A primer to help people get up to speed quickly with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
- an overview of WCAG.
- information for each success crteria - including an understandable explanation, details of what is required, example of common issues and links to further content
- the most relevant success criteria for content, design and code
- some questions to help you evaluate if a digital product meets WCAG
This WCAG Primer is for everyone. You can help make sure it stays up to date by:
- Making changes to the WCAG primer on Github.
To contribute to this repository, you first need to fork it* You can raise PRs from your forked copy.
- Emailing the Accessibility Capability team at accessibility@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk with suggestions
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bundle exec middleman server
The text lives in the source/sc
folder, and is in markdown format.
This project is continuously deployed - merging a pull request into main will
cause the site to be built and any changes added to the gh-pages