This repository is currently a collection of lectures I am preparing for a short wireless communications class. The class is intended to be for MS and PhD students in Electrical Engineering. Right now, it only has two lectures... Sorry. I will soon add a few more lectures. Eventually, I may add sufficient material including problems and labs for a real course.
The course assumes you are familiar with digital communications at the graduate level. There are many resources for digital communications, including some lecture notes I created for the NYU class.
Additionally, some lecture notes (and problems to be added later) assume you have access to MATLAB along with the communications, phased array and antenna toolboxes.
These are the first lectures that I will add to this short course
- Basics of Antennas and Free-space Propagation
- Non-LOS Propagation and Link-Budget Analysis
- Multipath Fading
- Diversity
- Capacity of Fading Channels and MAC-Layer Concepts
- Multiple Antennas and Beamforming
- Introduction to MIMO