An OCR to machine translation script for manga. The script supports multiple translation models and allows you to specify different API endpoints.
You need a couple of things: zenity, grim, and jq. The installation script will tell you what you're missing before attempting to install.
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd mangos
You need to edit the config.yaml
provided in the directory. Alternatively, you can pass command-line arguments like:
mangos -m gpt-4o-mini -a '' -t openai -k sk-PS5HasNoGames -d cuda
This runs mangos in CUDA mode, using the OpenAI model gpt-4o-mini.
For Anthropic:
mangos -m claude-3-haiku-20240307 -t anthropic
For DeepL X (
mangos -t deeplx
After installation,
scripts are provided. Run the uninstall script to remove mangos:
mangos will always attempt to use the last known method in the config, unless commandline arguments prioritize it.
- Multiple translation models support (OpenAI, Anthropic, DeepL X, Ollama)
- Customizable API endpoints
- Waybar integration
- GPU acceleration support (CUDA)
Special thanks to manga_ocr for this project
idk do what you want