is to stop Internet Explorer 11 and other older browsers running the JavaScript, which relies on features older browsers might not support and could cause errors.

Please note that <script> with type="module" runs JavaScript in a slightly different way than <script> without `type="module". You'll need to assess the impact of these nuances and make sure that:

Read more

GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0-beta.2

24 Nov 12:00
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes

Update the GOV.UK logo

The GOV.UK logo has been updated to merge the GOV.UK text with the crown graphic. This is to ensure that the full logo is always rendered correctly even if parts of the page, such as CSS or the Transport webfont fail to load. Styles relating to the logo have also been modified.

If you're using the govukHeader Nunjucks macro you don't need to change anything.

Otherwise, to update to the new logo:

  1. Remove <span class="govuk-header__logotype-text"> and its content.
  2. Remove the <span class="govuk-header__logotype"> around the svg element.
  3. Replace the svg element with this updated SVG, ensuring that the class name and attributes are also updated.

This change was made in pull request #4449: Implement transitional crown in the Header component (v5.0).

Check your favicons, app icons and OpenGraph image still work

We've changed the names, formats and sizes of icon assets that we distribute in Frontend. You will want to check that the correct files are in place.

The following files have been added to the assets folder:

  • manifest.json
  • images/favicon.svg
  • images/govuk-icon-180.png
  • images/govuk-icon-192.png
  • images/govuk-icon-512.png
  • images/govuk-icon-mask.svg

The following files have been removed from the assets folder:

  • images/govuk-apple-touch-icon.png
  • images/govuk-apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
  • images/govuk-apple-touch-icon-167x167.png
  • images/govuk-apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
  • images/govuk-mask-icon.svg

If you're not using the Nunjucks page template, you will need to replace the list of icons in the template's head with the following:

<link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" href="/assets/images/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" sizes="any" href="/assets/images/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="/assets/images/govuk-icon-mask.svg" color="#0b0c0c">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/assets/images/govuk-icon-180.png">
<link rel="manifest" href="/assets/manifest.json">

You will need to update the file path to match your assets folder if it's not at the default location.

This change was made in pull request #4445: Implement transitional crown favicons (v5.0).

Recommended changes

We've recently made some non-breaking changes to GOV.UK Frontend. Implementing these changes will make your service work better.

Remove the X-UA-Compatible meta tag

Remove the <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> meta tag from your page template.

Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10 included a feature that would try to determine if the page was built for an older version of IE and would silently enable compatibility mode, which would modify the rendering engine's behaviour to match the older version of IE. Setting this meta tag prevented that behaviour.

IE11 deprecated this meta tag and defaulted to always using IE11's renderer when the page has a HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>).

As Frontend no longer supports Internet Explorer versions older than 11, this meta tag can now be removed.

This change was made in pull request #4434: Remove X-UA-Compatible meta tag.


We’ve made fixes to GOV.UK Frontend in the following pull requests:

GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0-beta.1

03 Nov 12:15
Choose a tag to compare


We’ve made fixes to GOV.UK Frontend in the following pull requests:

GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0-beta.0

26 Oct 16:35
Choose a tag to compare

New features

Added a new Task list component

We’ve added a new component which creates lists of tasks that users need to complete.

Each task in the list can have a title, status, link and an optional hint. When a link is added, the whole row is clickable.

This change was made in pull request #2261: Task list component..

Added focus style for links containing non-text content

We've added a new focus style for use with non-text content, such as links containing images and focusable elements that are not form controls. This new style paints a visible yellow and black outline around the entire element, ensuring the focus style is visible in all situations.

For links containing images, we've added the govuk-link-image class. You should only use this class on links containing an image. If it also contains text, continue to use govuk-link instead.

<a class="govuk-link-image" href="#">
  <img src="..." alt="...">

You can use these styles in your own code by including the govuk-focused-box Sass mixin.

This change was made in pull request #3819: Add linked image focus style.

New link styles are now enabled by default

In GOV.UK Frontend v3.12.0 we introduced new link styles which are now enabled by default. They have:

underlines that are consistently thinner and a bit further away from the link text
a clearer hover state, where the underline gets thicker to make the link stand out to users

The new link styles are now enabled by default. If you are setting $govuk-new-link-styles to true in your Sass you can now remove this.

This change was made in:

Customise inverse button colours

For non-GOV.UK branded websites, you can now change the colours of inverse buttons - buttons intended for use on dark backgrounds.

To change the inverse button's background colour, set the $govuk-inverse-button-background-colour Sass variable.

To change the inverse button's text colour, set the $govuk-inverse-button-text-colour Sass variable.

@import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/govuk/base";

$govuk-inverse-button-background-colour: govuk-colour("yellow");
$govuk-inverse-button-text-colour: govuk-colour("black");
@import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/govuk/components/button/index";

This change was made in pull request #4043: Add ability to customise inverse button colours.

Precompiled CSS and JavaScript

The precompiled CSS and JavaScript files found in our GitHub releases are now also published to govuk-frontend on npm.

These changes were introduced in:

Check your tags align with design changes to the Tag component

We’ve changed the design of the tag component to improve accessibility and readability.

Text within the tag is no longer bold and uppercase with extra letter spacing. It’s now regular 19px text with the first letter of a word capitalised and the rest of the content lowercase. Due to this, there might be changes to the width of existing tags.

The colours have also changed to make them more distinguishable from buttons.

Check your service is using the correct capitalisation in the contents of tags and tags within phase banners.

This change was made in:

Breaking changes

You must make the following changes when you migrate to this release, or your service might break.

"Compatibility mode" features are no longer supported

GOV.UK Frontend no longer supports compatibility with our old frameworks:

  • GOV.UK Elements
  • GOV.UK Template
  • GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit.

You can no longer incrementally add GOV.UK Frontend to an existing service using one of these previous frameworks. We have removed the following Sass variables and one mixin which controlled compatibility mode:

  • $govuk-compatibility-govukelements
  • $govuk-compatibility-govuktemplate
  • $govuk-compatibility-govukfrontendtoolkit
  • the compatibility-mode mixin which automatically checked if any of the 3 control variables were set to true

We’ve additionally removed features that were managed using the above variables. The following features and their corresponding variables have now been removed:

  • access to the legacy colour palette using $govuk-use-legacy-palette
  • access to the legacy font using $govuk-use-legacy-font
  • use of legacy tabular fonts using $govuk-font-family-tabular
  • the ability to not use rem font sizes using $govuk-typography-use-rem

These changes were introduced in:

Update the HTML for warning text

We've removed the .govuk-warning-text__assistive class and its styles from GOV.UK Frontend. This class is unnecessary, as it duplicates the functionality of the .govuk-visually-hidden class already present in Frontend.

If you’re not using Nunjucks macros, update your warning text HTML to replace the govuk-warning-text__assistive class with the govuk-visually-hidden class.

This change was introduced in pull request #3569: Remove unnecessary class from Warning Text component.

Update package file paths

In preparation for additional build targets, we've moved our package files into a directory called dist.

If you’re using Node.js and other bundlers

Replace govuk-frontend/govuk with govuk-frontend/dist/govuk in any JavaScript require() or import file paths.

For example using require():

const Button = require('govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/components/button/button')

For example using import:

import Button from 'govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/components/button/button.mjs'

If you’re including JavaScript directly

Replace GOV.UK Frontend all.js with govuk-frontend.min.js and use <script type="module"> for ES modules:

<script type="module" src="{path-to-javascript}/govuk-frontend.min.js"></script>

Next replace <script>window.GOVUKFrontend.initAll()</script> to import and initialise GOV.UK Frontend using ES modules:

<script type="module">
  import { initAll } from '{path-to-javascript}/govuk-frontend.min.js'

If you import JavaScript using a different method, you might need to make some changes.

Refer to the detailed guidance on importing JavaScript.

If you’re using Sass

Replace govuk-frontend/govuk with govuk-frontend/dist/govuk in any Sass @import paths.

For example:

@import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all";

If you’ve added node_modules/govuk-frontend as a Sass import path, update it with the /dist suffix:

loadPaths: [

If you’re using Nunjucks

Replace govuk-frontend with govuk-frontend/dist in any nunjucks.configure() search paths:


These changes were made in the following pull requests:

Update the <script> snippet at the top of your <body> tag

Page templates now include a new govuk-frontend-supported class on the <body> tag when GOV.UK Frontend JavaScript components are fully supported.

If you are not using our Nunjucks page template, replace the existing snippet:

<script>document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + ' js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');</script>


<script>document.body.className += ' js-enabled' + ('noModule' in HTMLScriptElement.prototype ? ' govuk-frontend-supported' : '');</script>

Update the hash used by your Content Security Policy

If your Content Security Policy uses a hash to let the snippet above run, you'll need to update it from:



Read more

GOV.UK Frontend v5.0.0-internal.0

24 Oct 13:46
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Internal pre-release.

GOV.UK Frontend v4.7.0

06 Jul 13:41
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New features

Added the Exit This Page component to help users quickly exit a page or service

You can now choose to use the exit this page component to help users quickly leave a page or service which contains sensitive information.

This was added in pull request #2545: Add exit this page component.

Added inverse modifier for buttons on dark backgrounds

You can now choose to use the govuk-button--inverse class to style buttons on dark backgrounds with a white background colour.

This change was made in pull request #3556: Add inverse button styles.

Added inverse modifier for breadcrumbs on dark backgrounds

You can now choose to use the govuk-breadcrumbs--inverse class to style breadcrumbs on dark backgrounds with white text, links and arrows.

This change was made in pull request #3774: Add inverse breadcrumb and back link modifiers and styles.

Added inverse modifier for back links on dark backgrounds

You can now choose to use the govuk-back-link--inverse class to style back links on dark backgrounds with white links and arrows.

This change was made in pull request #3774: Add inverse breadcrumb and back link modifiers and styles.


We’ve made fixes to GOV.UK Frontend in the following pull requests:

GOV.UK Frontend v4.6.0

20 Apr 13:45
Choose a tag to compare

New features

Updated the appearance of disabled form controls

We’ve updated the disabled state of Text Input, Textarea, Select and File Upload components so it is consistent across browsers and devices. They’re also now consistent with the existing disabled styles for Buttons, Checkboxes, and Radios.

Disabled form controls appear at 50% opacity and with an alternative cursor appearance when hovered over.

This was added in pull request #3187: Add disabled styles for form controls.

Added a top-level disabled parameter to form controls

We’ve updated the Nunjucks macros for Text Input, Textarea, Select and File Upload components to include a top-level disabled parameter. This will make it easier to enable the disabled state for these controls.

{{ govukInput({
  id: "disabled-input",
  name: "disabled-input",
  value: "Unchangeable value",
  disabled: true
}) }}

Disabled form controls have poor contrast and can confuse some users, so avoid them if possible.

Only use disabled form controls if research shows it makes the user interface easier to understand.

This was added in pull request #3187: Add disabled styles for form controls.

Configure whether the Accordion remembers and restores sessions

By default, when a user leaves a page, the Accordion will remember the layout of expanded and collapsed sections selected by the user. If the user returns to the page, this layout will be restored and override any sections manually set as expanded in code.

You can now disable this functionality by using the rememberExpanded option in the govukAccordion Nunjucks macro.

If you're not using the Nunjucks macro, you can disable it using the data-remember-expanded HTML attribute.

This was added in pull request #3342: Add option to disable sessionState in Accordion.

Added id parameter to Buttons

We’ve updated the Button Nunjucks macro to include an optional id parameter.

{{ govukButton({
  text: "Save and continue",
  id: "continue-button"
}) }}

This was added in pull request #3344: Adding optional ‘id’ attribute to button component.

Thanks to @TomBillingtonUK for this contribution.

Added a modifier for text input styles that accept sequences of digits

We've added a new .govuk-input--extra-letter-spacing class for Text Input. This increases readability of text inputs that receive sequences of digits (like security codes, references or phone numbers).

You can add it through the classes option when using Nunjucks, or directly in the class attribute of the <input> when using HTML.

This was added in pull request #2230: Add extra letter spacing modifier for inputs

Deprecated features

Stop using JavaScript API properties other than the init method

We have deprecated all of the JavaScript properties in the API, except for the init method for each component. We'll make all of the deprecated JavaScript properties private in our next main release.

Please let us know if you're using parts of the API other than the init method by filling in this form. We'll use this information when prioritising future additions to the public API.

This was added in pull request #3499: Deprecate all JavaScript instance properties the except init method.

Stop using the .govuk-button--disabled class on buttons

We have deprecated the .govuk-button--disabled class and will remove it in the next major release.

If a Button uses a <button> or <input> element, use the disabled HTML attribute instead.

You will not need to make any changes if you're using the govukButton Nunjucks macro.

Disabling links that are styled to look like buttons will not be supported by future releases.

This was added in pull request #3326: Deprecate govuk-button--disabled class.

Stop using the deprecated Internet Explorer 8 mixins and settings

The next main release of GOV.UK Frontend will remove support for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). In preparation for this, we've deprecated the settings and mixins used when generating IE8 specific stylesheets.

You'll start seeing deprecation warnings if you're:

If you no longer need to support IE8, we recommend you stop generating an IE8 specific stylesheet and remove references to the IE8 mixins from your code.

You can also silence these deprecation warnings by adding ie8 to the $govuk-suppressed-warnings setting, but once we’ve released v5.0 you will need to address them as part of the upgrade process.


We’ve made fixes to GOV.UK Frontend in the following pull requests: