Here are collected scripts that allow to run github-runner in a docker container with rootless dind.
Prepare the github-runner user:
sudo groupadd github-runner -g 1001
sudo useradd github-runner -u 1001 -g 1001 -s /bin/bash -m
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y uidmap jq
sudo loginctl enable-linger github-runner
sudo su github-runner
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID install
Create /home/github-runner/bin
folder and copy files from bin.
Create /home/github-runner/runner.env
file with your settings. Scripts are working only with app_id
and app_private_key
Move runner.service
to /home/github-runner/.config/systemd/user
and enable the service:
mv runner.service /home/github-runner/.config/systemd/user/runner.service
systemctl --user enable runner
systemctl --user start runner