Releases: alvesmarcos/GithubRepo
Releases · alvesmarcos/GithubRepo
Road Map #6
- Check out Reactive paradigm and RxSwift library
- Refactor your code to be Reactive with RxSwift/RxCocoa libraries
Road Map #5
- Refactor Navigation Logic by implementing Coordinator pattern
Road Map #4
- Implement Repository Pattern by refactoring the Data layer
- ViewModel ↔ Repository ↔ DataSource ↔ Service
Road Map #3
- Update to MVVM using Closures Pattern and imperative programming
Road Map #2
- Add third libraries using CocoaPods
Road Map #1
The first implementation may be more difficult than the others but it is important to learn how Apple works without third libraries dependencies for study purposes.
- Implement using MVC Apple pattern.
- Feel free to organize files/classes based on MVC Apple
- Do not use storyboard. Use .xib and/or ViewCode instead 4. Do not use third party library