Artifacts for my personal Kubernetes cluster.
Plan is to run on a small self hosted Rasberry Pi cluster.
Routing to services from outside the cluster is performed using Traefik deployed as an ingress controller. This is automatically deployed by k3 as an Auto-Deploying Manifest.
k3s is currently manually curl installed as per the docs. Ephemeral Containers feature gate is enabled to aid debugging Pods. The script configures a systemd service which will start on boot.
curl -Ls | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--kube-apiserver-arg=feature-gates=EphemeralContainers=true" sh -
Plan is to eventually be installed as part of the OS images cloud-init script or baked into the image.
Currently using self signed cert for development purposes.
- Generated using:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout certs/dev.crt -out certs/dev.crt -subj "/CN=* Systems"
openssl x509 -in hello-dev.crt -text
- Store the Certs as a secret:
kubectl create secret tls dev-cert --key=certs/dev.pem --cert=certs/dev.crt
The Fullback Systems website ( is deployed for development / staging purposes.
A Docker registry is hosted in the Cluster
Since the Cert is self signed the local Docker Daemon needs to be configured to trust the cert ( If using podman you just need to add the cert to the OS to trust the cert:
sudo cp certs/ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
Htpasswd authentication is enabled. The httpasswd file is expected to exist under the secret docker-registry-secret
with the key htpasswd
Generating and storing the htpasswd secret:
kubectl create secret generic docker-registry-auth --from-literal=htpasswd=$(htpasswd -Bbn )
For Pods to be able to pull from the registry a docker-regsitry secret matching the credentials specified in the htpasswd needs to be created:
kubectl create secret docker-registry local-registry
Pods are configured to use these credentials by referencing the secret in the imagePullSecrets section of a Pod definition.
A filesystem mounted on the Node (/mnt/docker-registry/) is used for storage. This is represented on the Kubernetes side by a PersistentVolume using the StorageClass of 'docker-registry'. This is currently created manually (static provisioning). A PersistentVolumeClaim matching this StorageClass is used as the Pods Volume.