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Installing on Linux

Alvin Lazaro edited this page Jan 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

This is a detailed guide on installing Stem on Linux. If any problems arise while installing feel free to add me on steam for help.

1) Node.js

The bot requires Node.js v0.10.x and above. There is a fantastic guide to installing Node.js on linux here. Pick your linux distro and follow the instructions.

2) Stem

Once we have Node installed we can begin setting up the bot.

  1. sudo apt-get install git build-essential We'll need git and build-essential in order to clone the repo and then install its dependencies.
  2. git clone clone the repo
  3. cd stem go into the stem folder
  4. sudo npm install install the needed packages for the bot
  5. Create a config file named config.json. You can use the provided config.json.example as a reference.
  1. Run node bin/stem <path/to/config.json> to start the bot
  • Example: node bin/stem config.json
  1. It will most likely ask you for a Steam Auth code to input, check your email and input it into the bot.
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