A bi-directional GRU implementation for Relation Extraction:
The GRU is loosely based on the approach done in the work of Attention-Based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Relation Classification (Zhou et. al, 2016):
- Bidirectional GRU
- Attention layer
- L2 Regularization
This project is implemented in python 3.6 and tensorflow 2.0. Follow these steps to setup your environment:
- Download and install Conda
- Create a Conda environment with Python 3.6
conda create -n nlp-hw4 python=3.6
- Activate the Conda environment.
conda activate nlp-hw4
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download spacy model
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
- Download glove wordvectors:
Training can be found in data/train.txt
and validation is in data/val.txt
. We are using data from a previous SemEval shared task which in total had 8,000 training examples. The train/validation examples are a 90/10 split from this original 8,000. More details of the data can be found in the overview paper SemEval-2010 task 8: multi-way classification of semantic relations between pairs of nominals (Hendrickx et. al, 2009) as well as extra PDFs explaining the details of each relation in the dataset directory.
There are 4 main scripts in the repository train_basic.py
, train_advanced.py
, predict.py
and evaluate.pl
Train scripts do as described and saves the model to be used later for prediction. Basic training script trains the basic
model implementation (Bi-RNN+attention). -
Predict generates predictions on the test set
and saves your output to a file. You will submit your predictions to be scored against the hidden (labels) test set. Both files are set with reasonable defaults in their arguments but example commands are shown below. -
Evaluation script is the pearl script unlike others. You can use it see detailed report of your predictions file against the gold labels.
python train.py --embed-file embeddings/glove.6B.100D.txt --embed-dim 100 --batch-size 10 --num_epochs 5
# stores the model by default at : serialization_dirs/basic/
python predict.py --prediction-file my_predictions.txt --batch-size 10