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Copyright © 2023-2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

zentorch: A PyTorch extension for AMD EPYC™ CPUs.

Table of Contents

1. About zentorch

1.1. Overview

EARLY ACCESS: The ZenDNN PyTorch* Plugin (zentorch) extends PyTorch* with an innovative upgrade that's set to revolutionize performance on AMD hardware.

As of version 4.2, AMD is unveiling a game-changing upgrade to ZenDNN, introducing a cutting-edge plug-in mechanism and an enhanced architecture under the hood. This isn't just about extensions; ZenDNN's aggressive AMD-specific optimizations operate at every level. It delves into comprehensive graph optimizations, including pattern identification, graph reordering, and seeking opportunities for graph fusions. At the operator level, ZenDNN boasts enhancements with microkernels, mempool optimizations, and efficient multi-threading on the large number of AMD EPYC cores. Microkernel optimizations further exploit all possible low-level math libraries, including AOCL BLIS.

The result? Enhanced performance with respect to baseline PyTorch*. zentorch leverages torch.compile, the latest PyTorch enhancement for accelerated performance. torch.compile makes PyTorch code run faster by JIT-compiling PyTorch code into optimized kernels, all while requiring minimal code changes and unlocking unprecedented speed and efficiency.

The zentorch extension to PyTorch enables inference optimizations for deep learning workloads on AMD EPYC™ CPUs. It uses the ZenDNN library, which contains deep learning operators tailored for high performance on AMD EPYC™ CPUs. Multiple passes of graph level optimizations run on the torch.fx graph provide further performance acceleration. All zentorch optimizations can be enabled by a call to torch.compile with zentorch as the backend.

The ZenDNN PyTorch plugin is compatible with PyTorch version 2.1.2.


Please note that zentorch is currently in “Early Access” mode. We welcome feedback, suggestions, and bug reports. Should you have any of the these, please contact us on


AMD copyrighted code in ZenDNN is subject to the Apache-2.0, MIT, or BSD-3-Clause licenses; consult the source code file headers for the applicable license. Third party copyrighted code in ZenDNN is subject to the licenses set forth in the source code file headers of such code.

1.2. Structure

zentorch consists of three parts. They are

  • ZenDNN Integration Code
  • zentorch backend
  • Build System

1.2.1. ZenDNN Integration Code

ZenDNN is integrated into zentorch using CPP code which interfaces ATen API to ZenDNN's API. This code exports torch compatible API similar to ATen IR of PyTorch. The exported API is made available for usage from python code using TORCH_LIBRARY and TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL. Integration code is linked and compiled into zentorch using CppExtension provided by PyTorch.

The following ops are integrated as of now:

  • Embedding bag op
  • Embedding op
  • Matmul ops
  • Custom Fusion ops

1.2.2. The zentorch custom backend to torch.compile

We have registered a custom backend to torch.compile called zentorch. This backend integrates ZenDNN optimizations after AOTAutograd through a function called optimize. This function operates on the FX based graph at the ATEN IR to produce an optimized FX based graph as the output.

1.2.3. Build System

The static libraries for ZenDNN, AOCL BLIS and the cpp Extension modules that bind the ZenDNN operators with Python are built using script. CMake Based Build: ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM

CMake downloads the ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM during configure stage. It generates a config.h with GIT hashes of ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM. It builds ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM as static libraries. Packaging into a Wheel File

The CPP code, being an extension module, is built through CppExtension. It takes static libraries of the ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM libraries. also adds in various attributes to the zentorch for debugging and providing additional information.

It installs packages necessary for the zentorch build and completes all other steps needed for building the zentorch.

Wheel file can be generated solely through the script, without the need for any additional scripts. The is a tiny wrapper around the Python setup script.

NOTE: Alternatively PyPA build can be used instead of Currently minimal support is added for PyPA build. When using PyPA Build, ensure to run pip install build prior to building.

1.3. Third Party Libraries

zentorch uses following libraries for its functionality.

2. Installation

zentorch can be installed using binary wheel file or can be built from source itself.

2.1. From Binaries

  • Create conda or python environment and activate it.
  • Uninstall any existing zentorch installations.
pip uninstall zentorch
  • Install Pytorch v2.1.2
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 cpuonly -c pytorch
  • Use one of two methods to install zentorch:

Using pip utility

pip install zentorch==4.2.0


Using the release package.

Download the package from AMD developer portal from here.

Run the following commands to unzip the package and install the binary.

cd ZENTORCH_v4.2.0_Python_v3.8/
pip install zentorch-4.2.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl


  • While importing zentorch, if you get an undefined symbol error such as: ImportError: <anaconda_install_path>/envs//lib/python3.x/site-packages/ zentorch/ : undefined symbol: , it could be due to version differences with PyTorch. Verify that you are using PyTorch version 2.1.2 only.
  • Dependent packages 'numpy' and 'torch' will be installed by 'zentorch' if not already present.

2.2. From Source

Run the following commands:

git clone
cd ZenDNN_PyTorch_Plugin/

Note: Repository defaults to master branch, to build the version 4.2 checkout the branch r4.2.

git checkout r4.2

2.2.1. Preparing third party repositories

Build setup downloads the ZenDNN, AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM repos into third_party folder. It can alternatively use local copies of ZenDNN, AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM. This is very useful for day to day development scenarios, where developer may be interested in using recent version of repositories. Build setup will switch between local and remote copies of ZenDNN, AOCL BLIS and FBGEMM with environmental variables ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_ZENDNN , ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_BLIS and ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_FBGEMM respectively. To use local copies of ZenDNN , AOCL BLIS or FBGEMM, set ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_ZENDNN , ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_BLIS or ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_FBGEMM to 1 respectively. The source repositories should be downloaded/cloned in the directory where ZenDNN_PyTorch_Plugin is cloned for local setting. Folder structure may look like below.

<parent folder>
    |------><AOCL BLIS repo>
    |------><ZenDNN repo>
    |------><FBGEMM repo>


  1. The recommended values of ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_ZENDNN , ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_BLIS and ZENDNN_PT_USE_LOCAL_FBGEMM are 0 , 0 and 0 respectively. Default values are the same as recommended values.
  1. ZenDNN repository can be cloned using command
    git clone
  2. AOCL BLIS can be cloned using command
    git clone
  3. FBGEMM can be cloned using command
    git clone

2.2.2. Linux build Create conda environment for the build

conda create -n pt-zentorch python=3.8
conda activate pt-zentorch You can install torch using 'conda' or 'pip'

# Pip command
pip install torch==2.1.2 --index-url


# Conda command
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 cpuonly -c pytorch

Note: The CPU version of torch/pytorch only supports CPU version of torchvision.

Note: cmake & ninja are required for cpp extension builds, will be installed through build script. To build & install the zentorch

bash Build Cleanup

python clean --all

3. Usage

General Usage

# Using torch.compile with 'zentorch' as backend
import torch
import zentorch
compiled_model = torch.compile(model, backend='zentorch')
with torch.no_grad():
    output = compiled_model(input)

Note: If same model is optimized with torch.compile for multiple backends within single script, it is recommended to use torch._dynamo.reset() before calling the torch.compile on that model.

Note: zentorch is able to do the zentorch op replacements in both non-inference and inference modes. But some of the zentorch optimizations are only supported for the inference mode, so it is recommended to use torch.no_grad() if you are running the model for inference only.

For CNN models, set dynamic=False when calling for torch.compile as below:

model = torch.compile(model, backend='zentorch', dynamic=False)
with torch.no_grad():
    output = model(input)

For hugging face NLP models, optimize them as below:

model = torch.compile(model, backend='zentorch')
with torch.no_grad():
    output = model(input)

For hugging face LLM models, optimize them as below:

  1. If output is generated through a call to direct model, optimize it as below:
model = torch.compile(model, backend='zentorch')
with torch.no_grad():
    output = model(input)
  1. If output is generated through a call to model.forward, optimize it as below:
model.forward = torch.compile(model.forward, backend='zentorch')
with torch.no_grad():
    output = model.forward(input)
  1. If output is generated through a call to model.generate, optimize it as below:
    • Optimize the model.forward with torch.compile instead of model.generate.
    • But still generate the output through a call to model.generate.
model.forward = torch.compile(model.forward, backend='zentorch')
with torch.no_grad():
    output = model.generate(input)

4. Logging and Debugging

4.1 ZenDNN logs

Logging for ZenDNN is disabled by default but can be enabled by using the environment variable ZENDNN_LOG_OPTS before running any tests. Its behavior can be specified by setting ZENDNN_LOG_OPTS to a comma-delimited list of ACTOR:DBGLVL pairs. An example to turn on info logging is given below.


To enable the profiling logs zendnn_primitive_create and zendnn_primitive_execute, you can use:


For further details on ZenDNN logging mechanism, refer to ZenDNN user-guide from this page.

4.2 zentorch logs

For zentorch, CPP specific logging can be enabled by setting the environment variable TORCH_CPP_LOG_LEVEL. This has four levels: INFO, WARNING, ERROR and FATAL in decreasing order of verbosity. Similarly, python logging can be enabled by setting the environment variable ZENTORCH_PY_LOG_LEVEL, this has five levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL, again in decreasing order of verbosity. An example to enable INFO level logs for cpp and DEBUG level for python (most verbose) is given below:


The default level of logs is WARNING for both cpp and python sources but can be overridden as discussed above.

NOTE: The log levels are the same as those provided by the python logging module.

INFO: Since all OPs implemented in zentorch are registered with torch using the TORCH_LIBRARY() and TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL() macros in bindings, the PyTorch profiler can be used without any modifications to measure the op level performance.


PyTorch offers a debugging toolbox that comprises a built-in stats and trace function. This functionality facilitates the display of the time spent by each compilation phase, output code, output graph visualization, and IR dump. TORCH_COMPILE_DEBUG invokes this debugging tool that allows for better problem-solving while troubleshooting the internal issues of TorchDynamo and TorchInductor. This functionality works for the models optimized using zentorch, so it can be leveraged to debug these models as well. To enable this functionality, users can either set the environment variable TORCH_COMPILE_DEBUG=1 or specify the environment variable with the runnable file (e.g., as input.

# contains model optimized by torch.compile with 'zentorch' as backend

For more information about TORCH_COMPILE_DEBUG refer to the official PyTorch documentaion available.

5. Performance tuning and Benchmarking

zentorch v4.2.0 is supported with ZenDNN v4.2. Please see the Tuning Guidelines section of ZenDNN User Guide for performance tuning. ZenDNN User Guide can be downloaded from here

6. Additional Utilities:

6.1 zentorch attributes:

To check the version of zentorch use the following command:

python -c 'import zentorch; print(zentorch.__version__)'

To check the build config of zentorch use the following command:

python -c 'import zentorch; print(*zentorch.__config__.split("\n"), sep="\n")'