Command-line tool for Amalgam8 (
To install the Amalgam8 CLI:
sudo pip install git+ #install from github repo. Preferred.
sudo pip install a8ctl # from pypi
sudo pip install a8ctl==<version> # for specific version, e.g., pip install a8ctl==0.1.8
For usage information, run the following command:
a8ctl -h
a8ctl service-list
a8ctl route-list
a8ctl route-set <service> [--default <tags>] [--selector <tags> "(" (weight "=" <weight> | user "=" <name> | header "=" <name> ":" <pattern>) ")"]*
a8ctl route-delete <service>
a8ctl action-list
a8ctl action-add [--source <service>[":" <tags>]] [--destination <service>] [--header <name> ":" <pattern>]* [--cookie <key> "=" <value>]* [--action <tags> "(" <probability> "->" (delay "=" <seconds> | abort "=" <return_code>) ")"]* [--priority <number>]
a8ctl rule-delete <rule-id>
a8ctl traffic-start <service> <tags> [--amount <percent>]
a8ctl traffic-step <service> [--amount <percent>]
a8ctl traffic-abort <service>
$ a8ctl service-list +-------------+---------------------+ | Service | Instances | +-------------+---------------------+ | reviews | v1(1), v2(1), v3(1) | | productpage | v1(1) | | ratings | v1(1) | | helloworld | v1(2), v2(2) | | details | v1(1) | +-------------+---------------------+ $ a8ctl route-set productpage --default v1 Set routing rules for productpage productpage $ a8ctl route-set helloworld --default v1 --selector 'v2(weight=0.25)' Set routing rules for microservice helloworld $ a8ctl route-set reviews --default v1 --selector 'v2(user="frankb")' --selector 'v3(user="shriram")' Set routing rules for microservice reviews $ a8ctl route-list +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ | Service | Default Version | Version Selectors | +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ | productpage | v1 | | | reviews | v1 | v2(user="frankb"), v3(user="shriram") | | ratings | | | | details | | | | helloworld | v1 | v2(weight=0.25) | +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ $ a8ctl action-add --source reviews:v2 --destination ratings --cookie user=jason --action 'v1(1->delay=7)' Set action rule for destination ratings $ a8ctl action-add --source productpage:v1 --destination reviews --cookie user=jason --header Foo:bar --action 'v2(0.5->delay=5)' --action 'v2(1->abort=400)' --priority 15 Set action rule for destination reviews $ a8ctl action-list +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Destination | Source | Headers | Priority | Actions | Rule Id | +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | reviews | productpage:v1 | Foo:bar, Cookie:.*?user=jason | 15 | v2(0.5->delay=5.0), v2(1.0->abort=400) | 4ccad0c9-277f-49ae-89be-d900cf66a24d | | ratings | reviews:v2 | Cookie:.*?user=jason | 10 | v1(1.0->delay=7.0) | e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c | +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ $ a8ctl rule-delete e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c Deleted rule with id: e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c $ a8ctl traffic-start reviews v2 Transfer starting for reviews: diverting 10% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer step for reviews: diverting 20% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews --amount 40 Transfer step for reviews: diverting 40% of traffic from v1 to v2 ... $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer step for reviews: diverting 90% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer complete for reviews: sending 100% of traffic to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-start reviews v2 Transfer starting for reviews: diverting 10% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-abort reviews Transfer aborted for reviews: all traffic reverted to v1
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