I'm Amine Ait Ouazghour, a 24-year-old software engineering student at 1337. My passion is web development and problem-solving. I am a dedicated and detail-oriented individual with a talent for coding and a love for tackling complex challenges.
Here are the programming languages I develop ideas with, as well as the tools & microservices I rely on.
With these cards you can see the stats about my Github profile, (total number of starts and PRs, number of commits ...etc).
Explore the projects from 42's Piscine and subsequent projects.
┌──┤ 42/1337 PROJECTS ├───────▰▰▰ │ ├─◈ Piscine 2022 ├─◈ libft ├─◈ ft_printf ├─◈ get_next_line ├─◈ Born2beRoot ├─◈ minitalk ├─◈ so_long ├─◈ push_swap ├─◈ Philosophers ├─◈ minishell ├─◈ NetPractice ├─◈ Cub3D ├─◈ CPP_Modules ├─◈ Webserv ├─◈ 42Exams │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰
For more information about the 42 Network where I follow my studies, feel free to check this repository 42/1337