This Sample Code will allow you to integrate your application with the Amazon Pay v2 API.
cd amazonpay-sample-python-v2
# Install Crypt for sign
pip install -U PyCryptodome
This sample code use the following modules.
- LWP::UserAgent
- URI::Split qw(uri_split)
- Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex)
- Crypt::PK::RSA
- MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64)
- URI::Escape
- DateTime
Before issuing any API call, you will create HTTP headers such as x-amz-pay-date, authorization & x-amz-pay-idempotency-key. You can use this following code samples to get signature for calling the Amazon Checkout v2 API.
# Configurations
accept = 'application/json'
canonical_uri = '/v2/checkoutSessions/xxxxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxxx' # Change URI based on your API
public_key = 'PUBLIC_KEY' # Enter you public key ID
private_key = RSA.importKey(open('private.pem').read()) # Enter you private key file path
def generate_signature_for_GET_API() :
# Note : Below Code is to create Signature for Get Checkout Session API, please change accordingly for other API's
# Configurations
method = 'GET'
accept = 'application/json'
canonical_uri = '/v2/checkoutSessions/xxxxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxxx' # Change URI based on your API
public_key = 'PUBLIC_KEY' # Enter you public key ID
private_key = RSA.importKey(open('private.pem').read()) # Enter you private key file path
# Generating a canonical request
canonical_querystring = ''
amz_pay_date = get_date_time()
canonical_headers = 'accept:' + accept + '\n' + 'x-amz-pay-date:' + amz_pay_date + '\n'
signed_headers = 'accept;x-amz-pay-date'
canonical_request = method + '\n' + canonical_uri + '\n' + canonical_querystring + '\n' + canonical_headers + '\n' + signed_headers + '\n' + hex_and_hash('')
# Creating a String to Sign
string_to_sign = get_to_string_to_sign(canonical_request)
# Calculating the Signature
signature = get_signature(string_to_sign, private_key)
# Printing the HTTP Headers
print_http_headers(accept, amz_pay_date, public_key, signed_headers, signature, '', '')
# Note : Below Code is to create Signature for Create Checkout Session API, please change accordingly for other API's
# Configurations
method = 'POST' # Change Method as PATCH & DELETE based on API
accept = 'application/json'
content_type = 'application/json'
idempotencyKey = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) # idempotencyKey is applicable only for API's (Create Checkout Session, Create Charge, Capture Charge & Create Refund), plese remove this paramter for other API's
canonical_uri = '/v2/checkoutSessions/' # Change URI based on your API
public_key = 'PUBLIC_KEY' # Enter you public key ID
private_key = RSA.importKey(open('private.pem').read()) # Enter you private key file path
payload_json = '{"webCheckoutDetails":{"checkoutReviewReturnUrl":""},"storeId":"amzn1.application-oa2-client.xxxxxxxxxx"}' # Enter your API request payload
# Generating a canonical request
canonical_querystring = ''
amz_pay_date = get_date_time()
# Note : x-amz-pay-idempotency-key is applicable only for API's (Create Checkout Session, Create Charge, Capture Charge & Create Refund), plese remove this paramter for other API's from below lines
canonical_headers = 'accept:' + accept + '\n' + 'content-type:' + content_type + '\n' + 'x-amz-pay-date:' + amz_pay_date + '\n' + 'x-amz-pay-idempotency-key:' + idempotencyKey + '\n'
signed_headers = 'accept;content-type;x-amz-pay-date;x-amz-pay-idempotency-key'
canonical_request = method + '\n' + canonical_uri + '\n' + canonical_querystring + '\n' + canonical_headers + '\n' + signed_headers + '\n' + hex_and_hash(payload_json)
# Creating a String to Sign
string_to_sign = get_to_string_to_sign(canonical_request)
# Calculating the Signature
signature = get_signature(string_to_sign, private_key)
# Printing the HTTP Headers
print_http_headers(accept, amz_pay_date, public_key, signed_headers, signature, idempotencyKey, content_type)
Please check the
Generated HTTP Headers :
accept : application/json
x-amz-pay-date : 20211001T121153Z
authorization : AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2 PublicKeyId=PUBLIC_KEY, SignedHeaders=accept;content-type;x-amz-pay-date;x-amz-pay-idempotency-key, Signature=C5jR6a+ZCLkSwHBzBQocnq+dujL8To+HEgpH7jWVU95e56M8onZZH78Sspm1zIuSggRZDTtmUmPxJg/w4tY5XIeLHDjAGB+I5FDwlBdUScuD+0F9E8h2xrJUTS2L0zsc5VIAvlvgsGQtznTJc/3zWutNyZn169SEaJm6Yma6c7U=
x-amz-pay-idempotency-key : dc849a72e7194353a544579c905e20b6
content-type : application/json
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”).