mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
cd ..
mpirun -n 2 build/<algoname> # yoyo, shout, bully
python visualisers/
python visualisers/
- Copy the test.cpp file and rename to algo_name.cpp
- Edit the CMakeLists.txt in the root folder
- Add at the end (change algo_name to name of your algo)
add_executable(algo_name src/main.cpp src/algo_name.cpp) target_link_libraries(algo_name ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} topo)
- From now on, to run your code, the final executable will be inside the build folder and it will be called
- Available graph functions (call at the beginning of the run function according to preference )
void topo::make_ring(): makes a ring of size numprocs
- Other important variables
topo::numprocs //number of processes
topo::rank //rank of current process
topo::globals // vector of vectors of ints containing the broadcasted global variables
- Tag for send/recv operations should be greater than
- Utility functions
int topo::make_global(vector<long long int> data_buffer, bool is_root);
// broadcasts the data buffer variable following the topological graph.
// returns the index in the globals vector, where the current buffer has been stored. This returned value is same in all the processes.
- In the CMakeLists.txt in the root folder, uncomment the last line,
. - Then do the following again
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
mpirun -n 2 main
- This time the code will get stuck and show the output line
wating for debugger pid=x
. - Open gdb
- Run the following commands inside the gdb shell
attach x #where x is the pid we got earlier
set variable i=1
# set any break points you want
# basically use the debugger normally now.
next # execute the next statement
print x #display value of x
break func #set breakpoint at function func