- A registered top-level domain (e.g. pivotaledu.io)
- An appropriately configured subdomain (e.g. cls66env99) to represent this instance
- A GCP account (credit card identification is required for account registration)
- A pristine GCP project
- A PivNet account
New GCP users may need to activate Cloud Shell
From within your pristine GCP project, open the Cloud Shell.
From your Cloud Shell session, execute the following gcloud
to create your jumpbox.
gcloud compute instances create "jbox-pcf" \
--image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
--image-family "ubuntu-1804-lts" \
--boot-disk-size "200" \
--machine-type=f1-micro \
--tags="jbox-pcf" \
--zone us-central1-a
gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@jbox-pcf --zone us-central1-a
If you would prefer to use the Google Cloud SDK from
your local machine, remember to first authenticate with gcloud auth login
and add the
argument to the commands shown above.
From your jumpbox SSH session, authenticate the SDK with your GCP account
gcloud auth login
Follow the on-screen prompts. We will need to copy-paste the URL from
our gcloud
CLI jumpbox session into a local browser in order to select
the account you have registered for use with Google Cloud. Additionally,
you'll need copy-paste the verification code back into your jumpbox
session to complete the login sequence.
gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com --async
gcloud services enable iam.googleapis.com --async
gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com --async
gcloud services enable dns.googleapis.com --async
gcloud services enable sqladmin.googleapis.com --async
Install tools:
sudo apt update --yes && \
sudo apt install --yes unzip && \
sudo apt install --yes jq && \
sudo apt install --yes build-essential && \
sudo apt install --yes ruby-dev && \
sudo gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc cf-uaac
wget -O terraform.zip https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/${TF_VERSION}/terraform_${TF_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip && \
unzip terraform.zip && \
sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin
wget -O om https://github.com/pivotal-cf/om/releases/download/${OM_VERSION}/om-linux && \
chmod +x om && \
sudo mv om /usr/local/bin/
wget -O pivnet https://github.com/pivotal-cf/pivnet-cli/releases/download/v${PN_VERSION}/pivnet-linux-amd64-${PN_VERSION} && \
chmod +x pivnet && \
sudo mv pivnet /usr/local/bin/
wget -O bosh https://s3.amazonaws.com/bosh-cli-artifacts/bosh-cli-${BOSH_VERSION}-linux-amd64 && \
chmod +x bosh && \
sudo mv bosh /usr/local/bin/
Verify that these tools were installed:
type unzip; type jq; type uaac; type terraform; type om; type pivnet; type bosh
Clone the platform automation scripts and change into the directory of our cloned repo to keep our task script commands short
git clone https://github.com/amcginlay/ops-manager-automation.git ~/ops-manager-automation
cd ~/ops-manager-automation
Create a ~/.env
configuration file to describe the specifics of your environment.
Note you should not proceed until you have customized the "CHANGE_ME" settings
in your ~/.env
file to suit your target environment.
Now that we have the ~/.env
file loaded with the essential variables, we need
to ensure that these get set into the shell, both now and every subsequent time
the ubuntu
user connects to the jumpbox.
source ~/.env
echo "source ~/.env" >> ~/.bashrc
To review your currently active variable settings:
set | grep PCF
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform --display-name terraform
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get-value core/project) \
--member "serviceAccount:terraform@$(gcloud config get-value core/project).iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
--role 'roles/owner'
# generate and download a key for the service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create 'gcp_credentials.json' \
--iam-account "terraform@$(gcloud config get-value core/project).iam.gserviceaccount.com"
PRODUCT_NAME="Pivotal Cloud Foundry Operations Manager" \
DOWNLOAD_REGEX="Pivotal Cloud Foundry Ops Manager YAML for GCP" \
OPSMAN_IMAGE=$(bosh interpolate ./downloads/ops-manager_${OPSMAN_VERSION}_*/OpsManager*onGCP.yml --path /us)
Check the value of OPSMAN_IMAGE
before continuing.
The Terraform scripts which deploy the Ops Manager are also responsible for building the IaaS plumbing to support the PAS. That is why we turn our attention to the PAS product in PivNet when sourcing the Terraform scripts.
Please note:
- Ops Manager and PAS versions are often in-sync but this is not enforced.
- These Terraform scripts can support the infrastructure for PAS or PKS.
PRODUCT_NAME="Pivotal Application Service (formerly Elastic Runtime)" \
DOWNLOAD_REGEX="GCP Terraform Templates" \
unzip ./downloads/elastic-runtime_${PAS_VERSION}_*/terraforming-gcp-*.zip -d .
cd ~/ops-manager-automation/pivotal-cf-terraforming-gcp-*/terraforming-pks/
cat > terraform.tfvars << EOF
env_name = "${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}"
project = "$(gcloud config get-value core/project)"
region = "${PCF_REGION}"
zones = ["${PCF_AZ_2}", "${PCF_AZ_1}", "${PCF_AZ_3}"]
dns_suffix = "${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}"
opsman_image_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/${OPSMAN_IMAGE}"
create_gcs_buckets = "false"
external_database = 0
isolation_segment = "false"
ssl_cert = <<SSL_CERT
ssl_private_key = <<SSL_KEY
cd$(cat ../../${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.key)
service_account_key = <<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
$(cat ../../gcp_credentials.json)
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve
This will take about 5 minutes to complete but you should allow some extra time for the DNS updates to propagate.
Once dig
can resolve the Ops Manager FQDN to an IP address within its AUTHORITY SECTION, we're probably good to move on. This may take about 5 minutes from your local machine.
watch dig ${PCF_OPSMAN_FQDN}
Probe the resolved FQDN to make sure we get a response. The response will probably just be a warning about an SSL certificate problem, which is OK.
Successful DNS resolution is fully dependent on having a ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME} NS record-set attached to your registered domain. This record-set must point to every google domain server, for example:
(screenshot from AWS Route 53)
As you execute the following steps, watch out for possible PivNet EULA acceptance warnings which show in red. The output will present links which you should follow in a browser before you can retry.
cd ~/ops-manager-automation
IMPORTED_VERSION=2.4.1 TARGET_PLATFORM=pks ./scripts/configure-director-gcp.sh
PRODUCT_NAME="Stemcells for PCF (Ubuntu Xenial)" \
PRODUCT_NAME="Pivotal Container Service (PKS)" \
DOWNLOAD_REGEX="Pivotal Container Service" \
IMPORTED_NAME="pivotal-container-service" IMPORTED_VERSION="1.2.6-build.2" ./scripts/stage-product.sh
IMPORTED_NAME="pivotal-container-service" IMPORTED_VERSION="1.2.6-build.2" ./scripts/configure-product.sh
Extract the PKS admin password using om credentials
PCF_PKS_UAA_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(om credentials \
-p pivotal-container-service \
-c '.properties.uaa_admin_password' \
-f secret)
Install pks and kubectl cli tools:
pivnet download-product-files -p "pivotal-container-service" -r "1.2.6" -g "pks-linux*" && \
chmod +x pks-linux* && \
sudo mv pks-linux* /usr/local/bin/pks
pivnet download-product-files -p "pivotal-container-service" -r "1.2.6" -g "kubectl-linux*" && \
chmod +x kubectl-linux* && \
sudo mv kubectl-linux* /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Login to PKS:
pks login \
--api api.${PCF_PKS} \
--username admin \
Increase the value of --num-nodes
to 3 if you'd like to use multiple availability zones:
pks create-cluster k8s \
--external-hostname k8s.${PCF_PKS} \
--plan small \
--num-nodes 1 \
pks cluster k8s --json |
jq --raw-output '.kubernetes_master_ips[0]' \
gcloud compute instances list --format json | \
jq --raw-output --arg V "${K8S_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" \
'.[] | select(.networkInterfaces[].networkIP | match ($V)) | .networkInterfaces[].accessConfigs[].natIP' \
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone=${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-zone
gcloud dns record-sets transaction \
--name=k8s.${PCF_PKS}. \
--ttl=300 --type=A --zone=${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-zone
gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute --zone=${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-zone
This step may take about 5 minutes to propagate.
When run locally, the following watch commands should eventually yield different external IP addresses
watch dig api.${PCF_PKS}
watch dig k8s.${PCF_PKS}
pks get-credentials k8s
This will create/modify the ~/.kube
directory used by the kubectl
kubectl create -f - << EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: webserver
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:alpine
- containerPort: 80
Let our cluster know that we wish to expose our app via a NodePort
kubectl create -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web-service
run: web-service
type: NodePort
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
app: nginx
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
Return to the Kubernetes dashboard to inspect these resources via the web UI.
This section is more about manipulating GCP to expose an endpoint than PKS or k8s.
Extract the port from the your Kubernetes Service:
SERVICE_PORT=$(kubectl get services --output=json | \ jq '.items[] | select(.metadata.name=="web-service") | .spec.ports[0].nodePort')
Add a firewall rule for the web-service port, re-using the SERVICE_PORT for consistency:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create nginx \ --network=${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-pcf-network \ --action=ALLOW \ --rules=tcp:${SERVICE_PORT} \ --target-tags=worker
Add a target pool to represent all the worker nodes:
gcloud compute target-pools create "nginx" \ --region "us-central1" WORKERS=$(gcloud compute instances list --filter="tags.items:worker" --format="value(name)") for WORKER in ${WORKERS}; do gcloud compute target-pools add-instances "nginx" \ --instances-zone "us-central1-a" \ --instances "${WORKER}" done
Create a forwarding rule to expose our app:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create nginx \ --region=us-central1 \ --network-tier=STANDARD \ --ip-protocol=TCP \ --ports=${SERVICE_PORT} \ --target-pool=nginx
Extract the external IP address:
LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules list \ --filter="name:nginx" \ --format="value(IPAddress)" \ )
Navigate to the page resolved by executing:
To run these commands you will need to install and configure the pks
and kubctl
cli tools locally.
Keep your jumpbox session open for quick access to the required variable values, then repeat the following steps:
- Find the UAA admin password for PKS
- Connect to PKS (install CLI tools as per machine specific requirements)
- Use the PKS client to cache the cluster creds
Note the following command line instructions assume Bash shell and will likely need adjusting to suit Windows users.
kubectl create -f - << EOF
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: kubernetes-dashboard
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: kubernetes-dashboard
namespace: kube-system
Copy the hidden .kube/config
So it's easy to find later
cp ~/.kube/config ~/kubeconfig
kubectl proxy &
Navigate to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy
Select the ~/kubeconfig file if/when prompted to do so.