This is a LaTeX template for a master's thesis, converted from a Word Document provided by the professor of this course.
Useful Links:
Included are some documents that outline the IEEE guidelines.
File: masters_thesis.tex
This is the primary document.
Edit these lines to customize parts of the template with your own information:
% Set "My Thesis Title" to your paper title.
\newcommand{\paperTitle}{My Thesis Title}
% Set "Alison Major" to your own name.
\newcommand{\paperAuthor}{Alison Major}
% Set "Software Engineering" to your own concentration.
\newcommand{\authorConcentration}{Software Engineering}
This is the secondary document. It is a template for creating a PDF of slides to be used to present your thesis ideas.
We are using Beamer to format the document. Beamer is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations.
Edit these lines to customize parts of the template with your own information:
% The title of the paper.
\newcommand{\paperTitle}{My Thesis Title}
% The name of the author.
\newcommand{\paperAuthor}{Alison Major}
% The name of the author.
\newcommand{\authorInstitute}{Lewis University}
You can edit the theme used in these lines:
There are a number of galleries available to review theme options. Here is the gallery hosted by Overleaf.
As with the main document, we also set the image location:
% Set graphics location
\graphicspath{ {Images/} }
The current year will be automatically populated.
Folder: Images/
Place any images for your document here. This is where the graphics plugin will look for images. This directory is set in the masters_thesis.tex
% Set the path to keep images
\graphicspath{ {Images/} }
File: abstract.tex
This is for your paper's abstract.
File: bibliography.bib
This is where you will add your sources.
See Bibliography management with bibtex for formatting.
You do not need to edit these pages.
This folder contains pages that are templated and then populated with the info that you customized in masters_thesis.tex
(paper title, author name, author concentration).
Do not edit this file.
This is used for styling to IEEE standards.
I prefer using the editor VS Code.
On my Mac, I installed MacTex without the GUI. Then you need to update the packages.
# macOS MacTex Install
brew cask install mactex-no-gui
# Updating the packages
sudo tlmgr update --self && sudo tlmgr update --all
Then install the LaTeX Workshop plugin from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
# In the VS Code command pallete:
ext install latex-workshop
For more information on setup, please check out Writing LaTeX Documents In Visual Studio Code With LaTeX Workshop.