Copy the ucm and ucm2 trees to the alsa-lib configuration directory (usually located in /usr/share/alsa) including symlinks. The files in the package root directory (, LICENSE and VERSION) files are extra (only informational).
tar xvjf alsa-ucm-conf- -C /usr/share/alsa --strip-components=1 --wildcards "*/ucm" "*/ucm2"
The latest configuration can be obtained with those commands:
curl -L -o alsa-ucm-conf.tar.gz
tar xvzf alsa-ucm-conf.tar.gz -C /usr/share/alsa --strip-components=1 --wildcards "*/ucm" "*/ucm2"
The UCM configurations are automatically validated using the UCM validator available at .
If you create a pull request for new hardware, please, add also the output to emulate this hardware in the UCM validator.