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GOV.UK Pay Self Service admin tool (Node.js)


Running locally

Start the backend services locally in docker, using the Pay CLI.

pay local up --cluster admin

Generate the environment variables file. This only needs to be done the first time you run locally.

./scripts/ local

Check that you are using the right version of Node, which should match what specified in package.json for engines/node.

node -v

If the node version is not what specified in package.json, then you need to install it and set it, e.g. for 18.17.1:

nvm install 18.17.1
nvm use
nvm alias default 18.17.1

Run the following in the project root to start the app:

npm i
npm run dev

Open the application in browser:

Watching for changes

The local development server (npm run dev) will watch for any changes to files in the src directory and rebuild the bundles automatically.

Any changes to the server code will restart the app; changes to client side assets (SCSS/JS) and Nunjucks views will be reloaded automatically without a restart.

Running via Pay CLI

pay local up --cluster admin --mount-local-node-apps --local selfservice

This command will watch changes in your workspace and rebuild them in a Pay CLI managed selfservice task

Running tests

To run tests

npm run test

This command will run all mocha test suites matching the glob pattern *.test.js

To run Cypress tests start the server in a separate terminal

npm run cypress:server

This runs both the Cypress server and @govuk-pay/run-amock which is the mock server used for stubbing out external API calls.

You can run Cypress tests headless or in a locally installed browser

npm run cypress:test # headless
npm run cypress:test-headed # in a browser

Debugging Cypress tests

You can start the Cypress server with in-line source maps and auto reload enabled by running npm run cypress:dev-server. This will allow you to set breakpoints and step through the source when running a spec.

Key environment variables

Variable required default value Description
BIND_HOST The IP address for the application to bind to
PORT X 9200 The port number for the express server to be bound at runtime
SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY X Key to be used by the cookie encryption algorithm. Should be a large unguessable string (More Info).
PUBLIC_AUTH_URL X The publicauth endpoint to use when API Tokens.
PUBLIC_AUTH_URL X The endpoint to connector base URL.
DISABLE_INTERNAL_HTTPS false/undefined To switch off generating secure cookies. Set this to true only if you are running self service in a non HTTPS environment.
HTTP_PROXY_ENABLED false/undefined To enable proxying outbound traffic of HTTP(S) requests. If set to true make sure to set the following 3 variables
NO_PROXY host:port(s) that need to be by passed by the proxy. Supports comma separated list


MIT License

Vulnerability Disclosure

GOV.UK Pay aims to stay secure for everyone. If you are a security researcher and have discovered a security vulnerability in this code, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. Please refer to our vulnerability disclosure policy and our security.txt file for details.