#Prototype User Interface for Personal Health Record
##This project uses design practices discovered during Amida's user experience efforts to show a fully clickable and responsive implementation of a prototype Personal Health Record.
This project is written in AngularJS, and uses a few complimentary projects:
- Yeoman for project templating.
- Yeoman AngularJS Generator for AngularJS templating.
- Bower for dependency management.
- Compass for SCSS compilation.
- Grunt for build management.
Additional dependencies exist for this project, and are managed through Bower.
####Getting Started
To get started you will need to install Bower, Compass, Yeoman and Grunt. Instructions for installation of those packages are available on the respective websites.
Below is quick summary, assuming you have Ruby, Node.js and NPM running.
npm install -g bower
gem update --system
gem install compass
npm install -g yo
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g generator-angular
Install dependencies from base project directory:
npm install
bower install
From the base project directory, you can use Grunt to build and execute the following commands:
- Will execute build and run all test cases.
grunt build
- Executes build without running tests.
grunt test
- Runs all test cases against current build.
grunt serve
- Runs build and serves pages on localhost.
####Release Build
Running grunt serve
will serve a version of the interface which is meant for development; this command skips several build steps for quicker compilation.
For a release or deployment of the interface, running grunt build:dist
will compile a more thoroughly optimized version. Additionally, running grunt serve:dist
will serve this optimized version.
Licensed under Apache 2.0 License.
All original content licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.