The application is developed with python3.11.2 on a Debian Linux 12 (bookworm) system
I have not included a script to install this version of python3 and its dependencies on your computer as it may make adverse changes to your system you do not want.
I assume you already have installed a more recent version of python3 on your own system
Library and dependency installation is with pip, not anaconda
administration accounts:
username: admin password: admin
username: ra password: admin
username: drSimpson
password: goldsmiths123
username: drGriffin
password: goldsmiths456
username: nurseChappel
password: goldsmiths789
username: nurseGollum
password: goldsmiths321
name: skin
userID: derm
password: derm
create a virtual environment then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the necessary libraries and dependencies
python3 runserver
this convenient script:
is a short bash script which sequentially runs these three commands:
- python3 makemigratons
- python3 migrate
- python3 runserver
runs as: ./
As you know, the bash script must be enabled by you first before running it:
chmod +x ./
is a command which will do this on a POSIX system (Linux, MacOS)
username: admin
password: admin (same as user name)
| userID | username | email | password |
| 6 | nurseGollum------------- | ------- | goldsmiths321 | | 4 | drGriffin--------------- | ------- | goldsmiths123 | | 3 | drSimpson--------------- | ------- | goldsmiths456 | | 5 | nurseChappel------------ | ------- | goldsmiths789 |
This represents the current state of the userIDs as they match up to the different user profiles. Changes to the database, running a copy of the app, and possibly other abstruse procedures may change the userIDs of the users from the ones listed above, usually by a shift of one.
To login two different users for a chat session, best to do so from two different browsers (i.e; Chrome and Firefox) or two different windows for the same browser, not two tabs on the same browser window.
Two-way communication tends to fail if trying to login two different accounts with two tabs on the same browser window.
APIs are developed for user profiles, friend requests, posts, comments and endorsements.
Here is the consolidated list of API URL path extensions:
- api/profile/int:pk
- api/profiles/
- api/colleaguerequest/int:pk
- api/colleaguerequests/
- api/post/int:pk
- api/posts/
- api/comment/int:pk
- api/comments/
- api/endorse/int:pk
- api/endorses/
where the primary key pk is a numeral
for swagger-UI:
- api/schema/swagger-ui/
pytest (as you know pytest will run python unittests as well as its own unit tests)
python3 test chat.tests
Port: 5432
Database: skin
Username: skin_user