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Update and fix Section 3.1 on semantic linearity
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alt-romes committed Sep 24, 2023
1 parent 1860aec commit d0d57c3
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Showing 5 changed files with 90 additions and 45 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions call-notes/14-09-2023.txt
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Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ Background
[x] still used linearly semantically -> still used semantically linearly DONE
[x] remover os "sumarios" headers e a frase a introduzir
[x] recursive lets: terminar items com pontos finais DONE
[ ] Mudar o exemplo do linearity semantically que esta errado para
[ ] Laranja (Apresentar la em cima)
[ ] Mudar a escrita do exemplo
[x] Mudar o exemplo do linearity semantically que esta errado para
[x] Laranja (Apresentar la em cima)
[x] Mudar a escrita do exemplo
[x] Escrever os lets e os cases do Linear Core e tudo o resto...
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112 changes: 77 additions & 35 deletions chapters/c7.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,8 @@ result consumes that resource iff the result is effectively computed; in
contrast, a computation that depends on a linear resource, but is never run,
will not consume that resource.

From this observation, and exploring the connection between computation and evaluation,\todo{Alguma dificuldade em dizer exatamente como é que evaluation drives/is computation}
From this observation, and exploring the connection between computation and evaluation,
% \todo{Alguma dificuldade em dizer exatamente como é que evaluation drives/is computation}
it becomes clear that \emph{linearity} and \emph{consuming resources}, in the
above example and for programs in general, should be defined in function of the
language's evaluation strategy.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,10 +389,11 @@ system.
In the examples, a \colorbox{working}{\workingcolorname} background highlights programs that are
syntactically linear and are accepted by Core's naive linear type system. A
\colorbox{notyet}{\notyetcolorname} background marks programs that are
semantically linear, but are not seen as linear by Core's naive linear type
\colorbox{notyet}{\notyetcolorname} or \colorbox{limitation}{\limitationcolorname} background mark programs that are
semantically linear, but are not seen as linear by Core's (naive wrt laziness) linear type
system. Notably, the linear type system we develop in this work accepts all
\colorbox{notyet}{\notyetcolorname} programs.
% (while the few \colorbox{limitation}{\limitationcolorname} programs are not accepted).
A \colorbox{noway}{\nowaycolorname} background indicates that the program
simply isn't linear, not even semantically, i.e. the program effectively
discards or duplicates linear resources.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -897,37 +899,45 @@ discarding linear resources (for cases such as the |use = (,)| example). In
short, if the scrutinee is not in WHNF we must either consume the case binder
or the linear components of the pattern.

However, it is crucial to also consider pattern matches on constructors without
However, we must also consider pattern matches on constructors without
any linear components. If the constructor has no linear fields, it means the
result can be consumed unrestrictedly and, therefore, all linear resources used
in the computation have been fully consumed. For instance, the following
program, where |K2| has no fields and |K1| has one linear field, shouldn't
typecheck because in case alternatives that matched a constructor without
linear fields the scrutinee resources are no longer available:
in the computation have been fully consumed.
Consequently, in a branch of a constructor without linear fields we know the
result of evaluating the scrutinee to be unrestricted, so we can use the case
binder unrestrictedly and refer to it zero or more times. For example, this
program is semantically linear:
f16 :: () ()
f16 x = case x of z { () -> z <> z }
A second example of an unrestricted pattern, where |K2| has no fields and |K1|
has one linear field, seems as though it shouldn't typecheck since the resource
$x$ must have been fully consumed to take the |K2| branch, but because the
scrutinee is known to be |K1|, the |K2| branch is \emph{absurd}, so, in reality
any resource could be freely used in that branch, and the example is
\emph{semantically} linear (despite not being seen as so by our system):
f :: a a
f x = case K1 x of z { K2 -> x; K1 a -> x }
\todo[inline]{Actually, this example is fine; in practice, it only matters that
resources are consumed to be able to use the case binder unrestrictedly. This
one doesn't typecheck, but is still semantically linear}
This particular example has a known constructor being scrutinized which might
seem like an unrealistic example, but we recall that during the transformations
programs undergo in an optimising compiler, many programs such as this
naturally occur (e.g. if the definition of a function were inlined in the scrutinee).

Moreover, in a branch of a constructor without linear fields we also know the
result of evaluating the scrutinee to be unrestricted, so we can also use the
case binder unrestrictedly and refer to it zero or more times. For example, this
program is also linear:
f16 :: () ()
f16 x = case x of z { () -> z <> z }
naturally occur (e.g. if the definition of a function is inlined in the
% However, the scrutinee before evaluation likely isn't in WHNF, thus scrutinee
% resources cannot directly occur in the case alternatives, since they might be
% potentially consumed when evaluating the scrutinee, the program leading up to
% this one wouldn't have been linear (even semantically).

Further exploring that each linear field must be consumed exactly once, and
that resources in WHNF scrutinees aren't consumed, we are able to construct
Expand All @@ -954,15 +964,47 @@ f w = case w of z

Finally, we consider the default case alternatives, also known as wildcards
(written $\_$), in the presence of linearity: Matching against the wildcard
doesn't provide new information, so we linearity is seen as before but without
fully consuming linear resources (in non-linear patterns) nor binding new
linear resources (in linear patterns). If the scrutinee is in WHNF, we can
either use the resources from the scrutinee or the case binder in that
alternative, if the scrutinee is not in WHNF, we \emph{must} use the case
binder, as it's the only way to linearly consume the result of evaluating the
scrutinee to WHNF.
Before last, we consider the default case alternatives, also known as wildcards
(written $\_$), in the presence of linearity: matching against the wildcard
doesn't provide new information, so linearity is seen as before but without
fully consuming the scrutinee linear resources (in non-linear patterns) nor
binding new linear resources (in linear patterns). In short, if the scrutinee
is in WHNF, we can either use the resources from the scrutinee or the case
binder in that alternative, if the scrutinee is not in WHNF, we \emph{must} use
the case binder, as it's the only way to linearly consume the result of
evaluating the scrutinee.

Finally, we discuss the special case of a case expression scrutinizing a
variable $x$:
fvar = \lambda x.~\ccase{x}{\_ \to x}
It might seem as though the program is linear:
\item If $x$ is in WHNF, then scrutinizing it is a no-op, and returning $x$
just returns the resource intact.
\item If $x$ is not in WHNF, then scrutinizing it evaluates it to WHNF, and
returning $x$ returns the result of evaluating $x$ that still had to be
consumed exactly once.
However, in practice, it depends on the evaluation strategy. If linear function
applications are $\beta$-reduced \emph{call-by-name} (a common practice, as
linear functions use their argument exactly once), and $fvar$ is considered
linear, then an application might duplicate linear resources during evaluation.
For example:
(\lambda x.~\ccase{x}{\_ \to x})~(free~x)\\
\ccase{free~x}{\_ \to free~x}
Therefore, the type system we present in the next section, which evaluates
linear applications call-by-name, does not accept the above program as linear.
Foreshadowing, this particular interaction between evaluation and linearity
comes up in the type preservation proof of our program, and is again explored
with the reverse binder swap transformation in

% \parawith{Summary}
In summary, case expressions evaluate their scrutinees to WHNF,
Expand All @@ -972,7 +1014,7 @@ alternative, alongside the case binder and the pattern-bound variables. In the
case alternative, either the resources of the scrutinee, the case binder, or
the linearly bound pattern variables must be used exactly once, but mutually
exclusively. For scrutinees not in WHNF, in the case alternative, either the
case binder or the linear pattern variables must be used mutually exclusively.
case binder or the linear pattern variables need to be used, in mutual exclusion.
If the pattern doesn't bind any linear resources, then it may be consumed
unrestrictedly, and therefore the case binder may also be used unrestrictedly.

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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions chapters/c8.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ For example, we might define, using a GADT |SBool| and a type family |If|, the
following program, which is linear in the second argument of |dep| if the first
argument is |STrue| and unrestricted otherwise:
% ROMES:TODO: fazer exemplos laranja (linear but we can't see it)
% \begin{laranja}
data SBool :: Bool -> Type where
STrue :: SBool True
Expand All @@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ dep :: SBool b -> Int %(If b One Many) -> Int
dep STrue x = x
dep SFalse _ = 0
% \end{laranja}
In theory, this example is linear and should be accepted. However, in practice,
the example is rejected by the GHC Core type checker. Critically, Core doesn't
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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions report.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,18 +44,22 @@

% colorboxes, from rae's thesis as well
\newcommand{\notyetcolorname}{light yellow}

\newcommand{\workingcolorname}{light green}

\newcommand{\notyetcolorname}{light yellow}

\newcommand{\nowaycolorname}{light red}

\definecolor{limitation}{rgb}{1.0, 0.875, 0.75}
\newcommand{\limitationcolorname}{light orange}


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Binary file modified report.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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