An implementation of i18next wrapper for Angular2 [4.0.1 compatible].
npm install ngx-i18next --save
1 git clone --progress -v "" "D:\sources"
2 cd D:\sources\ngx-i18next\demo
3 npm install
4 npm start
import {TranslateI18NextModule} from 'ngx-i18next/index';
bootstrap: [ApplicationComponent],
imports: [
export class ApplicationModule {
Call translateI18Next.init({ ... }) with the options you want to initialize i18next with.
You can also pass the special options use and defaultUse which are each Arrays that may contain "plugins" such as a cache or backend you wish to use. See .use method of i18next.
The default plugins for defaultUse are [i18nextXHRBackend, browserLanguageDetectorCtor]
import {TranslateI18Next} from 'ngx-i18next/index';
selector: 'app'
export class App {
private appleCount: number;
viewReady:boolean = false;
constructor(private translateI18Next:TranslateI18Next) {
debug: true, // optional
returnEmptyString: false, // optional - but.. it's important, please see!
mapping: {"specific_backend_message": "message_for_translate"}, // optional
browserLanguageDetector: injectableCustomLanguageDetectorService, // optional - the specific application language detector (allows you to return the language of the user.
// If it is absent, the service uses default "angular2 locale detector" behaviour using LOCALE_ID.
// supportedLanguages: ['en', 'pt'], // Therefore you can pass the optional supportedLanguages parameter which indicates your supported languages.
// For example, LOCALE_ID = 'en-AU' or 'en-US' or 'en', you can pass only ['en'] -> locales/en/translation.json
// LOCALE_ID = 'pt-BR' or 'pt', you can pass only ['pt'] -> locales/pt/translation.json
backend: injectableBackendConfigFactory // optional - allows to change "loadPath" i18next parameter
}).then(() => {
this.viewReady = true;
<div *ngIf="viewReady" [innerHTML]='"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>" | translate:{count: appleCount}'></div>
"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>": "<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>",
"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>_plural": "<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apples</span>"
"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>": "<span style=\"color:green;\">У вас есть одно яблоко</span>",
"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>_2": "<span style=\"color:blue;\">У вас есть {count} яблока</span>",
"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>_5": "<span style=\"color:yellow;\">У вас есть {count} яблок</span>"
I18nModule.ts (the localized constants at the typescript files)
class Products {
static NAME:string = "Name";
export class I18nModule {
static PRODUCTS = Products;
var gulp = require('gulp'),
i18next = require('i18next-parser');
gulp.task('i18next', function () {
gulp.src(['src/**/*.html', 'src/*.html', 'src/locales/I18nModule.ts'])
locales: ['en'],
output: '../src/locales',
// The workaround (i18next-parser does not support "namespaceSeparator === false" flag):
// options.namespaceSeparator || ':';
// options.keySeparator || '.';
keySeparator: "eb6c8400-b5f8-4177-a417-5e5e902a6c83",
namespaceSeparator: "eb6c8400-b5f8-4177-a417-5e5e902a6c83",
// Supported patterns:
// 1) The gettext format like << 'Hello {{count}} world!' | translate:{count: 100} >>
// 2) The I18nModule format like << static YOUR_CONSTANT:string = "Your value..."; >>
// 3) The inner html format << <div [innerHTML]='"<span style=\"color:red;\">You have {count} apple</span>" | translate:{count: appleCount}'></div> >>
parser: '\'(.+)\'.+translate|static [A-Z_0-9 ]+\: {0,}string \= ["|\'](.+)["|\']|\\[innerHTML\\]\=\'\"(.+)\" +\\|'
npm run deploy
Licensed under MIT.