Added ability to create annealing problems and run them on Braket
Added unitary gates
Added logs to AwsQuantumTask
Added parameters to the ASCII representation of parameterized gates
Bug fixes
Modified Ascii diagram to account for width of timestamps
Fixed infinite recursion for Qubit(str)
Fixed depth and ASCII diagrams for circuits with overlapping multi-qubit gates
Fixed 2 control and 2 target gate subroutine parameters
Documentation Changes
Updated README with more instructions and examples
Updated docstrings
Added example scripts in examples/ folder
This release requires updating the AWS CLI model and the IR package to the latest versions
This release contains breaking changes such as:
Changed properties in AwsQpu
AwsQuantumTaskResult has been replaced with GateModelQuantumTaskResult and AnnealingQuantumTaskResult
Gate subroutine construction for gates with 2 controls or 2 targets have changed
You can’t perform that action at this time.