- 15.5 years ➤ ECMAScript [ 2009/ES5 ‒ 2023 ] ● HTML [ 4 ‒ 5 ]
- 11 years ➤ Git/Git Submodules
- 8.5 years ➤ TypeScript [ 1 ‒ 5 ] ● Webpack [ 2 ‒ 5 ]
- 8 years ➤ ExtJS [ 2 ‒ 6 ]
- 7.5 years ➤ React [ 15 ‒ 18 ] ● Redux ● InversifyJS
- 2 years ➤ Angular [ 2 ‒ 5 ]
- 8 months ➤ Vue [ 2 ]
- 7 years ➤ Java SE [ 5 ‒ 8 ]
- 6.5 years ➤ Java EE
Russia, Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UlSTU)
Software Engineering: full-time
September 2003 - June 2008: Bachelor's Degree/Specialist (degree reference, transcript reference)
Final paper: «Developing a cross-platform Web-portal for processing orders at an automobile store»
10/03/2015-27/12/2016: Acronis LLC
01/09/2014-18/02/2015: E.Soft
22/07/2008-23/07/2014: Qiwi PLC
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SweedPos [ ex WALLI IT, INC ] [ U.S.-Based Start-Up ] |
[ Project #24 ] | Corporate Front-End Framework |
[ Application type ] | [ Front-End Framework ] |
[ Contract position ] | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead / Lead Engineer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead [ in a team of 2 to 6 front-end developers at various times ] 1. 80% coding, 20% other tasks. 2. Designing the architecture, developing core modules and components. 3. Developing a robust UI Kit with modular and reusable components. 4. Integrating external JavaScript out-of-the-box solutions. 5. Creating a unified, Webpack-based build system for all company web applications. 6. Regularly updating libraries and ensuring up-to-date dependencies. 7. Collaborating with the product teams to develop optimal technical solutions. 8. Ensuring and monitoring code quality. 9. Ensuring Compliance with SOC 1/2. 10. Unit testing and code review. 11. Documenting the architecture. |
[ Project goal ] | Build a robust front-end platform completely from the ground up. |
[ Project activities ] | [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Declarative [ DP ], Functional [ FP ], Event-Driven [ ED ]. ● SOLID, DRY, YAGNI. ● Loose Coupling, Code Reusability, Defensive Programming. ● Flux, Container/Presentational. ● Design-first [ UCD + DAF ], Iterative SDLC. ● Clean Architecture. ● Monolithic [ +lazy loaded bundles and modules ]. ● TypeScript 5, React 18 [ Class Components ]. ● Redux, Redux Effects middleware. ● React Router. ● InversifyJS, Ramda. ● SignalR, @dagrejs/graphlib, Moment.js. ● OpenTelemetry, Chart.js, Google Maps. ● MSAL.js, CryptoJS. ● Bluebird, WebcamJS, localForage. ● ES7 Decorators, ES6 Promises. ● HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3. ● Flexbox, SASS/SCSS. ● UI Themes. ● Cross-browser [ Mobile, Desktop ], BrowserStack. ● Webpack 5, Node.js. ● ESLint/ESLint plugins. ● Karma, Jasmine. ● Git/Git Submodules, GitLab. ● Jira, Confluence. ● Figma, Slack, Hubstaff. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 7 years, 4 months ] [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40-60 hours per week / Long-term contract / Hybrid ] |
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SweedPos [ ex WALLI IT, INC ] [ U.S.-Based Start-Up ] |
Project #23 | Customizable web-based digital kiosk application, the secondary entry point for all in-store customers |
Application type | [ E-commerce: Kiosk ] |
Contract position | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead / Lead Engineer |
Role | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead [ in a team of up to 3 front-end developers ] 1. 70% coding, 30% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Designing the architecture and developing business modules of increased complexity. 4. Participating in the design of the client-server architecture. 5. Developing the essential communication protocols. 6. Integrating with the API. 7. Integrating with the ecosystem's web applications. 8. Ensuring that deadlines are met. 9. Working closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers ] and the business [ PO, CEO ]. 10. Unit testing and code review. |
Project activities | [ February 2023 ➜ October 2024 ] |
Tech Stack & Work Env. | ● Project #21 and #24 dependencies. ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Declarative [ DP ], Functional [ FP ], Event-Driven [ ED ]. ● Flux, Container/Presentational. ● Design-first, Iterative SDLC. ● Monolithic [ +lazy loaded bundles and modules ]. ● UI Themes. ● Responsive Design [ TV/Kiosk, Tablet ]. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● SSO, JSON-RPC, CORS. ● Git/Git Submodules, WebStorm. |
Contract Period | [ 7 years, 4 months ] [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
Working schedule | [ Full-time: 40-60 hours per week / Long-term contract / Hybrid ] |
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SweedPos [ ex WALLI IT, INC ] [ U.S.-Based Start-Up ] |
Project #22 | Cash Register Gate Service v1.0, the primary in-store SOA server for all in-store web applications |
Application type | [ Application Server ] |
Contract position | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead / Lead Engineer |
Role | Full-Stack Tech Lead / Team Lead [ a team of 1 full-stack expert ] 1. 80% coding, 20% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Frontend-Backend Architecture Design. 4. Client-Server Architecture Design. 5. Developing static [ Java, TypeScript ] and dynamic [ JavaScript tasks ] modules. 6. Integrating into the existing ecosystem. 7. Migrating frontend: v1.0 [ Java, Socket.IO ] ➜ v2.0 [ .NET, SignalR ]. 8. Conducting manual tests. |
Project activities | [ March 2018 ➜ June 2021 ] |
Stack and Work Environment | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Multithreading [ MP ], Event-Driven [ ED ]. ● Code-first, Waterfall SDLC. ● SOA, Event Bus. ● JavaScript, TypeScript. ● InversifyJS, Socket.IO. ● Java SE 8, Nashorn [ JavaScript engine ]. ● Google Guava, Google Guice, Google Gson. ● ZeroMQ, NettySocketIO. ● Imgscalr, ZXing, SLF4J. ● H2 Database, Apache MINA, Jetty Server. ● OpenSSL, Certificates. ● Java Keytool, Java KeyStore. ● WebSocket, JSON-RPC. ● Maven, Git. ● Hubstaff. |
Contract Period | [ 7 years, 4 months ] [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
Working schedule | [ Full-time: 40-60 hours per week / Long-term contract / Hybrid ] |
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SweedPos [ ex WALLI IT, INC ] [ U.S.-Based Start-Up ] |
Project #21 | Customizable web-based online store v1.0, the primary entry point for online customers |
Application type | [ Web Application: E-commerce Store ] |
Contract position | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead / Lead Engineer |
Role | Front-End Tech Lead / Team Lead [ in a team of up to 3 front-end developers ] 1. 60% coding, 40% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Designing the architecture and developing business modules of increased complexity. 4. Participating in the design of the client-server architecture. 5. Developing the essential communication protocols. 6. Integrating with the ecosystem's web applications. 7. Integrating with the API. 8. Ensuring optimal SEO performance. 9. Ensuring that deadlines are met. 10. Estimating development tasks. 11. Working closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers ] and the business [ PO, CEO ]. 12. Unit testing and code review. |
Project activities | [ March 2020 ➜ October 2024 ] |
Stack and Work Environment | ● Dependencies of Project #24. ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Functional [ FP ], Event-Driven [ ED ]. ● Flux, Container/Presentational. ● Design-first, Iterative SDLC. ● Monolithic [ +lazy loaded bundles and modules ]. ● accessiBe, ZXing. ● UI Themes. ● Responsive Design [ Mobile, Tablet, Desktop ]. ● Rich SPA, RTA [ Real-Time Application ]. ● WebSocket, JSON-RPC, CORS. ● WKWebView, iframe, Cross-document messaging. ● SEO,, Lighthouse. ● Web analytics tools, Reverse proxy. ● CloudFlare caching, HTTP caching. ● Git/Git Submodules, WebStorm. |
Contract Period | [ 7 years, 4 months ] [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
Working schedule | [ Full-time: 40-60 hours per week / Long-term contract / Hybrid ] |
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SweedPos [ ex WALLI IT, INC ] [ U.S.-Based Start-Up ] |
[ Project #20 ] | Point of Sale system, the primary web application used by all cashiers in each store |
[ Application Type ] | [ B2B ][ SaaS ][ Web Application: Online Cash Register for POS Systems ] |
[ Contract Position ] | Front-End Lead Engineer ➜ Team Lead ➜ Tech Lead |
[ Role ] | Front-End Team Lead / Tech Lead / Lead Developer [ in a team of up to 4 front-end developers ] ● 70% coding, 30% other tasks. ● I. Responsibilities as a Lead Developer: ● Collaborating on the design of client-server architecture. ● Developing business modules of increased complexity. ● Developing essential communication protocols. ● Integrating with APIs. ● Integrating with external equipment [ e.g., USB scanners ]. ● Identifying, troubleshooting, and resolving critical, intricate, and non-trivial issues and incidents. ● Writing automated unit tests. ● Conducting thorough code reviews. ● Assisting the team in designing optimal solutions. ● II. Responsibilities as a Tech Lead: ● Designing the system architecture. ● Creating, initializing, and launching the project into production. ● Managing a critical area of responsibility: minimizing errors and malfunctions due to their high cost. ● Ensuring data consistency across synchronous and asynchronous communication channels. ● Ensuring both backward compatibility of APIs and long-term usability. ● Ensuring and monitoring code quality through the implementation of best practices and development standards. ● Providing mentorship to team members to foster their technical growth. ● III. Responsibilities as a Team Lead: ● Estimating development tasks. ● Meeting deadlines and ensuring timely delivery. ● Collaborating closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers, Tier-3 Support ] and business stakeholders [ PO, CEO ]. ● Managing business stakeholders' expectations and ensuring alignment of development with business goals. |
[ Project Activities ] | [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
[ Project Goal ] | Create a web application specifically designed for cashiers to use on in-store tablets and desktops. |
[ Project Result ] | Successfully launched for commercial use [ 2018 ➜ Present ]. |
[ Key Achievements and Personal Contributions ] | ● Creator and Sole Developer: Led the launch phase into the production environment as the creator and sole developer. ● Expedited MVP Launch: Accelerated the release of the MVP by leveraging the core front-end library, reducing time-to-market. ● 100+ Significant Releases: Successfully delivered over 100 impactful releases, driving product growth and enhancing system stability. ● Exceptional Release Stability: Maintained an extremely low rollback rate across all releases. ● Complex Business Logic Modules: Designed and implemented dozens of highly intricate and non-trivial business logic modules, addressing critical operational needs. ● Multiple Operating Modes: Rapidly designed and implemented support for various application operating modes, including e-commerce and guest modes, improving flexibility and user experience. ● Thriving Under Pressure: Consistently excelled in high-pressure environments with tight deadlines, maintaining both high performance and quality. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 7 years, 4 months ] [ July 2017 ➜ October 2024 ] |
[ Working Schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40-60 hours per week / Long-term contract / Hybrid ] |
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GetTransfer LTD |
[ Project #15 ] | Private online office for managing vehicles, passengers, and drivers for private transfers worldwide |
[ Application type ] | [ Marketplace ][ Web Application: Private Online Office ] |
[ Contract position ] | Front-End Lead Engineer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Lead Developer [ a team of 1 front-end expert ] 1. 90% coding, 10% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Designing the architecture and developing modules. 4. Developing a robust UI Kit with modular and reusable components. 5. Participating in the design of the client-server architecture. 6. Integrating with the API. 7. Ensuring that deadlines are met. 8. Working closely with the team [ Devs, Designers ] and the business [ PO ]. |
[ Project goal ] | Create a personal online office for administrators to manage domain entities. |
[ Project activities ] | [ October 2018 ➜ May 2019 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Project #24 dependencies. ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Functional [ FP ]. ● Flux, Container / Presentational. ● User-First [ UCD ], Waterfall SDLC. ● Monolithic [ +lazy loaded bundles and modules ]. ● TypeScript, Vue 2. ● vue2-dropzone, vue-property-decorator. ● Redux, Redux Effects middleware. ● React Router, InversifyJS. ● ES7 Decorators, ES6 Promises. ● Flexbox, SCSS. ● Responsive Design [ Desktop ]. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA, BrowserStack. ● REST, CORS. ● iframe integration. ● Webpack, Git. ● Figma, Hubstaff, Slack. |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Part-time: 10-15 hours per week / Outsource / Remote ] |
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Crif LLC |
[ Project #13 ] | Contact Internationalization Project |
[ Application type ] | [ B2B ][ Web Application: Private Online Office ] |
[ Contract position ] | Senior Software Developer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Senior Developer [ in a team of up to 3 front-end developers ] 1. 90% coding, 10% other tasks. 2. Developing modules and UI components of increased complexity. 3. Integrating with the API. 4. Code review. 5. Actively participating in discussions regarding the architecture and system requirements. |
[ Project goal ] | Porting the flagship Delphi desktop application to the web platform. |
[ Project activities ] | [ May 2017 ➜ July 2017 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ], Reactive [ RP ]. ● Flux, Container / Presentational. ● API-first, Iterative SDLC. ● Monolithic [ +lazy loaded bundles and modules ]. ● TypeScript, Angular 4. ● RxJS, NgRx. ● ng2-dragula, angular2-jwt. ● ag-grid-enterprise, Ramda, jQuery. ● Flexbox, SASS / SCSS. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● REST. ● Webpack, Git. ● Slack, Gitlab. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 3 months ] [ May 2017 ➜ July 2017 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40 hours per week / Short-term contract / Onsite ] |
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Acronis LLC |
[ Project #12 ] | A multi-functional bootstrapper for web applications in standalone and geo-distributed data centers |
[ Application type ] | [ Web Application: Bootstrapper ] |
[ Contract position ] | Senior Software Developer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Lead Developer [ a team of 1 front-end expert ] 1. 90% coding, 10% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Integrating into the existing ecosystem. 4. Designing the architecture and developing modules. 5. Critical area of responsibility: high cost of errors and malfunctions. 6. Unit testing and integration testing. |
[ Project goal ] | Create a bootstrapper for customizable geo-distributed web applications, hosted on a domain that serves as the single entry point for all clients. |
[ Project activities ] | [ August 2016 ➜ September 2016 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ]. ● Code-first, Waterfall SDLC. ● Monolithic. ● TypeScript 2. ● Bluebird, InversifyJS. ● fetch, CORS. ● Cross-platform application. ● Karma, Jasmine. ● Webpack 2, Node.js, Git. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 1 year, 10 months ] [ March 2015 ➜ December 2016 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40-50 hours per week / Long-term contract / Onsite ] |
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Acronis LLC |
[ Project #11 ] | Personal Online Office for Customers: |
[ Application type ] | [ Web Application: Private Online Office ] |
[ Contract position ] | Senior Software Developer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Tech Lead [ in a team of up to 5 front-end developers ] 1. 60% coding, 40% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Developing TypeScript business modules and components of increased complexity. 4. Developing front-end platform and infrastructure modules. 5. Conducting research and maintaining Angular as the corporate front-end platform. 6. Troubleshooting issues related to cross-browser compatibility and performance. 7. Code review. 8. Actively participating in the architecture committee. 9. Working closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers ] and the business [ PM ]. 10. Conducting interviews for the Senior/Middle Front-End Developer position. |
[ Project goal ] | Create a personal online office for customers within the Acronis ecosystem. |
[ Project activities ] | [ November 2015 ➜ December 2016 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ]. ● Design-first, Iterative SDLC. ● Flux, Monolithic. ● TypeScript 2, Angular 2. ● RxJS, Bluebird. ● i18next, Lodash. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● REST. ● Webpack 2, Node.js, SVN. ● Jira, Confluence. ● PlantUML, Figma. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 1 year, 10 months ] [ March 2015 ➜ December 2016 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40-50 hours per week / Long-term contract / Onsite ] |
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Acronis LLC |
[ Project #9 ] | Personal Online Office for Customers: |
[ Application type ] | [ Web Application: Private Online Office ] |
[ Contract position ] | Senior Software Developer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Senior Developer [ in a team of up to 3 front-end developers ] 1. 70% coding, 30% other tasks. 2. Developing modules and components of increased complexity for the current application based on ExtJS 4. 3. Conducting research on ExtJS 6 as the corporate front-end platform. 4. Creating a next generation application based on ExtJS 6. 5. Code review. 6. Actively participating in the architecture committee. 7. Collaborating closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers ] and the business [ PM ]. |
[ Project goal ] | Maintain the flagship «Acronis Backup 12» application and create a next-generation application. |
[ Project activities ] | [ March 2015 ➜ December 2016 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ]. ● Design-first [ UCD ], Iterative SDLC. ● MVVM, Monolithic. ● JavaScript ES5, TypeScript. ● ExtJS 4, ExtJS 6. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● REST. ● SVN. ● Jira, Confluence. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 1 year, 10 months ] [ March 2015 ➜ December 2016 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40-50 hours per week / Long-term contract / Onsite ] |
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IMIGO.ME Limited [ Start-Up ] |
[ Project #7 ] | Relationship-based market |
[ Application type ] | [ Web Application: Social Selling ] |
[ Contract position ] | Front-End Lead Developer |
[ Role ] | Front-End Lead Developer [ in a team of up to 2 front-end developers ] 1. 90% coding, 10% other tasks. 2. Creating, initializing, and launching into production. 3. Designing the architecture and developing business modules. 4. Developing platform and infrastructure modules. 5. Effective troubleshooting. 6. Ensuring that deadlines are met. 7. Working closely with the team [ QA, Devs, Designers ] and the business [ CEO ]. |
[ Project activities ] | [ December 2015 ➜ February 2016 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ]. ● Design-first, Waterfall SDLC. ● MVC, Monolithic. ● JavaScript ES6, AngularJS, Babel. ● AngularUI, angular-gettext, jQuery. ● Responsive Design [ Desktop ]. ● CSS 2, LESS. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● REST, Long Polling. ● Gulp, SystemJS. ● Bower, Git. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 3 months ] [ December 2015 ➜ February 2016 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Part-time: 20 hours per week / Short-term contract / Remote ] |
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E.Soft |
Project | #5 A data migration tool based on existing WFMS Java modules, designed for importing XML files into PostgreSQL |
Application type | [ Command-line Tool: Data Migration Assistant ] |
Contract position | Lead Programmer |
Role | Back-End Lead Developer [ a team of 1 back-end expert ] 1. Approximately 90% for coding and 10% for all other activities. 2. Searching for viable solutions. 3. Developing the migration algorithms and Java modules. 4. Critical area of responsibility: high costs of errors. 5. Manual testing. |
Project activities | [ December 2014 ➜ February 2015 ] |
Stack and Work Environment | ● Paradigms: Procedural [ PP ]. ● Code-first. ● Java SE, PL/pgSQL. ● Spring IoC, JAXB. ● PostgreSQL, Maven, SVN. ● TeamCity, YouTrack, IntelliJ Idea. |
Contract Period | [ 6 months ] [ September 2014 ➜ February 2015 ] |
Working schedule | [ Full-time: 40 hours per week / Long-term contract / Onsite ] |
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E.Soft |
[ Project #4 ] | Web Client for the Workflow Management System |
[ Application type ] | [ Web Application: Dynamic Admin Panel ] |
[ Contract position ] | Lead Programmer |
[ Role ] | Full-Stack Lead Developer [ a team of 1 full-stack expert ] 1. 90% coding, 10% other tasks. 2. Building an application entirely from the ground up. 3. Designing the architecture and developing modules. 4. Integrating into a vast and complex legacy ecosystem built on the Java Spring Framework. 5. Conducting manual tests. |
[ Project goal ] | Porting the flagship Java Swing desktop application to the web platform. |
[ Project activities ] | [ November 2014 ➜ January 2015 ] |
[ Tech Stack & Work Env. ] | ● Paradigms: Object-Oriented [ OOP ]. ● Code-first, Waterfall SDLC. ● MVC, Monolithic. ● JavaScript ES5, ExtJS 5, Google Closure. ● Dynamic JavaScript in the Sandbox. ● Cross-browser Rich SPA. ● SASS/SCSS. ● JSON-RPC 2, JXON, XML. ● Java EE, Servlets 3, JSP. ● Google Guice, Google Gson, Guice-Servlet. ● Java Spring Framework, Java Swing. ● Tomcat, Maven, SVN. ● TeamCity, YouTrack, IntelliJ Idea. |
[ Contract Period ] | [ 6 months ] [ September 2014 ➜ February 2015 ] |
[ Working schedule ] | [ Full-time: 40 hours per week / Long-term contract / Onsite ] |
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Qiwi Plc Payment System |
Project | #3 For payment kiosks: «Provider Visibility» module, the payment system core |
Contract position | Junior Programmer ➜ Lead Programmer |
Role | Principal Full-Stack Developer [ a team of 1 full-stack expert ] 1. Architecture design, developing modules and SQL queries. 2. Critical area of responsibility: high cost of errors and malfunctions. 3. Designing database and algorithms. 4. Creating performance benchmarks. 5. Integrating into the existing ecosystem. 6. Unit testing. 7. Documenting the architecture. |
Project activities | [ January 2011 ➜ July 2011 ] |
Tech Stack | Java, SQL JavaScript, ExtJS 3 Memcached, JUnit Oracle, Git TeamCity, Toad, IntelliJ Idea |
Contract Period | [ 6 years 1 month ] [ July 2008 ➜ July 2014 ] |
Working schedule | Full-time / Long-term contract / Onsite |
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Qiwi Plc Payment System |
Project | #1 Private online office, the main working portal for all customers |
Contract position | Junior Programmer ➜ Lead Programmer |
Role | Principal Full-Stack Application Developer [ in a team of up to 12 developers ] Final year: Team Leader, acting as a Project Manager [ in a team of up to 3 developers ] |
Project activities | [ July 2008 ➜ July 2014 ] |
Tech Stack | JavaScript, ExtJS 2-4, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, Apache Struts, JSP, Servlets |
Contract Period | [ 6 years 1 month ] [ July 2008 ➜ July 2014 ] |
Working schedule | Full-time / Long-term contract / Onsite |
Project | Description | Stack |
No. 3 | ngx-rx-if An implementation of conditional reactive directive based on @ngrx/store (Redux) |
TypeScript Angular4 Ngrx/Store/Redux RxJS |
No. 2 | ngx-infinity-grid Simple implementation of infinite grid scrolling in Angular [2017] |
TypeScript Angular4 |
No. 1 | ts-models An implementation of models at TypeScript |
TypeScript |